Windows Programming - October 2009 (Page 2)

cannot run application
Hi, I built a windows consol application and it runs rine on my computer, but when i try to run it on my brothers computer it says "this program cannot run....
[4 replies] Last: In addition to statically linking, you must make sure that you are run... (by Lamblion)
by Hakate
Questions about insertion sort
Hi i need to make a algorithm for insertion sort but i need to do this in one array. i thought about making a for and a while like for() { while() ...
[4 replies] Last: No problem - hope it makes sense. Read up about it on wiki to have a b... (by Mythios)
by fali
Visual C++ 2008 OPC client
Hi all, I have the following situation: I created a program with Visual C++ 2008 express which receive and interpret data from a µC. Now I want to send thi...
[no replies]
by wachtn
Where to start?
Where can I learn to write programs for Windows? I would really like to learn how to create programs with a GUI and write programs to automate things in Wind...
[5 replies] Last: For the price of lower performance. /me knows this statement will ... (by JCED)
by helios
I'm weaseling out of including windows.h, since it's so massive, and I was wondering: is DWORD always unsigned long for versions of Windows? MSDN doesn't mentio...
[11 replies] Last: When I tested it, I did this: I moved one file and its headers outside... (by helios)
Searching program files problem.
Hello, this is my code for logging all mp3 file and all exe files in a computer. It works like a charm EXCEPT, when the directory to search is set to "c:\\" it...
[3 replies] Last: See any of the MS samples from SDK for a recursive directory search. (... (by george135)
Calling functions in netapi32.dll
I want to write a little application that will manipulate local user accounts and groups. Can someone show me some examples, or give me a head start please? I a...
[4 replies] Last: Wut. Just look for it. We're not doing it for you since your the one w... (by closed account S6k9GNh0)
by Xianto
Send HEX data over TCP/IP
Hello everyone. I have this code: #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; string HexToAscii(string); int main( ) { string...
[5 replies] Last: It's not a string, you shouldn't be using string functions. Strings a... (by kbw)
by Talis
How to limit desktop client area?
Hi. I'm writing a panel that is located on the top of the screen. The panel should be always visible and should not cover title bars of maximized windows - jus...
[3 replies] Last: Client applications should be calling SystemParametersInfo( SPI_GETWO... (by Duthomhas)
SOAP / WSDL for web portal on Windows
Hi there, Is there anyone who have experience with using SOAP / WSDL for designing a web service (e.g., a dynamic web portal accessing databases). how can I...
[no replies]
by Hakate
Accessing 2 objects
Hello I have a little issue here, i want to access and modify 2 class objects at the same time is that possible? or modify one after another is also ok ...
[10 replies] Last: Intressting eaven if i set the bool to true it still continues in a en... (by Hakate)
Order Status, Can't figure out what is wrong with code.
I Need help on the following. I am almost done, but can't quite figure out what is wrong with my code. Here is what has to be done, so you can understand what I...
[no replies]
Trapping WM_VSCROLL & Multiple Listboxes
I have a main window with three listboxes. All are controlled by one INT_PTR CALLBACK proc. How do I get a handle to the scrollbar in one of these listboxes so ...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you for that explanation. I sort of had an idea, but your explan... (by Lamblion)
Retrieve current function address
I'm currently working on a project. It requires me to get the address of the current function. The problem is my function is a loader function, it is injected t...
[2 replies] Last: That won't work on injected code. You have to do some pointer arith... (by Duthomhas)
SetSuspendState() function program errors
#include <iostream> #include <powrprof.h> #include <std_lib_facilities.h> #define new '\n' using namespace std; int choice; int main () { top: ...
[4 replies] Last: You're already using the namespace std , just use cout << endl; to ... (by Kiana)
by Hakate
OOP and classes
Hello. I want to make a simple "Number increaser app" with C++, i can choose how many numbers i want to increase in the app. i made a class for the increasin...
[3 replies] Last: Alright i solved this sorry :) (by Hakate)
Cryptic C++ Build Error
Hey guys, I'm trying to build the Miranda IM instant messaging client from the source code that I downloaded from the SVN repository (I'm building version 0....
[4 replies] Last: How much of the code? The original .cpp file is 39 KB in size, and wo... (by TheProgrammer09)
by NGen
Learning the Win32 API
I recently got a book for it, but unfortunately it uses the MFC and basically just shows me how to use the automatically generated classes. I would rather learn...
[8 replies] Last: MFC is an encapsulation of win api. (by icerlion)
by ward
what is the errors in this code?????
hi every body i made this cod and i found it true "(logicaly) but when i tried it on my file there were some errors so here is my code : //...
[3 replies] Last: Show the error code! What does the compiler or the linker tell you? (by icerlion)
by Gregor
Rendering with alpha values
I've researched this for windows some time ago. Basicaly, what you need to do is load a picture and draw it with gdi to a layered window. http://www.codepro...
[1 reply] : Indeed. My thoughts exactly! If I ever get back to the issue I'll m... (by Gregor)
October 2009 Pages: 1234
  Archived months: [sep2009] [nov2009]

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