Windows Programming - October 2009 (Page 3)

How to divide Double?
I am doing this code: double getArea()//this is for a rectangle. { double area; area = getLength * getWidth; return area; } I keep getting this ...
[5 replies] Last: Thank you very much. I used your code and it works like a charm. I had... (by johnny80)
Closing the active window
I used GetForegroundWindow() to get the handle to the current active window, but I need to know how to exit that window. Does anyone know? EDIT: I tried a d...
[2 replies] Last: Using your method, BOOL TerminateWindow(__in HWND hWnd) { DWORD ... (by Kiana)
[c\c++] webcam snapshot in memory...
i would like to find a way of taking a snapshot from the webcam... HWND hwnd = capCreateCaptureWindow("Explorer", WS_ICONIC, 0, 0, 200, 200, NULL, 0); ...
[1 reply] : Well where you have the line capFileSaveDIB(hwnd, "a.bmp"); could ... (by chrisname)
How to declare an int array within a managed class?
I'm using Visual Studio to make a tic tac toe game. I have it working great, but many things are hardcoded using multiple functions, when i could just make 1 fu...
[1 reply] : try using array<int> ^bval; and initialize it in your constru... (by Danielm103)
How do I use a vector in VS2008 .NET framework
I'm trying to use a vector instead of an array in my program. It is in the .NET framework and for some reason it has no idea what a vector is. I've included #...
[3 replies] Last: Hmm, I should probably brush up on my C++/CLI, but I kind of consider ... (by jRaskell)
How to refer to the sender object?
Okay I'm trying to write one function to handle all button clicks in my TicTacToe game (it's just a practice project). Right now I have 9 functions, one for ...
[1 reply] : Did some digging on my own and found the solution: Button^ ctrl = s... (by SnapCrakllPop)
by Gilmar
How to write loop counter in logfile.
Hi, Can anybody give me a hint on how to add a counter inside the logfile? For example, if at first, the log file was created, it will write the current count...
[5 replies] Last: Ah, sorry. I didn't read it properly. Can you give a couple of exa... (by kbw)
by Hakate
How to create a .exe file in VS2008 express
Hello I dont really know how to create a exe file in VS2008 express. I am using classes to also ive checked the folder but i did not find any release fold...
[8 replies] Last: Thanks, I followed your steps and it works both on my pc and the other... (by Hakate)
How can I read 2G bin file to memory?
It seems that "new" cannot ask for the memory larger than some kind of number. Is there something I didn't know? How should I do that?
[11 replies] Last: File mapping doesn't magically get arround address limits. (by kbw)
Source Code CD
I'm trying to learn Vis C++ from older book, 'Programming Microsoft Visual C++ Fifth Edition. However, source code CD is not available and can't seem to find p...
[3 replies] Last: whats your email? (by guestgulkan)
Multithreading issue
I'm studying multithreading to broaden my programming capabilities. I've read a bit about it, and understand some of what is necessary to program a multithreade...
[1 reply] : There is no message passing in Windows, threads communicate thru commo... (by kbw)
Modifying wchar_t
Hey guys, Im attempting to modify a wchar_t but i get an access violation error. For example: wchar_t* str = new wchar_t ; str = L"Hello!"; str = ...
[2 replies] Last: Windows provides them. #include <windows.h> ... wchar_t* str = n... (by Duthomhas)
by Giamma
How to obtain Outlook appointments
Hi guys in the software I'm developing in c++ I want to obtain all the appointments of a specific calendar. In detail, I have a path to a calendar (for example...
[1 reply] : See MSDN samples (SDK, KB) about OL automation or ask on Win32 grp (ht... (by george135)
by Bv202
Hi, I'm trying to work with bitmaps now, but I'm quite confused about it. 1) Use the LoadBitmap function. I understand this. 2) Use the GetObject functio...
[12 replies] Last: Is it ok to continue using the same memory DC throughout the program a... (by ceraml)
by garob
drive letter
Hi This is not really a c++ question but I use two computers and my usb stick for programming but they call the usb a different letter and my IDE does not see...
[2 replies] Last: thanks (by garob)
by DBarzo
MIDL2020 : error generating type library : LayOut failed
Hi, I'm compiling an IDL file into a type library but I get the error in the object: midl\oleaut32.dll : error MIDL2020 : error generating type library : ...
[1 reply] : Found it! Like always it is a typing mistake: Changed those line... (by DBarzo)
by cide
Picture dissapear when moved under taskbar, is there a simple solution ?
Hi , when i grab a picture from the webcam and display it .. it dissapear when it goes under the taskbar... Is there a simple code for it ?Thx. Here the ...
[3 replies] Last: I looked some more time to the code and the examples on the forum here... (by cide)
Can someone teach me how to search from textfile..
i am stuck in searching words from textfile..
[6 replies] Last: Just finished editing my codes.. please help.. :O (by nemesiscplusplus)
by punky
EXE header PE offset
why some exe does have at PE header value offset the MZ value set instead of the PE value? magic number at offset 0h is MZ then at offset of the PE header v...
[2 replies] Last: MZ is a DOS program. (by kbw)
typedef int BOOL;
found this in WinDef.h ...why?
[3 replies] Last: char could actually be slower as int's size equals to the CPU's word-s... (by R0mai)
October 2009 Pages: 1234
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