Windows Programming - November 2010 (Page 5)

by indigo
object variable value problem
i have this code in .cpp file: class FrameData { public: int x, y, w, cw; Uint32 cl; FrameData(int _x, int _y, int _w, int _cw, Uint32 _cl); } duom(50...
[1 reply] : I've put the class definitions and implementations in separate files a... (by indigo)
populating a textbox
hi i want to populate a textbox when i select an item from a combobox. the data is read from a textfile, the combobox is populated on load but when i select an ...
[no replies]
::Postmessage function
Hi guys, I'm reading a MFC software code and i encountered this in one of the switch statement: case ResetMyStatus: ((CMMIApp *)AfxGetApp())->resetMyStat...
[3 replies] Last: Yes, i see now that CWnd Postmessage has a slightly different syntax a... (by benzpinto)
by c0y454
Runtime error when displaying a Bitmap
When executing the following code, I recieve a runtime error upon launching the about box, which is to display a bitmap. Unhandled exception at 0x772ebae5 in ...
[2 replies] Last: Ok, done: The Debugger (VS 2010 Prof.) stops execution before line 167... (by c0y454)
creating an array of pointers
So this is a program that reads numbers from a file, computes the total number of numbers in the file, then creates an array that holds those values. Then, it c...
[1 reply] : Have you stepped thru the code with a debugger? You really should do ... (by kbw)
converting a char array into an int array
I have an a char array containing 5 6 7 8. I need to perform sorting function on the elements of the array (i have to arrange them in ascending order), but i ca...
[10 replies] Last: but i can't unless they are numeric A char is an ordered integral t... (by kbw)
by wizard
How to Create 3D AVI video by using Left and Right uncompressed AVIs
Hello all, I need to create an AVI file for 3D. That is i have two (Left & Right) uncompressed avi videos. Now I want to create a single 3D avi by using th...
[1 reply] : Hmmm, interesting idea, but how you would like to see this on 2d monit... (by Catamaran)
Some Questions On This Simple Code
Hello, I've written this simple code and I'm stuck. I'm trying to get the code to change the 5th byte of the target file. As of now the first byte is successful...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks Kiana. That worked perfectly!! :) (by streamline)
c++ compiler
please i need a C++ compiler software
[12 replies] Last: Duoas, where's CodeLite >.> (by closed account S6k9GNh0)
execinfo.h under windows
Hi, I need to use a source code that contains the execinfo.h header file. I'm under windows 7 x64 with netbeans ide 6.9.1 and cygwin 1.7.7. Is there a way to...
[1 reply] : You should work on you google-fu a li... (by Computergeek01)
by dav795
Fast Color Change
Hi guys, I have a small problem. I'm working on an emulator for game ROM's, and the part I'm working on right now create a bitmap (at least it is supposed to d...
[4 replies] Last: Again, thanks for the fast answer Moooce. Your ideas are good, althoug... (by dav795)
Convert a win32 gui app into service
I am working on a WIN32 application which contains simple gui. Is it possible to convert it into a service base application or i need to remove the gui. ...
[1 reply] : Please don't post duplicates. I've answered in the other post. htt... (by kbw)
by saxman
Print Spooler API
I can't figure out how to get my printer to print. I can do it the old DOS way, but I want to do it a more modern way that works better for Windows. I found thi...
[3 replies] Last: You should be able to send control characters: char string = "This... (by guestgulkan)
communication between dialogs
Hi, I have a main dialog called CTabDlg. In CTabDlg I open a new dialog called add_pbk by doing Add_PBK *add_diag = new Add_PBK(); add_diag->Create(IDD_A...
[1 reply] : dd_diag->SendMessage(WM_COMMAND, IDOK, 0); (by kbw)
Will Somebody Test This Please?
Will this program compile on Windows? The program reads in a text file containing names and addresses. You can then add to the file and print the contents of th...
[1 reply] : Here's AddressBook.h: AddressBook.h #ifndef ADDRESSBOOK_H_ #define... (by snazziosity)
read/write with Visual C++ (VS2010 windows forms) Q
When I use this code to write to a txt file I also get (See below) String^ qfileName = "c:\\studyfiles\\question"; qfileName+=numAns; qfileNam...
[no replies]
reading numbers from a file
..when you don't know how many they are. say you use the while loop to print out numbers in some file. but you don't know the test expression. the numbers could...
[4 replies] Last: Oh, my bad. (by Kiana)
WinExec issues
Ok. I'm writing a program to change a files attributes. I have the function WinExec("attrib +s +h +a C:/0.exe", SW_HIDE) ; and it works like a champ. but if i ...
[3 replies] Last: This is unrelated to your problem but you should use ShellExecute inst... (by Kiana)
Extended MAPI - Creating a "Sent Mail", Setting "From" field
Hi all, I have a problem with my program that creates a sent email, as if its sitting in your inbox, already read. I have managed to create the actual email...
[no replies]
by tantel
Programming algo
You are going on a long horse trip. You start on the road at mile post 0. Along the way there are n horse stations at mile posts m1 < m2 < ..< mn where each mi ...
[1 reply] : [quote=Zhuge]Where is your code? We aren't going to write it for you. ... (by firedraco)
November 2010 Pages: 1... 3456
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