Windows Programming - May 2010 (Page 2)

problem With classes, String^ and managed code in visual Studio 2008
Hi Guys, I am trying to creat a class in visual studio 2008 (vc++). This is the code I have in badges.h file public ref class badge { public: int num; ...
[1 reply] : It appears that you can't make global variables of managed types. Put... (by firedraco)
by Null
problem with ListView control
Hello, I have a little problem with ListView control. I have two items in ListView control and I want to insert one item between them. eg: I have this: --...
[3 replies] Last: I´m not sure if the following approach is effecient, but couldn´t Yo... (by Incubbus)
by Vexer
SHFileOperation With List Boxes
I am writing a simple Win32 Application that copies files from one location to another using SHFileOperation. According to MSDN, SHFileOperation can take multip...
[15 replies] Last: Sigh.... Just compiled this code and it didn't work, oddly enough it w... (by Vexer)
I need a way to copy a 2 dim array and get it on a device context...
i want to make a simple drawing library to draw lines or points, but i want it to have nothing to do with anything else than windows. someone here gave me a ...
[no replies]
Global Hotkeys
I need a good method of doing global hotkeys in c++. Does anybody know of any method or function in c++ I could use for global hotkeys? Thanks in advance!
[15 replies] Last: I put it their before, just didn't know how to get it to recognize it.... (by Serpent)
by Dval
Winsock only for network programming?
Hi guys, Just a quick question. Is Winsock the only library available for C++ coders to use for network programming on the windows platform? If there are o...
[1 reply] : Is there an alternative to the Windows Operating System's APIs? Always... (by Albatross)
by Frog
Progress Bar, reset + refill
Hi, I've made a progress bar and everything seemed to be fine, colour, range, current value etc. but I decided it looked much better as a smooth progress bar...
[1 reply] : You will need to use the PBM_SETSTEP and PBM_STEPIT messages. (by Vexer)
vc++ expects const for array size!
Hello, I wrote a C++ program for some data analysis in my lab. Using gcc in Linux, the program compiles and runs perfectly. However, I now need to compile...
[3 replies] Last: FYI, that statement is illegal C++, the only reason it works in g++ is... (by firedraco)
Template Method throws error for string
Hi, Could anybody point me what is wrong wth this code. I get the following compiler error - ambiguous call to overloaded function 1> c:\documents an...
[1 reply] : Interesting one. In short, I don't know. The compiler can't decide... (by kbw)
by Madu
Write binary file - 8bit words
Hello, I am having trouble writing a binary file. The procedure I am using is: StreamReader^ sr = gcnew StreamReader( InputFileName ); FileStream^ fs = ...
[1 reply] : I'm not sure about 4 bits but surely if you used a variable which is 8... (by minime)
by Zyl
Issue with fgetc handling CR + LF
Apparantly, fgetc(file) will return an occurance of consecutive CR + LF as LF, discarding the CR. Since I am trying to make a file compression program I'd rathe...
[4 replies] Last: You don't need to call close, the destructor does that for you. Mea... (by kbw)
by Sw0rDz
Vector of Objects
Is it possible with Visual c++ to have an instance variable of an object to be a vector of an object? ref class statList { public: vector<int> test; ...
[4 replies] Last: Oh I see. You are using CLI/C++, so you cannot use std::vector, etc. ... (by firedraco)
Exceptions with MinGW
I am porting code from *nix to windows starting off with mingw. I have mingw32-gcc v4.4.0 which compiles the code without any problems. However if an exception ...
[2 replies] Last: Found out that I was doing a static link which was forcing g++ to link... (by messenjah)
by Bv202
Debugging code
Hey, My Windows program doesn't work like it should: it doesn't do any drawing (it's a simple drawing program), it hangs when it should open a dialog box and...
[4 replies] Last: But, on the next paint message, a new rectangle is drawn to the backb... (by guestgulkan)
by GMXeon
Windows Form Application - Borderless Click+Drag
Ok, so I'll make this short... I have a Windows Form Application coded with Microsoft Visual C++ Express 2010, and it's borderless. Borderless windows cannot be...
[no replies]
access error (segmentation fault)
My Game below compiles correctly, but when i try to run the program, i get a windows error, When i run DEV-C++ debuger it gives me the messege An Access error...
[2 replies] Last: void apply_tiles(bool board ) { //a apply_surface( 0, 0, a... (by Dragoon478)
What languages to learn (1,2)
Hi, I`m pretty new to programming and I want to write an application for myself . The program should run on several touch screens and computers around the ...
[25 replies] Last: @guestgulkan: That's what makes this project unique, it is easier to u... (by Computergeek01)
I have to do a strange declaration
Hello to all, I created this code which shows a popup window when any date is matched in a listview control: LV_ITEM lvi; SYSTEMTIME st; int count=Sen...
[4 replies] Last: OK kbw, Goodbye (by giovannigiorgio)
by avjohn
Unable to query proxy "Automatically Detect Settings"
Hi, I am trying to capture proxy setting ("Automatically Detect Settings"). My code works on XP and Vista. But it is NOT working on Windows 7 Please se...
[no replies]
by Bv202
Device Context question
Hey, In a tutorial I'm following, the following code is used for drawing a bitmap: HDC hdc = 0; HDC bitmHDC = 0; hdc = BeginPaint(hWnd, &ps); bitmHD...
[4 replies] Last: Hey, Tyvm for the link, it's really helpful! :) (by Bv202)
May 2010 Pages: 1234... 6
  Archived months: [apr2010] [jun2010]

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