Windows Programming - October 2009 (Page 4)

If And Else Statements Not Working
Hey guys I am trying to use If and If Else Statements on two numbers to get different outcomes. Like the user enters two numbers and if they are even it adds t...
[2 replies] Last: if (number1 % 2 == 1) (number2 % 2 == 0); - Remove the final semico... (by Bazzy)
by Null
how to burn a cd?
Does anyone know how to burn CDs using C++ and WinAPI ?
[2 replies] Last: See rather the MSDN samples from SDK (codeproject is just a pale copy.... (by george135)
by micta7
CS assignment
Hello i am taking a cs class and i need help with this assignment : All programming assignments must be submitted electronically. Submit them to the graduate a...
[3 replies] Last: Show your attempts and ask for specific problems (by Bazzy)
by Bv202
Hi, For now, I only wrote console applications or simple WIN32 programs. But I noticed now that, when you create a new project, you can choose the option "Wi...
[1 reply] : That will make a C++/CLI .Net program which means that it won't be sta... (by Bazzy)
question-what is wrong with this code
hey everyone what am I doing wrong its always giving me an error #include<fstream> using namespace std; { if stream fin; int acctno, code; double...
[12 replies] Last: ok all i want is to use fin or cin but it says that i didnt declare th... (by thebeast)
Get Events from an COM Server
Hi All, now I get connected in my main.cpp file to the server. I hope this will be correct. But how can I get now an event from the server? The server sends ...
[no replies]
How to kill a process?
I know the program name to be killed, such as 'UpdateUI.exe'. How could I found the 'UpdateUI.exe' and killed the program?
[9 replies] Last: Stop your spamming on all forums with your BS 'frostcode' : its only c... (by george135)
by jenuel
how to call a window form from existing c program?
I have an existing project using c/c++ .NET. Currently I have been given a task to create a windows form from my existing code. So i have add new project windo...
[no replies]
by Mazer
Opening files from list
#include <windows.h> #define ID_EDIT 1 LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { static HWND hwndEdi...
[no replies]
C++, Where to learn DLLs.
Hey guys, I have been programming for 2 years now. I have just moved from C# to C++ about 4 months ago, and I am loving every aspect of C++. I have made use o...
[2 replies] Last: talk about a non judgemental reply kbw - that's a good one! (by freddie1)
October 2009 Pages: 1234
  Archived months: [sep2009] [nov2009]

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