Windows Programming - May 2011 (Page 7)

It reads a square matrix of order n from keyboard. Order in ascending order main diagonal elements. for example: n=3 matrix is this 4 9 2 1 8 7 2 8 1 ...
[1 reply] : Can you sort a 1-D array in ascending order? Do the same with M , M ... (by closed account D80DSL3A)
Tool Tips
I'm using straight Win32 API, and I want to add tool tips to a few buttons. Using straight Win32 API, can somebody tell me how to get started? I should add t...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks. I also got this link from the MS forum, and it looks promising... (by Lamblion)
by TonyD
[2 replies] Last: So wat is suppose to look like because its due in 2hours any help plea... (by TonyD)
I am new to C program
I am currently using Putty in my class and using the Vi editor for this C class. My question is that when I save the program and want to compile then want to go...
[1 reply] : :O The file is in use is said when you were editing a file in vi and ... (by writetonsharma)
GDI Mapping Modes
I'm really confused with this in Programming Windows 5th Edition. What is the difference with MM_ISOTROPIC and MM_ANISOTROPIC? Also can someone simplify Exte...
[3 replies] Last: And MSDN. (by writetonsharma)
WinForms - PictureBox and Drawing lines
Hello, I have a project that implements Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm. It is a console app, and I am now attempting to convert it to a Win Forms app. I h...
[3 replies] Last: [quote=Computergeek01]What are you using on the console app to draw th... (by naraku9333)
what should i learn first?
I've got the c++ programming language e-book and this tutorial. What should i learn first? This tutorial or should i read the book?
[18 replies] Last: Well, when it comes to the decision of waiting or not, it's really qui... (by desoxena)
Add/Remove Programs Icon - Installshield
I need to make my installer put an add/remove programs icon into the control panel does anyone know of any good sources on how to do this? My google-foo seems t...
[2 replies] Last: Just set the full path to your executable/resource dll/icon as value f... (by modoran)
Multithreading a class - Shared data?
Hi forum, Once again I have a problem with my program. I've have managed to run two threads at once using the _begintreadex. I use it when the user opens a...
[4 replies] Last: I recommend that you read up more on the basics of threading. The sho... (by kfmfe04)
getclassname and getwindow text help
I am trying to get the open window class names and caption enumerated. Right now (line 27) is outputting numbers. How do I get a string (the class name)? I...
[4 replies] Last: cool, thanks, i will check it out. (by closed account zwA4jE8b)
Will the pdf tutorial on this website teach me everything about c++?
Will the pdf tutorial on this website teach me everything about c++? If not, where should i pick up after reading it?
[6 replies] Last: thx WriteGreatCode. lol, this means the programs in the book are conso... (by malvado)
Problem creating 2 objects of same class
Program crashes when i create 2 objects of "imagen" class, it works with 1 object, here is the code: MAIN.CPP #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> #inc...
[1 reply] : Your array ( TMatriz dato ) is too big to allow more than 1 imagen... (by guestgulkan)
Lowlevelkeyboardproc is never called
Hi, I have to port a Windows CE application to Windows XP. In Windows CE this application runs fine. It contains a lowlevelkeyboardproc that is called...
[1 reply] : I set the check box "Allow service to interact with desktop" and now ... (by davegennaro)
DirectX tutorial
hello everyone. i want to learn game programming in C++. i read at the internet that DirectX is a good way. i installed DirectX 11 SDK and searched for a goo...
[no replies]
by ajitm
How to stop background thread
Hi friends, As I am new in threading programming can anybody tell me solution for fallowing problem. I am working on application which in C# and C++. In C...
[1 reply] : Either use a flag which will help the thread to close itself by seein... (by writetonsharma)
by leo321
'+=' : left operand must be l-value
Hi, I was trying to increment a (void *) type variable, as shown below. However, I got compiling error message under Windows Visual C/C++ 2003. It doesn't s...
[1 reply] : The particular operating system doesn't matter. What matters is the co... (by guestgulkan)
by hesm
error C3867: 'TEST::f1': function call missing argument list; use '&TEST::f1' to create a pointer to member
#include "stdafx.h" #include "stdio.h" #include "stdlib.h" class TEST { typedef int (*F)(int a , int b); F f; int f1(int a, int b) { return (a+...
[1 reply] : your F function pointer only works with global or static member functi... (by Disch)
back again -.- sorry haha (problem with array deletion)
OK, this is a different project this time, and it isnt like directx based or anything, its just plain c++, i have a class that stores a smallish array of vertic...
[6 replies] Last: i managed to solve the problem, turns out the last bit of code that i ... (by squishy)
by vivmen
how to get text from IE
hi all i am trying following code to get text from Internet Explorer but it fails how ever same code works for notepad. can any one suggest how to get text...
[4 replies] Last: Use IE COM interfaces (by george135)
Learning Win32 API
HI,there I have charles petzold windows API programming 5th edition and I have heard it's the best book for learning windows API..But the problem I'm having is ...
[3 replies] Last: You need to post the code. I went through that book with VS 2008 witho... (by Lamblion)
May 2011 Pages: 1... 5678
  Archived months: [apr2011] [jun2011]

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