Windows Programming - May 2018 (Page 2)

by rudi
Context Menu makes parent window stop working
Hi, My context menu is working fine, but I want the parent window to keep running (animating) while the context menu is in the focus. Do I have to make another...
[no replies]
ReadProcessmemory always return error
Hi all: I am trying to create a memory scanner, but my readprocessmemory() line always returns error! The problem appears to originate from incorrect value...
[2 replies] Last: I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that the error code you a... (by Computergeek01)
c++ cli encryption
How do you encrypt a message in c++/cli for a client server application?????????
[no replies]
by ArushA
Find address of DllMain in heap memory
So I have read the contents of a dll file into my process's heap memory. I then copied the contents of my processes heap memory into a remote process (I allocat...
[3 replies] Last: Alternatively you could call the equivalent ntdll function directly, L... (by helios)
SMS API suggestion for python web application
I am developing a web application using Python, how do I integrate an SMS API with my application?
[2 replies] Last: Integrating Karix SMI API can be done within minutes, you will just ne... (by tranwills12)
by rotol
Deleting all files/folders within a directory C++11
Hello, First post so I apologize if things aren't formatted properly... Here is the error I am receiving: Exception thrown at 0x73C0E476 (KernelBase.dl...
[4 replies] Last: Was there some problem with simply using the <filesystem> functions?... (by Repeater)
Need help with encryption!! c++/cli
Reimplement your calculator to encrypt the communication between the clients and the server. Use symmetric encryption for the messages. Modify your application-...
[1 reply] : client (Form1.cpp) #include "Form1.h" #include <Windows.h> using na... (by anon001)
by stav
Why dont VS link against the runtime library? and more
Hi I recently installed visual studio and stumbled upon something i dont really understand. Basically i discovered that under MSVC/Version/ It has what looks ...
[1 reply] : 1. Visual studio runtime libraries also come in redistributable instal... (by Null)
program and language to start from
um hi i m max, i m new here and never been in any website with professionals talking to me.i have a millions questions to ask but i m afraid i dont make mistake...
[1 reply] : just give it a try first. it will getting easy as time passes. Don't w... (by jeremy7878)
Using SetSecurityInfo for TerminateProcess
I am trying to make a program that detects a key press like alt+f4 and terminates the current process(GetForegroundWindow()). The reason for making the program ...
[1 reply] : TerminateProcess() expects a process handle as its first parameter, ... (by helios)
by kobex
Save to xlsx
Hello guys :) I'm sorry my english is ... you know hehe :) I work with ===============...
[1 reply] : Double post: (by Thomas1965)
by kobex
send text message network
Hello I need example program who send text message client1->client2 and client2->client1. I use Code Bloks. Can you help me? Thank you. R.
[4 replies] Last: @ kbw : You misspelled 'msg'. @OP: Do you want a peer to peer client?... (by Computergeek01)
May 2018 Pages: 12
  Archived months: [apr2018] [jun2018]

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