Windows Programming - November 2010

Windows Equivalent
What's the windows equivilent to /dev/null on unix based systems? Trying to move a program I originally programmed on FreeBSD to Windows and I gladly used /dev...
[2 replies] Last: Plus, on Windows you can't have a file called NUL (or CON COM COM1 CO... (by kbw)
by nnis13
Compile problems with problems with the win32 api TEXT macro
I can compile and run this without a problem dosomething(BLABLA, TEXT("some text")); TEXT is the macro from win32 api but when i try to put a char st...
[11 replies] Last: All the _T or TEXT macros do is prepend a L to whatever symbol they en... (by freddie1)
String variable as a File Path
Hello, I am trying to create a simple program that gets a file path from the user, stores it in a variable and then a function such as mciSendString or ShellExe...
[3 replies] Last: FYI, you could also just do: mciSendString(path.c_str(), NULL, 0, ... (by firedraco)
LPT1 and USB communication in C++
Hello, I really need your help... I am working on a project... It consists of doing a laser (taken off from a CD-Reader) scan of the surface of a coin : the l...
[no replies]
Getting the sum of values in an array?
I'm using C++. What I have so far: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int a, sum; int arrayname = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; ...
[2 replies] Last: OK. I'll keep that in mind next time. Is there anyone that can moves t... (by Mikeman)
convert 6 lines of C++ to or
Dear All , I am a , user . I have a problem with a code that has only 6 lines in C++ that I want to translate to or C# . Here is the c...
[no replies]
User group membership in AD
Hi My first time in this forum as well as being very new to C++. I'm using VC++ 2010 and want to list a user's group membership in Active Directory. In Pyth...
[no replies]
Include files for Image class
Hi there, I've just started to experiment with the GDI+ libary.ยจ My problem is that I can't make a Image object because I get the following error: 1>c:...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks Shredded! That solved my problems. Regards, Simon H.A. (by Shatronics)
I/O acces (and a lot of other things)
Hello, I have no programming experience, I have already learned the basics but I think I need some guides to find the right tutorials or places where to look...
[1 reply] : Can someone please provide me some links or help on what I should l... (by freddie1)
by jonny
C++ ERP Library
Is there any C++ ERP Library that includes all the components that are needed to develop Business Applications ?
[1 reply] : Yes there is ! <A href=""> htt... (by erp)
by vlad61
Black Jack program
Hello boys. Im studying programming at school and were working on creating a blackjack program. One of the extra credit features for this is to make a deck so t...
[no replies]
Strncat Problem
Well I have this: LPSTR cpSiteToSearch = ""; strncat (cpSiteToSearch, input, strlen (cpSi...
[3 replies] Last: You're appending to cpSiteToSearch, not input. (by kbw)
Problem catching numpad keystrokes
Hello Im wanting to use my numpad as direction north,east,south,west ect and have all other alpha/numbers work for text display. So far i have experimented wi...
[3 replies] Last: I was thinking more (from memory): while (GetMessage(&msg, 0, 0, 0))... (by kbw)
Dear fellow programmers, Congratulations for your extremely useful and nice Web and C++ tutorial (which I read eagerly)! I have invested a couple of days dig...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks kbw, for you thorough support! Now it works fine. Cheers (by sidestwo)
How to get Kerberos settings on an Windows 2008 Active Directory?
OK, I've lost 2 days searching for this ... maybe someone will see and answer this. How can I get, from a .NET program the "service ticket lifetime" Kerberos s...
[no replies]
Determining the number of sounds a device can play
Played simultaneously for a single waveform output device. Besides that the title says it all. How can this be determined?
[no replies]
open Gl/sdl video
ok i need to play a video taking up the entire screen, is there a function in open gl or in sdl so that i can play a video
[no replies]
Which is which?
Hi. I have been coding in c++ for a few months now, and am ready to slowly move out of the console environment and into windows programming. The problem is that...
[5 replies] Last: I just checked out that 'Winnie' program you referred to in Source cod... (by freddie1)
Why can't I install C++?
Good day. I got the "Install Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition with SP1" but I can't install it because when it tries to install "Net Framework 3.5 S...
[19 replies] Last: Here is a long thread discussing problems caused by the .Net installat... (by Darokthar)
by luckyl
Icon not showing up
I just made a simple win32 application but when I compile it with g++ main.cpp -mwindows the file includes resource.h resource.h has a declaration fo...
[3 replies] Last: I just found out how to create an object file from a magical thing ca... (by luckyl)
November 2010 Pages: 123... 6
  Archived months: [oct2010] [dec2010]

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