Windows Programming - November 2009 (Page 2)

by jcylam
I want to create icons/buttons on screen. I have no clue where to start.
I am writing a program for gaze/ eye tracker to be used like a mouse. i have the codes to move mouse and do automated clicks. i want to have 2 or 3 icons tha...
[2 replies] Last: I understand that you just want the buttons. Not in a window. I'm new ... (by heyyo)
Webcam OpenCv to WindowsVista
On windows XP I have a great program who operate and who use mainly OpenCV. Only when, I run my program to Windows Vista, my webcam work but, show nothing, no ...
[3 replies] Last: So you have a software issues? Why don't you contact the company who m... (by DrChill)
WinAPI newbie requesting assistance with WindowProc (and other stuff)
I'm trying to make a utility that will log all power messages (and eventually do some other cool stuff, but for now I'm focusing on that). However, I'm painfull...
[4 replies] Last: for file name, use a naming convention and append a time-stamp with it... (by writetonsharma)
Building MySQL++ for Windows
Hello, Short version: I got errors compiling MySQL++ Long story: I've coded something under Linux using MySQL++, now I wanted to port it for windwos. Therefo...
[5 replies] Last: Actually my suggestion for the directory name thing was going to be (... (by guestgulkan)
by jcylam
in "for" condition my j keeps on equalling -8million sthg!!??
bool get_XY (long *GT_X, long *GT_Y, int *option, int *loops) { clock_t start, finish; double duration; int opt; int loop; /* option value meaning:...
[7 replies] Last: solved by changing if (x < y <z) to a if ( (x < y) && (y < z) ) ... (by jcylam)
Problems with afxdb.h
Hello, I'm writing a simple console application using Visual Studio 2008 pro. I need to connect to an Access database, so i decided to use MFC libraries. ...
[4 replies] Last: ^^^ Easy laddy. (by guestgulkan)
Is it possible to loop a switch? (1,2)
I'm writing a program and I'm wondering if it's possible to loop a switch because my program is suppose to emulate a process going into the critical section of ...
[23 replies] Last: Okay so the goal here is to step through this code and find out why it... (by Disch)
by zsukal
How to get name all colors from class Drawing::Color
I want to get all names colors from class System::Drawing::Color. I searching in forums this and else in network but samples whose I find not work in Visual St...
[7 replies] Last: Thanks. I must make small modification and work good ;-): Sys... (by zsukal)
serial port question??
how can I search Serial/USB-Serial ports for device names, so I can compare the info and select the correct com port for a program??? I know how to open a com ...
[no replies]
WINAPI thread problem
Hey there, I've been working on this project for a long time now and can't seem to find how this is done. c++ language under windows. I crea...
[4 replies] Last: htt... (by writetonsharma)
by laxman
windows triggered breakpoint due to corruption of heap
Hi, I was implementing queue in some pre-written program. There I get this heap corruption error. I predict the error might be of array index overflow.. ...
[3 replies] Last: @Zhuge: You are correct. @laxman: Maybe the function is called from d... (by toro)
Debugging Graphical Output
Is there a way to do step-by-step debugging of graphical output to a window? For instance, if I have several drawing functions called, and I want to see what...
[1 reply] : I guess you could get an image of your window with PrintWindow() after... (by Kiana)
Playing Sounds
Hey all, Can anyone give me a quick runthrough of how I correctly code to play an audio file? I need to dynamically link it as well, as writing the full file p...
[15 replies] Last: If you look in the headers, you can see some classes (or structs) bein... (by NGen)
by smarsh
Lost and need direction please
Hi, We are web/Flash people but were asked if we can take on a project that I would describe as creating a shell environment for Windows (probably XP), to hi...
[3 replies] Last: That's what I was thinking... Just rename explorer.exe to explorer.old... (by chrisname)
Okay, what I want is simple, an input box that writes whatever you put in the bar into a text file. I have looked all over, and the only things I can find is so...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you Computerquip, with your advice I was able to figure it out. ... (by Tylerk42)
by jcylam
Raw input functions on windows wouldnt compile
Ok I'm new to programming in c++ and i need help on working with raw functions in windows for this function:
[3 replies] Last: I understand now, those that i wrote are the format of how to input va... (by jcylam)
by Hakate
Visual studio problems
Hello I recently noticed that my visual studio wont go into a scope when im making classes, when i type void classname:: the list of suggested functions ap...
[5 replies] Last: Maybe 'Visual Assist X' works. (by HawkOfWinter)
by zsukal
How to get class System::Drawing::Color to consol app
I have i question. How i can import library to consol app, to use System::Drawing::Color. Thanks.
[1 reply] : Answer for my question is: #using <mscorlib.dll> #using <System... (by zsukal)
by NGen
Good DirectX Book
I was pointed to a good WinAPI book the last time I asked, and honestly I'd rather not risk trying the Amazon book reviews again. Does anyone have any suggestio...
[5 replies] Last: i didnt mean that.. you took me wrong.. i said if these technologies ... (by NGen)
Interactive sound installation, OSC or Midi?
Hello everybody! I study in university on the course of Medialogy. We have a project dedicated to interactive sound installation and computer vision. Core of o...
[no replies]
November 2009 Pages: 123
  Archived months: [oct2009] [dec2009]

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