Windows Programming - November 2010 (Page 3)

FindFirstFile && FindNextFile
am trying to list files in certain directory. The function works well, for a number of 6 to 7 iterations and then fails, causing the OS to hang. When you tr...
[no replies]
Copy Files in C++
Hiho for all... I need copy HTML files... i'm using this: void copyFile(char *in,char *out){ FILE *arqIn = fopen(in,"rb"); FILE *arqOut = fo...
[4 replies] Last: ... or you could just use CopyFile. (by kbw)
Multi-threading (Process.h) in a class
Hello guys, I've recently started doing some multi-threading with C++ and Visual Studio 2010. I really don't even know where to begin with this problematic c...
[4 replies] Last: The actual semantics of it don't even matter to me, I want to know how... (by taylorc8)
CBT HOOK not called sometimes
Hi, I have a hook dll to implement a CBT global hook which help us identify some specific type of windows creation. Lets assume the dll is called "a.dll" a...
[no replies]
Background Worker Issue
Hi All I am new to working with backgroundworkers. (using visual studio 2008) I have a form which has a combo box on it. I have a button which, when click...
[2 replies] Last: Great, thanks. Got it working. (by closed account Gy7oizwU)
Using WMI to Query for Currently Attached USB Device
I am writing an application wherein I need to scan the computer to see if either of two different USB devices are attached. The first device appears as a HID, ...
[no replies]
Converting a word to ICAO
I need to create a function that accepts a word from the user and then converts it to ICAO. Ex) If the user types in "yes", the output shows "Yankee Echo Sie...
[4 replies] Last: Sorry for not responding to here for so long, but I actually managed t... (by Mikeman)
Error From Forger's Win32 Tutorial
Okay I am here: Here is my code: #include <windows.h> #define IDC_TEXT 0x7000 LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks. (by CPPProgrammer4L)
Are there logical operators in c++ (1,2)
Say, you have two boolean variables A and B. You want to find the logical A AND B. Say A is true and B is false. Then you have another boolean variable, say C, ...
[22 replies] Last: And the new prices for Microsoft Office are quite reasonable, consider... (by Darokthar)
passing vector in multi threaded application
Hello there I am having difficulties figuring out how to pass a vector from a thread to the thread function. Its an int vector and this is how I call the thr...
[8 replies] Last: [quote=MJDB]Then I just used in the function: Vector Vector... (by coder777)
sound problem in LIB fmod
hi, i am trying to add a sound to an application using fmodexp_vc i included fmod.hpp but i ain't able to initialize fmod : result = system->init(100, FMOD...
[2 replies] Last: i tried but i didn't find any useful information so i said maybe someo... (by ahmakki)
Hex Value Input
I know how to create edit controls and get input and all that, but how do you get input as a hex value? In console applications you would cin >> hex >> x; and i...
[1 reply] : Try sscanf_s first get text from editbox then use something like... (by shredded)
problem with boost sockets
Hi, im getting seg fault on boost::asio::ip::tcp::acceptor. my backtrace: Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 0x004b0a1c in boost::asio::s...
[no replies]
by SeBeQ
Unicode DialogBox WINAPI
Hi! I use C::B with MInGW, I define UNICODE and _UNICODE and use <tchar.h> in resource.h I use #include "resource.h" in resource.rc in main.cpp (UTF-8...
[no replies]
file i/o
i never really understood file I/O and i never really needed it till now in need to store this array: int maptiles = {{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0...
[1 reply] : Use loops to iterate through all elements of your array and print thos... (by Bazzy)
Windows API's - (Right-Click->Send To)
When right-clicking any file in Windows Explorer, there's a SEND TO menu. I want to add to this menu. My colleague and I are attempting communication over a vis...
[1 reply] : I do not know much about this type of programming, however, I do know ... (by closed account NAXz3TCk)
Implementing HTTPS with Windows Sockets
HTTP is fairly easy, I can get that with no problem. But the RFC for HTTPS is hard to follow. How exactly do I establish a connection with a server? What is the...
[3 replies] Last: maybe libCURL (by coder777)
upper case character testing
I want to use the isupper function to see if at least one character in the array is uppercase. I tried using the for loop, but the for loop will return false ev...
[1 reply] : show us what you did so far but the for loop will return false eve... (by coder777)
call a dll
ok i made a dll with some functions inside it, it looks like this: #include <iostream> using namespace std; void myfunc(); int main() { myfunc()...
[7 replies] Last: The linker needs to find the .lib, the .dll is used at runtime. (by kbw)
by altf4
Check to see if .net 2.0 or higher is installed
I am writing a bootstrapper and i need it to check if .net 2.0 or higher is installed. I had written one that checked registry values but when i tried it on a b...
[no replies]
November 2010 Pages: 123456
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