Windows Programming - May 2010 (Page 5)

by snitin
service_status for Windows service
Hi, I want to know that, Where we can check the value of dwwaithint for a is a member variable of SERVICE_STATUS structure. I am using above va...
[10 replies] Last: Did you seen the link, I had mentioned in my first post? If there i... (by snitin)
Global HotKeys
I am trying to make global hotkeys for a program that moves your mouse to a spot on your screen and makes it stay there. Although when I start it by pressing th...
[6 replies] Last: I don't see a way to escape from your first while(true) statement. I'm... (by Lamblion)
win32 api string commands
hello everyone, i am using a string command to get the value of a textbox located in a dialogbox and equate it with variable "X". i am using the folloing: ...
[6 replies] Last: dont worry!! i found it!! its "itoa(value, string, size)" and it works... (by iacovosph)
win32 api for serial port
I have apparently managed to write to the serial port. When i write, i set the event_mask EV_TXCHAR, in order to be notified when a new character arrives at...
[1 reply] : have you got your code? You haven't go a loopback on have you? A... (by guestgulkan)
How to write this program?
How to solve this? Any help would be appreciated :S
[1 reply] : Hint1: Start at the base row of any triangle of size N. There are N ... (by cnoeval)
Program Won't Work On Other OS's
I made a program that moves your mouse but, when I gave it to other people they said that it doesn't work. I think it only works on Windows Vista Home Basic 32 ...
[1 reply] : Sounds like you haven't set your runtime libary to static. You either ... (by Lamblion)
App with no gui - properly clean up?
I have an application that has no GUI what so ever. I do create one window to detect WM_DISPLAYCHANGE, but the window is never displayed. Is there any way to...
[11 replies] Last: Glad you got it worked out. And I've never used WM_QUERYENDSESSION, so... (by Lamblion)
Unsure whats wrong with program
These are the given instructions: You are given an int variable k , an int array zipcodeList that has been declared and initialized, an int variable nZip...
[3 replies] Last: c++ does not have array boundary checks, the while will ensure that k... (by marembo)
Visual Age C++ OCL - problem
Hello, I developed a C++ application based on Visual Age C++ years ago for a friend, who uses it at his small business. He wants me to perform some changes i...
[1 reply] : Hi everyone, if anyone ever experiences the same problem: http://ww... (by Dracula)
Microsoft Office 2010 Programming..!
Fake Microsoft Office 2010 Programming..! #include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> #include <fstream.h> void wait( int seconds ) { clock_t endw...
[1 reply] : Really fake since you use pre-98 headers (by Bazzy)
Error of "GL_HISTOGRAM was not declared"
My pjrogram does include <gl.h>, but it comes with an error of "GL_HISTOGRAM was not declared"? Is is correct? Or some other headers should include to avoid th...
[no replies]
Attatching console to Win32 App?
I have a "Win32 App" in VC++ 2008 and I use the following code to attach a console for debugging purposes (while in or out of VC++): #ifdef _DEBUG if(Al...
[no replies]
How do I save a text file?
Does anyone know? I'm using Win32 btw.
[11 replies] Last: CometJack Relax. And don't be rude, because most of us are more tha... (by Albatross)
by AJM
Can't reference control variable
Hi, I've added a control variable, as defined below: Dialog's header file... private: CString m_SourceFileName; And in the dialog's CPP fi...
[2 replies] Last: Hi, if the dialog is called DLGEncryptG then it's in the DLGEncryptG.h... (by AJM)
Detect resolution / screen orientation change without a window?
Hello, I'm writing a console application and I need to detect when the screen resolution changes, or (if running on a computer with dual monitors) when a scr...
[2 replies] Last: Works perfectly, thanks! (by lukescott)
by Null
problem with ListView control
Hello, I have a problem with ListView control in my dialog box. I have to know when there aren't any selected items in that control. BOOL CALLBACK ExampleDl...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks! (by Null)
by fabio
BSTR to char*
Hi, I'm studing some shell examples and one example have a mistake. In some places create a char array from a BSTR variable. This is the function: void *...
[2 replies] Last: guestgulkan: It works perfectly! Thank you so much for your help. ... (by fabio)
Text In Win32
How can I create text with a gray background? I changed the default white background color in win32 applications from: wc.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)(COLOR_WINDOW...
[1 reply] : Check out the SetBkColor() function -- (by Lamblion)
Any static library that can replace glut32.dll on OpenGL programming
Would there be any static library to replace glut32.dll, that can be used on OpenGL programming, so that the executable file can be run alone without the need o...
[no replies]
int X = textbox value
hello everyone, i am trying to create a win32 application program I have created a textbox in a dialogbox and now i want to introduce a variable 'X' which w...
[1 reply] : When you create the text box make sure to keep a variable to hold the ... (by chris)
May 2010 Pages: 1... 3456
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