Windows Programming - May 2010 (Page 4)

cant get file to compile (1,2)
i am trying to get this program to run but it keeps coming up with some errors here is the program link to download if you need a reference http://www.relisof...
[23 replies] Last: i know and i wouldn't have if i thought that the code was harmful in a... (by kyle11778)
Search for installed browsers
Okay, so I am working on a project in school where we need to find out what browsers are installed on the computer. What I've come up to is that: - We need ...
[1 reply] : Here is the windows system command to look into the registry: http://s... (by Computergeek01)
by Vidus
MDI form in a sdi form?
This picture explains my question.
[4 replies] Last: Sorry for not posting for a while... My question was... What librar... (by attaboy)
How to make a WINAPI wrapper
Hi, could you please help me make a WINAPI wrapper by maybe suggesting idea on how to make one. I really don't have a clue on where to start. My goal is not too...
[4 replies] Last: Oh sorry about that, I miss interpret you. Yeah maybe I'll give it a g... (by blackcoder41)
by Gio
Installing OGRE Engine on Visual C++ Express
I downloaded the OGRE Source Code for Visual C++ Express Dependencies, but I want to know how to install it. I tried hitting the Solution file for VC++2010 (in ...
[no replies]
network program
Hi I need Help On Makeing A network Monetering Program I need help On makeing The Splashscreen Like This Program <img src="
[no replies]
winapi access flags
so i am trying to get to make a program to tell me when a folder has been accessed could i use: FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_ACCESS will the last access time cha...
[4 replies] Last: sweet thanks (by kyle11778)
by Deluge
Accessing Resources in Source Code
How do I access resources for use in C++ source code? For example: if I wanted to use a resource icon for a window icon. So far I have used resource files...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks vexer, just what I needed. Except I did not need to include th... (by Deluge)
Beginning Windows Programming
Hello I'm beginning windows programming and the problem is while browsing a book, I was told to build this code as my first window creation. But the program ha...
[2 replies] Last: yesssssssssss :D cannot believe how a stupid mistake cost me hours ... (by oamsath)
MOhon bantuan , saya mau membuat email clieny yang menyediakan fasilitas POP dan IMAP dengan borland C++ builder tapi saya belum tahu komponen apa yg digunakan ...
[no replies]
"Tricking" a Windows application
I need to "trick" an application to think its actually running on a 64-bit OS even though its not, is that possible? I already have my code checking for the OS ...
[6 replies] Last: +1 Computergeek01 (by blackcoder41)
I have: printf("%f", ceil(1/2)); //0.0000 Can somebody explain me this outcome. I have something similar in my program end it cause everything to go wrong
[6 replies] Last: Floating Point Arithmetic (by blackcoder41)
Confused About Program Any Ideas?
k=0; numberOfIncompletes; while (k < nIncompletes && !numberOfIncompletes) { if(incompletes == studentID) numberOfIncompletes k++; } Heres the given ...
[1 reply] : I don't know if you figured it out yet or not but i have the solution.... (by gsdboys)
Forward Ports with uPNP...
Hey... May anyone suggest me an easy way to get my mind on uPNP?... Is there an easy to use library out there?... I tried my luck on the MSDN COM-dependin...
[6 replies] Last: ok... I think i got the SSDP and the SOAP Messages set up, baed on the... (by Incubbus)
.net c++ visual studio
Hello all! I am finding it hard to find a good resource for c++ with .net. Most examples tend to be in c# and the examples in c++ have a bizarre syntax. I ...
[2 replies] Last: @bazzy I have been reading some of the msdn and I am getting that. ... (by CPlusplusdna)
Unsure of Whats Wrong
Heres given instructions: Given an int variable k , an int array incompletes that has been declared and initialized, an int variable nIncompletes tha...
[1 reply] : Hello there, "numberOfIncompletes" seems to be a bool type variable si... (by Tamao)
how to sent a keypress to another program
hi, I need to control another program, and how to simulate to sent a keypress or mouse to another windows program. Thanks for any help.
[2 replies] Last: Try autohotkey it's designed for this purpose. If you prefer to use C+... (by choisum)
MFC ComBox and get the item?
I've created a Combo Box in my MFC Dialog and would like to get the integer number which I select, for example: void CCOMPort_ReaderDlg::ReadDevice() {...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for your suggestion. Anyway I've found out another easier way i... (by coolrox86)
Check an handle for validity
Hi there, I'm having a little fun with a USB device, this one's HID compliant. Connecting to the the device is pretty simple, after a bunch of calls I get ...
[8 replies] Last: yes (by guestgulkan)
Timeclass with microsecond accuracy?
is it possible to have Timeclass with Microsecond accuracy in windows? From SYSTEMTIME struct i could get only millisecond resolution. How can we achieve mic...
[2 replies] Last: Short answer: No. Windoze is not a real-time operating system. It is... (by cnoeval)
May 2010 Pages: 123456
  Archived months: [apr2010] [jun2010]

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