Windows Programming - October 2009

by NGen
Error Setting lpfnWndProc
When trying to set my WndProc function (code at the end) as the message handler for a window class, I'm getting the following error from VC++ (2008): error ...
[no replies]
Raw sockets Tutorials
Hi ,I wanted to write a program that will view network traffic using Raw Sockets,I need some tutorials thanks
[2 replies] Last: Thanks Mal ,I passed through some tutorial but I have a problem in cre... (by charlie)
by wy737
Hi, Anyone know "Visual Studio .NET 2003" include installshield ? If "yes" which CD included ? And how to install them ? Thanks !
[2 replies] Last: R0mai, Thanks! (by wy737)
by wy737
Hi, I need help! In 2003's deployment, how to run a batch file at the end of installation ? or 2005 has this function. Thanks. ...
[no replies]
hey guys, i'm using g++ compiler with cygwin and somehow i can't reach all the libraries i want to. actually i'm starting with network applications and i nee...
[1 reply] : ok.. meheh im sorry guys im truly a stupid idiot.. cygwin wouldnt take... (by stupid idiot)
Win32 API Memory Leak
I have an application with four main tabs. I am encountering a 4k memory leak on about every sixth to eighth tab change. Not much, I know, but it's bugging me. ...
[2 replies] Last: Good idea. I'll do that. (by Lamblion)
by Kainis
Dice Rolling Output Problem
Ok I have my code that allows the two dice to roll, however I have run into a slump, which is I am trying to output the dice as the picture and the dice as the ...
[no replies]
Introducing Linux based C++ code in VC++
Hi all, I need some help in properly compiling a library in VC++. Here is the scenario: I have a library, called miracl, which is natively windows based ...
[no replies]
fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file:
Hi all, I am trying to build a library and I am following the instructions given in it's manual.. Even after including all the header and source files, I ...
[4 replies] Last: Hi firedraco, Thank you for your help. It worked well.. Reg... (by abhipro)
by MikeT
Why are windows.h definitions not found or being set
First I'm very new to C++ and am going through a tutorial about windows programming. The problem (well not really a problem as I've got around it) is in rega...
[5 replies] Last: Uhhm, I manually created the resource files based upon a tutorial. I g... (by MikeT)
by Dodle
App to mute/un-mute microphone
I am a newbie programmer and would like to create an app to mute the mic in Windows XP. To start off I just want to make a simple command line app that asks to...
[1 reply] : (by Kiana)
looking for a free PDF ActiveX Control or DLL.
i'm currently seeking a free PDF ActiveX Control or DLL. Could anyone help me where to find it ?? also if someone know how the PDF Structre Data Format is could...
[4 replies] Last: could you show me the simple code example of how to import that OCX in... (by codexpert)
by MikeT
Tabbing/Changing control focus
Basically how do I get to tab from one control to another. I've looked far and wide and still can't seem to get anything working (about what I've tried later...
[1 reply] : I found the solution, very simply to implement but very hard to find, ... (by MikeT)
by JRevor
How to get information on the run-time errors?
Everytime i have an error on a Windows console program, i never have a way of seeing the error info. Is there any way to do this?
[2 replies] Last: Unfortunately, I have to use gnu's c++ compiler : g++ (It's mandatory ... (by JRevor)
Executing Linux code in VC
Hi all, I have a linux based code in C++ which uses G++ for for execution on linux. The authors of the code mention that wiht some changes, it can be compile...
[4 replies] Last: It is because you are not passing the correct number of arguments to t... (by firedraco)
windows GDI and creating an icon from bitmap
An application i'm currently working on is a 'system-tray' app. That is, it doesn't show a main window, only the tray icon and dialogs when the user chooses ce...
[no replies]
problem Console Aplication
hy i m new in c++ and have a problem to resolv, actually 2... anyway could anyone help me, with results an axplanations too. first one-------------------------...
[3 replies] Last: don t need to do it but at least please tell me some ideas and some ma... (by dadytzu4all)
Dynamically loaded dll crashing program
I have an application that loads a dll dynamically. when this DLL is loaded, it starts it's own thread that creates it's own window. later, the DLL is unloade...
[no replies]
application with a custom window frame
I am trying to learn how to draw a custom frame around a window ( like AIM, Norton Antivirus 2009, many media apps, etc.). Since the frame is the 'non-client' ...
[no replies]
hi i am trying to simulate accesses in a direct mapping cache. my program currently reads in a file that is supposed to declare the size of the cache. so far...
[1 reply] : Do you want to read and store a number? You can read the data into a v... (by screw)
October 2009 Pages: 1234
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