by smitty3501
do while issue
[2 replies] Last: You have extra curly braces. (by PhibreOptix)
by ty98
[3 replies] Last: yes this is C++ (by ty98)
by Mekolle
LibCurl problem or WINAPI
[8 replies] Last: Hm, I see, well, probably the MSVC already has that option pre-built. ... (by AMCerasoli)
by fanrongqi
A UI thread can have two or more message pump?
[no replies]
by fanrongqi
get picture from internet
[2 replies] Last: I get the webpage ,and parse all the links .I only can parse it by fin... (by fanrongqi)
by fanrongqi
using CInternetSession to get length of a file
[no replies]
by carl7145
iMac g3
[no replies]
by garrido
Insertion of Strings
[2 replies] Last: Again a quick and helpfully antwort. Thanks a lot. It works like you s... (by garrido)
by Pouyaaa
Problem With CoCreateInstance()
[2 replies] Last: FYI: 1. The proper way to test HRESULT's is using the FAILED() and S... (by webJose)
by garrido
Really confuse with Messages between windows
[5 replies] Last: I think it is just (HWND)son->Handle . Did you try this? Again, I d... (by webJose)
by HenryJ
Need help with wxEVT_PAINT on wxWidgets
[no replies]
by iamuser2007
how to modify this code and input this list as input
[7 replies] Last: anyone reply me. thnx (by iamuser2007)
Dynamic menu text |
[1 reply] : Not having used MFC ever before, I would say you use CWnd::GetMenu() (... (by webJose)
by szpila
Passing a value from a different class into integer
[no replies]
by ATMventure
Visual C++ 2008 file reading help
[6 replies] Last: Thanks for your help I have figured it out and its working fine now. (by ATMventure)
by Chuckleluck
How do I include additional libraries with Code::Blocks? (1,2)
[21 replies] Last: Yes! Thank you, Grey Wolf. I changed WINVER to 0x0500, and it works ... (by Chuckleluck)
by mestree
Dialog or popup erase background
[no replies]
by anuj7anuj
Flash redirector using Remote Desktop Services
[no replies]
by starface245
Looking for ntdll.lib
[3 replies] Last: It is very easy to generate import library from ntdll.dll file itself. (by modoran)
by ty98
cursor not setting!?!?!?
[1 reply] : do you have no ideas??? (by ty98)