Windows Programming - May 2011 (Page 4)

by ty98
dialog commands
I need to know how to use the checkbox command. do you have eny ideas?
[1 reply] : (by kbw)
Get USB ports list
Hi! I've been searching all over the net with no positive results, so I hope anyone here can help me! I have written some code in which I get simple electro...
[3 replies] Last: Let me see if I understand you : You are sending a pulse directly u... (by guestgulkan)
by tkirk
problem with Allegro
I was following a tutorial on coding in Allegro and for some reason my program crashes every time I run it. FONT *font1 = load_font ("font1.pcx", NULL, NULL);...
[1 reply] : Hello,I am a ALLEGRO beginner user. I have a question to ask you. Did ... (by kennedywai)
getline in CLR
If I have a textbox1 with the text: This is line one This is line two This is line three what would be the syntax for: textBox2->Text = Line-Two-Of-...
[1 reply] : You need to extract the text: (by kbw)
Splash Screen
I've created a splash screen, and works very well, but I was wondering if this is the way it's usually done. To wit -- I use hwnd=CreateDialog() at the begin...
[4 replies] Last: I haven't ever used a splash screen outside of C#, and that was a long... (by anonymous23323124)
Error with my directX program
OK I've run into a new error, I did fix all my program before (it didn't draw but it didn't break either haha), the error I get is either an access writing loca...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks so much kaije :), that happened to be the problem, this is kind... (by squishy)
Reading input data files?
Hi Everyone, I'm good at writing algorithms... I took C++ for engineers, but now I'm in the business world and I am struggling reading in data files. I am d...
[5 replies] Last: thank copy works great, and you were correct about the unxutils as wel... (by anewcreation84)
error connexion with NIC card using winpcap
Hello, i'am developping an application with Visual C++ 2010 on windows 7, i want to sent packets and receive the same packets using winpcap libraries. i'am w...
[no replies]
passing by reference
Hi, I'm new at C++ and I'm working with someone else's data structure. I've been using Visual C++ 2010 Express. I've had to create objects using their cons...
[1 reply] : Please use [co de][/co de] tags to show code, like this: someother... (by webJose)
disable images in webbrowser? CLI
How to disable loading images in webbrowser? CLI Windows form application.
[no replies]
by Marder
Access to Driver Memory
Hi, I would like C/C++ code to access memory that is set in a driver. This is a PCI card that accesses the dual-port memory of a microcontroller. There...
[2 replies] Last: Reverse engineering is no simple task, it takes years to even be funct... (by Computergeek01)
How to remove the icon in the upper left?
Hello, I'm writing a small application and was wondering if anyone knew how to remove the the little icon in the upper left corner of the window. Here's an imag...
[1 reply] : Make a fully transparent icon using Photoshop or whatever and use that... (by modoran)
Threads and sharing a window
Hi I'm programming a GUI for video procesing. In a thread I do the whole process. But I cannot access to the form(window) in the threadfunction back to show th...
[2 replies] Last: Only one thread can own a window handle. From worker thread SendMessag... (by modoran)
by sjhaw
Can Borland C++ create a standard Windows DLL from .lib file?
Can Borland C++ (version 4.5) create a standard Windows DLL from functions in the *.lib files?
[1 reply] : There is no way to create a binary DLL or EXE from a import library. (by modoran)
winAPI hello world won't quit !
OK i just started learning the Win API, this is the first code i wrote by referring some various tutorials i found in the internet... i have a problem, the...
[2 replies] Last: Remove the "break" statement after WM_CLOSE so that it falls through t... (by Lamblion)
by ty98
i need to know how to use the dialog. i know how to make the dialog. i just need to know how to make the program use it. do you have eny ideas?
[4 replies] Last: After you create the dialog you usually acess it through the WM_COMMAN... (by Lamblion)
is uising windows.h bad? not efficient?
I had been using C language for sometime and now i want to do some work in C++ & Windows for doing some tests with directX and OpenGL... i need them to be ...
[10 replies] Last: Just to clarify, freddie1 is describing DLL's when he says ...code ... (by Computergeek01)
c++ File Holder
I had posted this in the c++ forum but they told me to move it. Hi, I'm a new member to this forum and I joined because I'm having some problems finding info...
[4 replies] Last: Maybe if you can create a user account at install time for it to run a... (by naraku9333)
by DSTR3
I'm running a query off a very small MYSQL db. The query returns either "1" if the record is there or "0" if it is not. From there I have an if statement to p...
[no replies]
Manifest file from exe
I'm trying to get manifest file from windows .exe program. Is there a way to get a manifest file from .exe file? or Do I have to create one? If I have to ...
[4 replies] Last: A manifest file is just an XML formatted file which can be stored in e... (by modoran)
May 2011 Pages: 123456... 8
  Archived months: [apr2011] [jun2011]

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