Windows Programming - May 2011 (Page 5)

I've been doing the tutorials for Irrlicht for a while now and I've been pretty succesful. But how do I combine a 3D character with the 3D map and combine all t...
[no replies]
Is it possible? (1,2)
Hello people, I`m new in the programing world and i`m still studying C++ on my own. One day i came up with idea and i want to ask the real pros if it`s possible...
[26 replies] Last: Just make sure your detection algorithm doesn't mark your own program ... (by Mathhead200)
File Handling
i want to create file in my C drive but this command doesnt works ofstream fout;"C:\ my new file");
[3 replies] Last: and how can i remove and rename my file!!! send me function please!!! (by noorali15)
by ajitm
WriteFile function is not working in Win 7 64 bit machine
Hi friends I am facing one problem that, the writefile function is not working on 64 bit machine(win 7). I have written a code to copy one drive to anoth...
[2 replies] Last: Yes , My executable is 64-bit binary, I want a function or parameter'... (by ajitm)
Save Directory error?
So, i build my little 3D map program in visual C++ 2010 express and it succeeds. Unfortunately, there's one tiny problem that won't let itself be solved... E...
[2 replies] Last: Yeah, but I cant figure it out, so I'm gonna reinstall the IDE. EDIT:... (by James200)
Implementing a interface(abstract class) in DLL
I want to implement a class that inherits from an interface in a win-dll or unix-so. Can I do this? How do I do? thanks.
[3 replies] Last: So you want to take the exported functions and assign them to buttons ... (by Computergeek01)
12:2 invalid preprocessing directive #pragma
Man, I feel like such a newbie(because I am)but... I have encountered another error. Just one this time, the error is in line 12 I think and the line is... ...
[4 replies] Last: Fix it, hehe. Seriously, debug your code line by line, examining your... (by webJose)
Good beginner tutorial/Lesson?
I have just completed a Introduction to C++ class and all we did was work in the console. I was wondering what are some good sites to help teach me win32 GUI co...
[4 replies] Last: Try windows SDK: (by matsom)
ANOTHER error...
... I guess that's what I signed up for when I started programming, as we all know it's filled with annoying little errors that make little sense to the average...
[1 reply] : If you are using DEV-C++ it is a bug in the text editor, Just ‘sav... (by sahzz)
Visual C++ not building program
The title says all. Here's what happens. So, I am making a little console application and i click "save all" then I "build solution" but when I try and build...
[12 replies] Last: As i mentioned before the program is from the book of Mister Bjarne St... (by strashko)
DLL and Name Mangling
I have a third-party LIB which has symbols exported as plain C/cdecl, so for example dumpbin.exe /SYMBOLS reports that nvmlInit is exported. However in Visua...
[6 replies] Last: Mmm, I'm out of ideas. You'll have to load it at runtime as modoran ... (by kbw)
copy selection of another application
does anyone know how to copy the current selected text to a variable? (global) i know how i could do that via clipboard but is there any way without using it? ...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks for your help guys, i solved it by another way which came from ... (by n00biix)
by madi L
Screen Brightness
Hi, does some one know how we can get the brightness of the screen under Window OS? Really, until now I cant not find any thing interesting. Thanks for...
[6 replies] Last: I don’t think this is supported on all monitors like Disch said, Bu... (by sahzz)
I'm confuzzled on how you use this, specifically I'm using the MIDI functions and I want to have my midiInProc held on another thread but I can't seem to figure...
[7 replies] Last: Bump: anyone? (by SkunkieButt)
Help with progress bar
Ok so I made a window and added a progress bar to it then showed the window. Everything worked fine, except when first loading the progress bar it takes like 3 ...
[1 reply] : Fixed the problem, turns out I added controls after the WM_CREATE mess... (by happyblade)
by Drue
Write to File .NET
I'm making a program for our church. I need it to save what the user types in and one of the names of the text box is txtbName . I need it to write to a text...
[14 replies] Last: I'd rather make it so it doesn't have .NET, but there's no designer fo... (by Drue)
I need some help...
Okay, I was following a tutorial EXACTLY and everything worked fine until the last part. I am basically making the hello world of 3d game programming. When I tr...
[3 replies] Last: @ TheCoCkTa1l : If this was a linking error, which is what I assume y... (by Computergeek01)
by vivmen
hiding exe from process explorer
hi all , is it possible to hide application exe from process explorer ?, i want no one should able to kill my application in between through task manager/proce...
[7 replies] Last: @ OP: This is a horrible idea, you only use Task_Manager\Process_Explo... (by Computergeek01)
I have this code from Programming Windows and I don't get why SetCursor is called twice. Doesn't it do the same thing in both calls? Why not just leave it as on...
[2 replies] Last: See, sect... (by webJose)
by db863
TCP Sockets
Hi, I am fairly new to C++ so go easy on me on this one :) If question this is not complex enough for this section please let me know and I'll move it to be...
[no replies]
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