Windows Programming - November 2009 (Page 3)

recv() not returning
hey guys, i have a loop for recieving data like this: while((length = recv(main_socket, rcv_buffer, BUF_SIZE-1, 0))>0){ cout<<rcv_buffer; memse...
[3 replies] Last: yep it's TCP you mean like... ending sequence for each message? well ... (by stupid idiot)
by Hakate
for loop
Hello i need to make a for loop that changes direction everytime a specific number is randomized, im not really familiar with that. example: if number 4 i...
[15 replies] Last: looks good to me.. (by high5nothi5)
"overflow_error", "fabs" etc not recognized as part of std when compiling
I am fairly new to c++ but taking a course in it at uni which is adapted to unix systems but using code::blocks to practise from home. The recommended compiler ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks, I included "<exceptions>" opposed to "<stdexcept>", thanks :) (by dacascos)
Random thread switch
Hey There. Can someone please help me on how to make threads switch randomly with a switch statement and random number generator. Thank you so much in adva...
[2 replies] Last: Yea fieredraco thats what im trying to do. (by samguddy)
NTFS Change Journals
Hi, I am new to Windows related Code in C++. Currently, I wish to monitor my system for the modified files using NTFS Change Journals. I tried to query th...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks for your reply. I can only create handle for the Volume and ... (by Rahul123)
by onur
static member in DLL
Hello, For a project I need to handle numbers that only have a predefined range of values [0, max) (not known at compile time) and after reaching the end, wrap...
[9 replies] Last: That's what you need. You'll find that if you create a DLL project ... (by kbw)
by dth
Creating more than 1 name for an application
Hi, I have an application that is created with Microsoft Visual C++ .Net 2003 and I would like to know how to have two sets of resources in my project and co...
[5 replies] Last: maybe: TN035: Using Multiple Resource Files and Header Files with Vi... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
Using windows Performance Tools / xperf programmatically?
Suppose I want to make a program that, every minute, will cout various data about system utilization (CPU usage, network in, network out, disk reads, disk write...
[no replies]
CodeBlocks PDCurses Installation
I'm trying to install PDCurses onto CodeBlocks but I can't solve this particular error. These are the following Build Messages : ||warning: auto-importing h...
[2 replies] Last: I'm trying to do the suggestion by chrisname in a previous thread: ... (by bluezor)
MF_CHECKED Dumb Question
In Winuser.h we have this... #define MF_UNCHECKED 0x00000000L #define MF_CHECKED 0x00000008L The L on the end has me wondering if I am ...
[2 replies] Last: Okay, thanks. That's what I was thinking, but I'm still feeling my way... (by Lamblion)
copy code and execute
Ok so I want to learn what is the problem in the following code: typedef int (*foo_ptr)(void); static int foo() { return 20; } static void after_foo(...
[14 replies] Last: i tried it... new console ->paste the code ->and voila it works..... ... (by j1230xz)
Reader & Writer problem.
Hey Guys, Let me begin by saying thanks. You guys are really helpful. My problem is that I have to write a program creating 5 readers and 3 writer processes....
[1 reply] : Do you mean 5 readers and 3 writer processes or maybe threads. Since... (by j1230xz)
how to run service before login
hello! i need my service to be runned before user login. how to do it? help
[9 replies] Last: Oh, i've got you! rather interesting! but can you explain more a bit?... (by alexprg1920)
Display an integer in a messagebox
I have spent an afternoon trying to figure this out. What I want to do is simple, display a number in a massage. ex. MessageBox(hwnd, 40007/*just a random n...
[8 replies] Last: @NGen: And why not? In most cases ANSI is supported on the OS anywa... (by Duthomhas)
by garob
Check if a key is down
I am making a game and I need to know if an up key or down key is down and move the player accordingly. I found GetAsyncKeyState and GetKeyState on google b...
[2 replies] Last: I found something explaining my problem at (by garob)
controlling the console?
I'm trying to make the tic tac toe console game from the beginners exorcises article, but i don't know any way to control the console. is there a way that i ca...
[13 replies] Last: I knew Duoas would come to the rescue.., (by chrisname)
rc file not working
Okay... I'm trying to make an application program, with a dialog box. And I need to include a .rc file, my problem is my compiler keeps making a fuss about it, ...
[2 replies] Last: [Resource error] syntax error [Build Error][Windowt_private.res] Erro... (by Tylerk42)
by Null
Text formating/alignment
Hi, I have to make text look like this: 00 FA FF 0A 3C 09 A0 DE AD FC 00 09 FA FF AC FB 10 0D 00 00 A1 F1 ED 00 ... Maybe someone can tell me where to start...
[3 replies] Last: Yes! and no. I'm writing a GUI app so I'll put formatted text into tex... (by Null)
November 2009 Pages: 123
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