Windows Programming - May 2011 (Page 6)

Restart Application
Is there a Windows API function for restarting an app? If so, I can't find it. If not, does anybody know an easy way to code for an application close/restart...
[11 replies] Last: Nevermind, it DOES work. In the above code, I had the szFileName and t... (by Lamblion)
CLI Navi
For a good example of what I am talking about is the program "testdisk". Its uses CLI, and yet has an arrow navigable menu. My question: is there a library ...
[2 replies] Last: That is EXACTLY what I am looking for. Thanks alot! (by darkpunk)
I don't like NET, how can I use Visual Styles in win32 program?
Hi, I learned Win32 Programming from here: but unfortunately as you can see the view isn't lovley. so I tried to find ...
[7 replies] Last: Ohh now I found my answer, I wanted to set the font myself... the cod... (by Fresh123)
by codist
program without window or console
I want to make a program without a window or a console, but still be able to receive events. How is this done?
[8 replies] Last: Meh, what the hell. I'll just leave this here: (by Computergeek01)
by enskye
Make a Simple Survey
I'm trying to make a simple 5 page survey for my Psychology class in order to make it easier to collect data. I'm really new to coding and can't do much. I've b...
[3 replies] Last: I'm using Dev C++ as my compiler Here's your first problem, unless ... (by Computergeek01)
delete gcnew
I got the next code System::String ^str = gcnew System::String("abecedar"); delete str; Will delete free the memory str refers to?
[no replies]
C++ Errors
I'm a newbie to C++ and I can't seem to understand some of the errors I'm getting. What's really pissing me off is that I'm essentially writing the same prog...
[1 reply] : Crossroads() is a function with its own scope, I don't see it being gl... (by closed account 3pj6b7Xj)
Please Help!
I need help! AGAIN. I get the following errors when I try to compile: c:\users\my computer\desktop\moar c++ stuff\game1\game1\main.cpp(53): error C2065: 'l...
[1 reply] : It looks like you have scope issues (and missing brackets?) Let me kn... (by closed account 3hM2Nwbp)
by JohnB
HWND ShowWindow Not Showing
Ok, so for this game I play I am wanting to use HWND to get a command bar to run commands in game. So I think this game doesn't let you set it to visible or som...
[no replies]
Pleace help!!!!
What am i doing wrong here. i just want to make a program, somwhat can open an url. #pragma once #include<windows.h> #include<Shellapi.h> int main() ...
[4 replies] Last: oooo i found out, that i should turn the system linker to console (by yusuftezel)
Beginner in Application Making
Can someone please tell me where to begin? I am new to app making, but I do use C++ a lot. Please tell me what I need to know First.
[2 replies] Last: Thank you! (by mcqueen)
a better way than "system ("CLS")"?
I'm working on a simple console program, and currently the only way I know of to clear the screen is with system ("CLS") , but I've been hearing that system...
[2 replies] Last: ... or you could use native winapi functions to do it, like always: h... (by modoran)
Bottom Right
T want to set a small dialog box at the bottom right of the screen. I am using GetSystemMetrics() to get the x and y coordinates of the screen. But I can'...
[1 reply] : I used SystemParametersInfo() and it seems to work. (by Lamblion)
sending many packets Ethernet simultaniously
Hello i'am developping an application with Visual C++ 2010 but i have a problem. i need to send many packets Ethernet simultaneously from application layer ...
[3 replies] Last: so how can i use it in my application that is develloped in the same ... (by kbw)
by shmeed
opening a website using strings
so i found this piece of code that will open a website hard coded in the .cpp file i wanted to edit this so it ask's the user "What website do you want to go to...
[4 replies] Last: I didn't compile it, so don't hold be me to it, and I'm not familiar w... (by Drue)
C++ Hexa read file help
Hello all, I'm preparing a new VC++ project, first thing in the project to read any file such as a user browse it and read it as a Hexadecimal, for any data...
[no replies]
C++ : Send an Email.
Before I start, I want to say that I've spent the last 40 minutes searching on google, with no success. Does anyone know of a way to easily send an email wit...
[13 replies] Last: thats kind of fishy. are you trying to make som kind of virus? (by ty98)
Networking a C++ app
I have created an application in c++ (network chat application) in c++... & now i need to how to network a c++ application ....any sugesstions (tutorials,blogs...
[3 replies] Last: Sorry for taking so long to reply.... actually what i have now is just... (by allytrice)
Window opens, then closes (1,2)
So I've made a game engine according to Michael Morrison's "Beginning Game Programming". My first real program using the engine didn't work, so I decided to try...
[31 replies] Last: "Build Messages" is empty... EDIT: OK, I decided to do more testing... (by Chuckleluck)
code not working..
i am trying to run a code having pthreads lib in it but i cant run it it gives error with pthreads.h can any one look up and solve it? code is given below.. mY ...
[15 replies] Last: It seems to check for what compiler and what language you are using th... (by Computergeek01)
May 2011 Pages: 1... 45678
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