Windows Programming - October 2008

MySQL++ in Windows Environment
Hey guys, I have recently been looking for a way to store data on a server that I can connect to and pull data from using C++. I decided to go with MySQL. My i...
[9 replies] Last: PS - I forgot to say, that some of the header files you require to bu... (by guestgulkan)
by Otto
Laggin' with DirectSound and timers
So there's two problems: First: I can load waves from resource perfectly into a ds buffer, but when I try to play it, it stops before playing. Here's my S...
[no replies]
Global Keyboard Hook with DLL
Hi, I'm trying to write a global keyboard hook for learning purposes. This is the first time I've worked with hooks, Windows API and DLLs so yeah. Errors are at...
[1 reply] : Just guessing here, don't have time to try it out cause your code look... (by anders43)
by blah
pass arguments from one program to another
hi there i wanna know how can i send args from one program to another e .g i got one program that after i execute it wait for args <scanf()> how i ca...
[1 reply] : interprocess communication is a BIG topic, in my experience the simple... (by anders43)
by ljapc
atlcomcli.h Debug Assertion Failed
Hi, now I have a problem with vs2005. It's simple programe that use ATL Object. anyway the program has no problem becase it's sample program.. so I made it...
[1 reply] : sounds like you haven't implemented all abstract methods in the interf... (by anders43)
Beginner Thread Questions
Hello, I have reciently looked into multi-threading as my applications are starting to get more complex. I have a couple of questions about the win32 api...
[1 reply] : A "HANDLE" is a void* it can point to anything. It's basically t... (by firedraco)
getaddrinfo Errors (linker problems)
So, I have recently been trying to delve into Winsock2. I was doing a tutorial and all was going well. I linked WS2_32.lib, and I got my code to compile, until ...
[1 reply] : i believe i can help you. the undefined reference means that the li... (by Mal Reynolds)
Useful functions?
I'm trying to find a list of some useful custom-built functions. Does anyone have functions that they made, use often, and would like to share? I'll be trying t...
[3 replies] Last: Great, this is pretty useful. Thanks! (by demosthenes2k8)
Can You Explain What This Piece of Code Does? C++ - Winsock - Simple
What does the following code do? Please explain each line... Why we need to put in Windows Socket Programs? Why we do not use it in Linux or Unix? Why at the...
[2 replies] Last: Like you say - it's simple. lol you got me Thanks (by f ben isaac)
Remote Mouse Control in C++
Hi all, I'm currently working on an application that will remote control the mouse on another PC, using C++ (Visual Studio 2005) The application will act li...
[3 replies] Last: i believe that zaita may have just been implying that your question is... (by Mal Reynolds)
Windows GUI interface. C++
Hey guys, i have an assignment due and i have no i idea what to do on it. We have hardly even talked about windows programming. Heres the assignment. You hav...
[3 replies] Last: cant find Dlg editor in VS 6.. :( (by anantmishra)
I have created an application in C++ using MFC, and then one day I have executed this application using Intel VTunes just to monitor the performance of the appl...
[1 reply] : You haven't given us any useful metrics to answer against. A % is usel... (by Zaita)
Need the code of dynamic searching
Can any one give the code of dynamic searching ? Dynamic searching is the algorithm that high lites the matching words while we are typing a word to be searche...
[1 reply] : try google. (by Zaita)
by teslaa
left operand must be l-value
Hi im getting this error error C2106: '=' : left operand must be l-value basically i create a structure struct MD2vertex { Vec3f vert; Vec3f n...
[1 reply] : What type is Vec3f? (by firedraco)
I Keep Getting Undefineds Errors! Socket Programming for C++
I ported my program from Linux to Windows. I linked to winsock library. I compiled, i got lots of undefined!!! erros. I defined these variables as globals s...
[3 replies] Last: GREAT ANSWER! (by f ben isaac)
by Nandor
C# to C++
I have a C# code fragment like: private void m_btnConnect_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { Cursor cursor = Cursor.Current; Cursor.Current ...
[1 reply] : can't you just use CLI/C++? Then it should almost be identical since y... (by anders43)
troubles with VC++6
Hi All, I have the following code in VC++: In TestView.h : /***********************************/ ...... ..... typedef struct t_test { int a, b; str...
[1 reply] : Object CTestView::Make(int a1, int b1) { Object *tmp; tmp = (O... (by anders43)
Example for Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition
Hi, I would appreciate if somebody could build a sample project for Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition from program "Winnie" as an example. It is located in ...
[8 replies] Last: A char is 1 byte long and contains just a few characters, a wchar_t... (by Bazzy)
Buttons not showing up! (1,2)
I'm making a 4D minesweeper game, which requires lots and lots of buttons. Unfortunately, I cannot make even a single button appear! I don't know what else to ...
[29 replies] Last: Correct. (by Timaster)
by iosif
Difficult problem on Win64, with STL
I am working on a win64 version of a multi-platform program, and am having problems with occasional crashes. The below stack trace shows a typical fault from a ...
[no replies]
October 2008 Pages: 123
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