Windows Programming - May 2010 (Page 3)

by Yazing
initializing ifstream
Hi, easy question (i think). I have a header file with a private ifstream& field, say ifstream& str, and in the .cpp file in visual studio i have made a constr...
[3 replies] Last: What's the point of using a reference to an ifstream object anyways? ... (by Albatross)
what do i put here?
i dont know what to put for the part of the code at line 24 and 25 /* The class is registered, let's create the program*/ hwnd = CreateWindowEx (...
[9 replies] Last: See this: (by Vexer)
forget that lets just talk about objects
ok so in my last post i wanted to get a program to run. thanks to all who tried to help but i think i am going to move on. so i have a new question... do i n...
[14 replies] Last: thanks but i got it. i was feeling so stupid once i got it,lol. errrrr... (by kyle11778)
More API questions...
As an exercise, I'm converting a small console app I wrote in C# for an SNMP client which uses WinSNMP API. Reference to API:
[8 replies] Last: Thanks Incubbus! Good tip, I misunderstood you the first time. (by sevensilly)
Get working directory WITHOUT using direct.h
Has anyone seen a way to get the current working directory (or the directory the executable is in) that doesn't use direct.h? The problem is that my group want...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks Denis, that fixed the annoyance! (by demosthenes2k8)
by minime
Disk I/O speed through ReadFile
Hi, I've been writing a program which runs through a hard disk and identifies items of data of interest, in a similar way to an anti virus scanner. This has...
[11 replies] Last: They probably are. I don't know. (by kbw)
Impersonating a user from Windows PE
Hi all, I am working with the SMS management point API, and the invoke method. The invoke method is used to send a message from a client computer to a remote...
[no replies]
by jrohde
How to get line size in CListCtrl?
Hello all, In a CListCtrl-derived class, I need to find out how much a SB_LINELEFT or SB_LINERIGHT moves the view area within my OnHScroll handler. It appea...
[no replies]
Upgrade from VS2005 to VS2010
I just upgraded from VS2005 to VS2010. I was learning VC++ Programming at University and come to enjoy programming with what I had learned, in particular the...
[1 reply] : I'm running VS2008, so I'm not sure exactly which setting in VS2010 yo... (by Lamblion)
disable win32 button NON MFC
i have built a simple window with a button in it and when i click the button i want to disable it, i have tried to use EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, button1), 0...
[4 replies] Last: [quote=glenc70]Thanks for your answer aswell Disch i did try your way ... (by guestgulkan)
SMS 2003 Management Point API: Error code: 800706BA
Hi all, I am doing work regarding SMS 2003 Management Point API, and I use this blog as reference:
[no replies]
(API) Right Positioned Dialogs?
API newbie, been writing a program using info from online tutorials etc. I am now working on a modeless child dialog box that I would like to be attached to th...
[no replies]
Dump specific emails into txt.
Ugh... new to c++ (Tho this has nothing to do with it) and need some help working on a project. Have any of you guys ever heard or know of a way that emails ...
[2 replies] Last: Alright, I was hoping to not use a mail client mostly because i don't ... (by Audiophase)
WINAPI question from noob
Hi guys - been several years since I first (and last) used C++ and am basically starting over with fundamentals. I'm a c# developer and my job requires a lot of...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks GW, you da man! (by sevensilly)
by Remo
in order list
Implement an inorder list using a dummy head node and a doubly linked list. Your implementation should have the following methods: first, next, insert, remove,...
[2 replies] Last: Uni assignment? Couldnt you ask a specific problem rather than asking... (by minime)
visual basic anyone good at it lol?
so im working on an assignment for visual basic and kinda stuck anyone wanna help me :)
[5 replies] Last: VB is definitely not similar to C++! I think after you have created t... (by minime)
WinSock port forwarding?
I have a very simple chat program that I have made that works off port 666 (I know I probably shouldn't use that posrt because I think it's the port Doom uses, ...
[1 reply] : <- guide for You ... (by Incubbus)
by luq
Tracking the downloaded DLL's
Hello, I have a program on my computer which downloads several DLL files when it starts and makes use of them during the further run-time. I would like to tr...
[1 reply] : Find out what function it uses to download the DLLs & hook it. Or, in ... (by Kiana)
Bandwidth Limiting
Hi, I need some help with some application I'm writing, basically it's a bandwidth limiter for the computer it's installed on What id does is that it limits t...
[no replies]
[WinForms] Multiple Forms
So I'm trying to code this program which uses multiple forms. You can switch between them with a button. You can switch back and forth, not only from Form1 to F...
[3 replies] Last: EDIT: Oh wait, I think I've found it. #pragma once #include "Form... (by Wazakindjes)
May 2010 Pages: 123456
  Archived months: [apr2010] [jun2010]

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