Windows Programming - October 2008 (Page 2)

Problems with CreateProcess()
Hi Guys, I am trying to call a batch file from my code... only I keep getting a wired error: error: cannot convert `char*' to `_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES*' for...
[1 reply] : Nevermind, found what I had done wrong... I used bad information from ... (by SwanSong)
tcp library
Anything for free to suggest?
[1 reply] : (by Zaita)
Downloading files with c++
I just need someone to point me to a library(or libraries) that will help me download a file to a computer's hard drive. This is the main idea: http://www.e...
[2 replies] Last: You don't need anything. Just use URLDTOF api (1 line of code...) (by george135)
oddNeven program having trouble adding on. (1,2)
Hello, i have been messing around with C++ for about a 5 weeks. In linux I have been using gcc or g++ i forgot what it was called. In windows i use DevC++. but...
[25 replies] Last: Yeah, i said earlier that i was going back to the bigining of my book ... (by davidbball13)
Want to start Win32 Programming
Well I have basic knowledge of C++ in terms of working with the console window, but I would like to learn how to program a Win32 Application. Could anyone point...
[2 replies] Last: Agree with george - I've said it before - GET A GOOD BOOK or TWO... (by guestgulkan)
Game engines
I am starting a new book, "Creating Games in C++", that uses OpenGL and LlamaWorks2D. I have googled for both of these without luck. I was able to find several ...
[6 replies] Last: Thank you ZAita. I will look into them. I will also look into the ... (by Cerburos)
by Nandor
running speed
This is a function which draws a GLscene and it runs slowly on video cards which aren,t powerfull...Does anyone know how to make it faster? void Draw(void) ...
[1 reply] : This is a function which draws a GLscene and it runs slowly on video ... (by Zaita)
problem with Visual C++ (installation?)
Hello everybody I've installed VC++ express and windows SKD on my computer and have followed the instructions to "Use Visual C++ Express Edition with the Mi...
[1 reply] : Hello, I have also installed windows SDK and Visual C++ 2008 in ord... (by TapaniS)
how to calculate bytes using C++ code
hi...i would like to know how to write a program to find out how many bytes of memory a struct takes up. i understand how to calculate bytes but do not know how...
[2 replies] Last: thx... (by winterlemon)
window forms problem
I think I have to make it clear I am migrating from console application to GUI a simple window I know How make it. A problem is on 3d buttons,dialog boxes etc.
[1 reply] : If you want to make a button just create a new (sub) window with "butt... (by Bazzy)
buttons,checkbox,dialog boxes API tutorials
Hi I want to shitf from console app to UI applications I need tutorials on how created 3d buttons so on.apart from those in vc++ ide I want to create mine manua...
[2 replies] Last: Everything is in Petzold and MSDN and Adv. Win32 api ng (by george135)
by teslaa
winbase.h: missing ';' before identifier 'SetThread
Im getting this error when including the windows.h file. please note that i include windows.h before any other include. any ideas? many thanks
[1 reply] : Try making a program like this: #include <windows.h> int main() ... (by Bazzy)
CreateToolbarEx is falling
hi all , I just write a simple program in windows to create a tool bar using the CreateToolbarEx () function . This is the code that I writes to Call the Creat...
[6 replies] Last: Yes I am using the visual Studio 6.0 , but I also using a Resource vie... (by sanzilla)
Muting sound problem
Here's the code I'm trying to use to mute my Vista system. I'm writing a code to put in the schools log-in script to mute the sound on Vista machines, as reques...
[no replies]
MinGW(GCC) generates gigantic binaries on Windows
I'm getting back into my old hobby of programming (I quit for over a year after frustration)... and I downloaded and installed 2 C++ compilers (as well as a pas...
[13 replies] Last: The reason is because Borland/Microsoft can assume the locations of ma... (by firedraco)
FTP Connection using c++
Hi..... I am new to the c++programming.. Please help me how to connect FTP in c++..Plz... Thanks and Regards sandiya
[2 replies] Last: You don 't need sockets. Use WFTP win32 apis. 5 lines of code to co... (by george135)
Self contained comiler
Hi, I am using a machine that I cannot really install anything on. Is there any development environment/compiler that I can use to create C++ programs and r...
[2 replies] Last: DLS I know what thats like. Check o... (by Cerburos)
by smdhd
Client Server Programming
Hello, I have to write a program that needs to connect it to the main server first and then it should be able to send/receive messages to/from another client...
[2 replies] Last: if you searc... (by Nandor)
by Bazzy
Creating a RichEdit Control
I have been trying to create a Richedit window but it doesn't work at all... Could someone help me? Thanks
[7 replies] Last: Thanks, I had already surfed on those sites but I have the problem tha... (by Bazzy)
by Gonen
Getting information from a DLL
never mind , l found my answer. close this topic
[no replies]
October 2008 Pages: 123
  Archived months: [sep2008] [nov2008]

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