Windows Programming - November 2009

by helios
Loading DLLs
Does Windows leave previously loaded DLLs, loaded? One thing I've noticed is that sometimes, if I have a program that loads a DLL with LoadLibrary(), then I rec...
[8 replies] Last: That's how I think it works, too, but here's the thing: the DLL's name... (by helios)
by jcylam
Ok two questions in one, cant do horizontal scroll; cant get LPRECT = anything
1st question void Auto_Scroll (LONG pGT_X, LONG pGT_Y, long pScreen_Res_X, long pScreen_Res_Y) { int Vscroll_type; int Hscroll_type; int App_win_tX, Ap...
[3 replies] Last: oh, sorry. I tried below code and it seems to work well.. (under M... (by newbee)
by tenchu
storing element position of a 2d vector
Hi, please help, I'm a beginner and need some help to store the value of a certain element position to a separate vector. here is the piece of function i've wri...
[3 replies] Last: Ahhh, you print index 'x', not the value of TempFile (by melkiy)
Visual Basic 6.0
Guyz just asking can i ask VB 6.0 problem solving here.I thought this forum is stricly for C++ programmers?
[1 reply] : This is for C and C++, you may try asking something regarding other la... (by Bazzy)
by jcylam
GetClientRect error and don't know why
void app_size(int *pApp_win_tX, int *pApp_win_bX, int *pApp_win_tY, int *pApp_win_bY) { #define Buffer 1024 //DECLARE variables char WindowTitle ; ...
[4 replies] Last: i am trying to get the window position and size so i can do automatic ... (by jcylam)
Configure DCOM Configuration Permission
Hello, I'm trying to add user permission to a DCOM component. Using the sample provided by windows SDK i've managed to configure the Default Launch and t...
[no replies]
Learning NET
So far I've written applications only in C/C++ straight Win32 API. If I want to program in NET, it seems that I should learn C#. The question is, is there an...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks for the answers. I don't need it for employment purposes. I sim... (by Lamblion)
by jcylam
Cant get the active window's size.
void app_size() { CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO screensize; COORD app_win_coord; HANDLE ScreenBuffer; if((ScreenBuffer = CreateConsoleScreenBuffer (...
[4 replies] Last: Did not solve the problem with getting same values. but i have foun... (by jcylam)
trouble using fstream on VC++ 9.0
I have the following code that is not compiling on VC++ 9.0: //---- strTemp is a std::string which does contain a filename std::fstream iofs; ...
[1 reply] : Don't cast .c_str() to a char*. You get safer type checking, and it... (by firedraco)
Topological Sort
Hi all, I am trying to do a topological sort of a graph but my head pointer always seems to be null.. possibly because my list isnt being built? Here is the cod...
[2 replies] Last: Figured it out. (by vexiked)
by dianyu
Problem linking libraries in VS2008
Hello, I'm developing a program in c++ with visual studio 2008 to acces to a data base and make pdf documents with the information. For this, i have chosen t...
[1 reply] : You've defined env and error_handler in the header file, which is then... (by kbw)
by Hakate
Problem with pointer array
Hello i have a problem with an pointer array List **l = new List ; after i made the array of pointer to point to some values i want to remove one of th...
[1 reply] : List **l = new List ; <--- this shouldn't even compile You probab... (by Disch)
I have a problem on writing MFC program
I have a test2.h file to save CString b; my purpose is write the value get from the edit control to String b void Cdlg001::OnBnClickedButton1() { CStrin...
[6 replies] Last: theApp.b is a public CString. That means the rest of the program has ... (by kbw)
by Hakate
What does this mean?
Hello i was playing with some pointer arrays and i made a function to expand the pointer array when it was full. when i exited the app i got this error m...
[4 replies] Last: check you bounder of array. never forgot to free the memory and don... (by icerlion)
by jcylam
What function do i use for achieving zoom in and out in apps?
i want to have a program that when i am reading a page on IE or pdf file, that it can automatically zoom in a certain amount or can increment zoom in by 1% each...
[7 replies] Last: ask google O(∩_∩)O~ (by icerlion)
Keyboard & Program interaction
hi, how do i make the program type stuff automatically after listening to a keystroke on the keyboard? for example, i press on the "right shift" button in no...
[3 replies] Last: ah... Visual C++ is totally new to me and im a Java programmer. (by theChameleon)
by heyyo
How to connect messenger?
Is there a class to connect Windows Messenger with C++ or any way? I searched the web, found somethings with C# and .Net.But I wonder is this possible, connecti...
[1 reply] : Use COM (Messenger Interfaces) (by george135)
by heyyo
how to execute a program?
I found a function in Win32 API: CreateProcess(). It does the thing what I want. But I wonder is there any other way to do this (just opening a program with com...
[6 replies] Last: "Not with <windows.h>. " has no sense under Windows. There are a ... (by george135)
Detect Memory Leaks in my DLL code?
I have a C++ dll used for a JNI Java project. I added: #define _CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC #include <stdlib.h> #include <crtdbg.h> // This at end of dll execu...
[3 replies] Last: I would expect _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks() to report a leak. In fact, I jus... (by kbw)
by Null
Few Questions
Hello, yesterday I started writing my hex editor. It's not fiished but here it is: // main.cpp #include <windows.h> #include "hex.h" LRESULT CALLB...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks! (by Null)
November 2009 Pages: 123
  Archived months: [oct2009] [dec2009]

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