Windows Programming - May 2011 (Page 3)

do while issue
I cannot figure out why this code doesn't stop and ask Do you want to run that again (y/n)" If I take out all the else statments then it will ask but then ou...
[2 replies] Last: You have extra curly braces. (by PhibreOptix)
by ty98
Ok so i have a dialog that I like. i can not finde out how to use the edit thing. i wont to make it use commands that the user types. here is the code for ...
[3 replies] Last: yes this is C++ (by ty98)
LibCurl problem or WINAPI
Hello I found a strange problem, i don't know if it has to do with libCurl or my code but evreytime i request from a URL the whole window just hangs until libCu...
[8 replies] Last: Hm, I see, well, probably the MSVC already has that option pre-built. ... (by AMCerasoli)
A UI thread can have two or more message pump?
in MFC ,we know there is two type thread ,one is called worker thread and the other is user interface thread. the UI thread can have it's own message pump.but I...
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get picture from internet
I want use CInternetSession CHttpConnection to get a picture from a web site, how can I get the img element by give a URL? I know how to get a file by name . bu...
[2 replies] Last: I get the webpage ,and parse all the links .I only can parse it by fin... (by fanrongqi)
using CInternetSession to get length of a file
I use CInternetSession to get length of a file ,the code is like this: CInternetSession sess(_T("httpdownfile")); CHttpFile* phttpfile=NULL; DWORD dwFl...
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iMac g3
Hello I have a iMac g3 and I wS wondering how to wirelessly connect it to the Internet because in my office there is not a Ethernet port so I was thinking I cou...
[no replies]
Insertion of Strings
Hi, I have a little problem with the insertion of a String into another. Here is the code. I`m using C++/CLI and String are System::String^ The String Path ...
[2 replies] Last: Again a quick and helpfully antwort. Thanks a lot. It works like you s... (by garrido)
Problem With CoCreateInstance()
Hi I'm getting following errors as compiling code. Error 3 error LNK1120: 2 unresolved externals c:\users\pouya\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\sm\...
[2 replies] Last: FYI: 1. The proper way to test HRESULT's is using the FAILED() and S... (by webJose)
Really confuse with Messages between windows
I have a thread that processes a video. If the thread is finished the process of a frame, er should send a message to a window and come back to work...and so I ...
[5 replies] Last: I think it is just (HWND)son->Handle . Did you try this? Again, I d... (by webJose)
by HenryJ
Need help with wxEVT_PAINT on wxWidgets
Do anyone know how to display text or shapes by the click of a button on WxWidgets because EVT_PAINT(wxMyApp::OnPaint) does not seem to work, it doesn't report ...
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how to modify this code and input this list as input
i see this code in this thread, i want to know how to get input by user or from file in this code. for example this list how to use it as input in this code. i ...
[7 replies] Last: anyone reply me. thnx (by iamuser2007)
Dynamic menu text
I have a list of filenames (strings) stored in a file. What I want to do is have the program read the file, parse the list of file names (all this is done so fa...
[1 reply] : Not having used MFC ever before, I would say you use CWnd::GetMenu() (... (by webJose)
by szpila
Passing a value from a different class into integer
Hi everyone! I am just beginning my adventure with programming and I am already having some difficulties. I am trying to make a 2d game with a player and ...
[no replies]
Visual C++ 2008 file reading help
Hi I am trying to create a simple file reading program in Visual C++ 2008 using fstream. When I compile it it gives me a dozzen errors to do with the fstream cl...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks for your help I have figured it out and its working fine now. (by ATMventure)
How do I include additional libraries with Code::Blocks? (1,2)
I need to make a program using TransparentBlt() , and thus I need the msimg32.lib library. The problem is that I can't figure out how to add msimg32.lib to my...
[21 replies] Last: Yes! Thank you, Grey Wolf. I changed WINVER to 0x0500, and it works ... (by Chuckleluck)
Dialog or popup erase background
Hi I am doing a program with windows ce and all time that I show one dialog or popup, it erase the text writed on background below the dialog. How can I do for ...
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Flash redirector using Remote Desktop Services
I am a c++ developer i want to develop a server and client components to redirect the flash video being played on the remote desktop using Remote Desktop Servic...
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Looking for ntdll.lib
Where can I get ntdll.lib file? I got windows SDK, but I do not see it the lib in there.
[3 replies] Last: It is very easy to generate import library from ntdll.dll file itself. (by modoran)
by ty98
cursor not setting!?!?!?
I can't find out why this program does not set the cursor. I am abil to compile it but it does not chang the cursor. do you have eny ideas? main.c /*...
[1 reply] : do you have no ideas??? (by ty98)
May 2011 Pages: 12345... 8
  Archived months: [apr2011] [jun2011]

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