Windows Programming - November 2008

by PaulK
Win32 Multiple Buttons
Hello all, first my current code: #include <windows.h> LRESULT CALLBACK CallBackFunc(HWND Window,UINT Msg,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam){ switch(Msg){ ...
[no replies]
by izyani
error while develop CSP in vista-0x8009006
Hi, i am currently develop the CSP for Windows Vista platform. i find out from internet that i need to replace advapi32.dll file in the system32. i alread...
[no replies]
hwo to connect VC++ to mysql database and windows access database?
I want to build a financial model which will need to build some small database and read the data from database and manipulate it via C++. I can make a databas...
[5 replies] Last: I read the page. Nice of you to provide the link as usual. 1 ODBC m... (by Zaita)
insert image from clipboard to html file
Hey there, I want to insert an image to an html file from the clipboard. My problem is, that i do not want to save it first. But how do i get the url from t...
[no replies]
by Jonse
EmBDA.sys error using OpenCV
Hello there all C++ Gurus. We are a Aalborg University (Denmark) study group who hope your skilled expertise and generous knowledge could help us solve our c...
[no replies]
inserting into a string.
I'm learning to program windows API and would like some advice or perhaps code example on how to reinsert the decimal point from _fcvt. Any alternatives to _fcv...
[10 replies] Last: Okay, I have found a fix. GetDlgItemText(hwnd, 2, szEditbox,10); ... (by SuperCub)
VS2008 C2061 error
Hello everyone! I'm quite new to c/c++ prgramming, especially using VS2008, and therefor am in some need for a little help :o) I tried to implement a clas...
[2 replies] Last: Oh. My. God. yeah, that helped, thank you ... I thought that when i... (by lappland)
Anyone interested in a C++ project for $$$
To be honest, it is not $$$ upfront, but we want to develop the software that I will describe and sell it on a website that already sells complimentary products...
[2 replies] Last: No, it can be done with just one camera. There are many face tracking ... (by HalloweenBob)
an "IM" program in LAN
My C++ teacher left us an assignment to write one one's own program---should be a little complex,and I decided to write a program like a simple MSN in LAN. W...
[1 reply] : Well, I think that might be a bit too complex...but... 1.) Sockets ... (by firedraco)
No match for operator== ...
I'm having a slight problem with the following code: #include <iostream> #include <math.h> #include <string> using namespace std; //Math functions (ce...
[1 reply] : Well, first off, you are using the bitwise | operator, which will comp... (by firedraco)
spinlock (InterlockedExchange) vs. win32's CriticalSection for thread safety
In a current Windows program I am working on, there is an fstream object that represents a log file. it is contained in a wrapper class as a static variable so...
[3 replies] Last: Couldn't you just check the "thread_safe" variable, and then if it is,... (by firedraco)
Change the content of a file using batch or c++ programme
Hi Guys, All i want to do is to change the content of a file. For instance, there is a batch file located at C:\Program Files\Test\test.bat The content of...
[10 replies] Last: To be fair, Unix shells can't do it either. The difference is that on ... (by Duthomhas)
by izyani
Question to ask about CSP in Vista and XP
Advapi32.dll As what I understand by reading the Microsoft Cryptographic Service Provider Development Kit manual, in order for me to perform signing I need to ...
[1 reply] : I don't really know enough about the subject to say much, but I don't ... (by Duthomhas)
Several Question About Multi-Tasks & Multi-Threads! C/C++ under Windows OS.
Just answer what you know! Please make it clear and in 3 years old language cause i'm very new to this....Internet is the only source i got, i do not have any t...
[6 replies] Last: I must agree with PP, also I must add that it is not only improvement... (by Zaita)
How would you approach this project?
As a task for my latest endeavour into college education I have been asked to code an application that can monitor when a number of remote devices have been dis...
[6 replies] Last: @anders: For a simple application like this, your solution does includ... (by Zaita)
by anusha
Antivirus application
Hi there, how do I get started to develop a antivirus application using c++ especially the search engine?? Some one please help me... and what database best ...
[1 reply] : (by Zaita)
by cipher
how to cancel transfer of data from web server
Hi! I am using libcurl to retrieve a data from the internet. I haven't found any function that I can use if I cancel the transfer.. This is the scenario ...
[3 replies] Last: Looking through the curl_easy_* function set, I can't see anything the... (by guestgulkan)
I was wondering if anyone knew how to make a timer? One where the user put in a certain time, and when the counter reaches zero/reached that time, the program w...
[17 replies] Last: Excellent :D (by Mythios)
[SOLVED] Win API question: AttachThreadInput prevents menu activation ...
Hi, programmers. I would need your help/experienced advice with using the AttachThreadInput() API function. We are writing a callback function for a low lev...
[10 replies] Last: edit: you posted while i was writing mine! :) Hello, I understan... (by Mal Reynolds)
by jrohde
Transparent Background Fails under Windows Aero
Hello, I was just coding a very simple, very small program that outputs text over a transparent window at random locations using TextOut and by processing WM...
[1 reply] : It really only worked to begin with because it is a simple trick. The ... (by Duthomhas)
November 2008 Pages: 12
  Archived months: [oct2008] [dec2008]

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