Windows Programming - May 2010

by Null
I'm trying to change color of single row in ListView but I just can't figure out how to do this... here's my code: main.cpp #define _WIN32_IE 0x0400 #in...
[no replies]
GetPixel() Certain Size
Can I use the GetPixel() function to a certain size? Say I want to search for a gray area that is at least (or exactly doesn't matter) 5 pixels in diameter? Or ...
[5 replies] Last: Can anyone help, please? (by Serpent)
by W Neto
how simulate an mouse click?
Good night,I have been learning about windows API, i'm trying simulate a mouse click, but it don't executes how I expect (don't simulates the click...). This i...
[5 replies] Last: Does that work? Here is some code that moves the mouse to x, y 100, 10... (by Serpent)
How to access modem via serial port to send sms
Hey I am a newbie here! I want to send SMS to a mobile using GSM Modem. How can I access Modem using Visual C++?? Please help me!!
[1 reply] : Its pointless making one because you will need the drivers for the ... (by DanielA)
Making selector circle activated by default
Hi guys, I seem to have a small problem with my windows form application. Upon starting up the program, I need to click a circle selector in the windows form ev...
[no replies]
OpenCV "Incorrect size of input array" error 136 problem
Hi guys, I'm currently trying to build a software to photograph, record and recognize a person's face using MFC for the GUI, however, I seem to be having some p...
[1 reply] : Hi guys, sorry about the previous post, but I just found the problem a... (by meepokman)
by meme
A problem with : #include <iostream>
Hi, This is my first post here :) I got this job interview test, sent to me by email, and it involves win32api programming, which i've never done before ....
[7 replies] Last: Obviously, you cannot use cout and cin with Win32 API based programs.... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
by Gio
Win API App Troubles w/ compiling:
I am using the (in)famous Win API tutorial by "the Forger" (on and am using the hello world first app in it. Here it is: #include <windows.h> in...
[1 reply] : Try putting L in front of your strings to make them wchars instead of ... (by firedraco)
by btripp
Serial Communications with Win32 API
Hey. I know this is probably not the most appropriate forum for this topic, but I know that the people who contribute to this forum are the ones for the job. ...
[1 reply] : This may help, although it is in C++: (by Vexer)
How do I pass arguments to a PowerModeChangedEventHandler (managed VC)?
I want to do some stuff whenever the power mode changes, including writing some stuff to a log. Here's some snippets from my code: void SystemEvents_PowerMo...
[no replies]
Is there a usable API that performs similar tasks that ServerManagerCmd is capable of (e.g. installing server feature/roles)
[2 replies] Last: I have already searched. I've looked on MSDN and found nothing. How ab... (by sevensilly)
by Null
How change color of single row in Listview?
Hello, how can I change background color of a single row in ListView control? Thanks for help.
[2 replies] Last: Thanks. (by Null)
UDP Socket
Hallo, I have made a socket server using udp. Everything works fine but when the client write something to the server i see some strange characters. And when...
[9 replies] Last: Do not send them ;)... (by Incubbus)
Accessing .exe output in real time
I have a .exe application that spouts some data on the console in real time. The data has the following format: (double X)%f(double Y)%f(double Z) I want...
[1 reply] : Use a pipe to redirect the output into your program. You can read the... (by kbw)
by Bv202
POINT error
Hey, What's wrong with this code? case WM_CREATE: ball = new POINT((window.right - window.left) / 2, (window.bottom - / 2); Error: err...
[16 replies] Last: Some underlying operation might be using it without you knowing. Thats... (by RedX)
error C3767: 'Gyvatele: candidate function(s) not accessible
Hello, I cant rid of that error all the day :S , here's my class: ref class Gyvatele { public: array <Point^>^ gyv; int length; bool IsAlive; pr...
[2 replies] Last: That helped, thank you so much :)) (by vytska123)
by export
Connecting to another computer with winsock
I have been learning the basics of winsock over the past week and i have hit a hurdle. I have successfully managed to create a client and server based on this t...
[5 replies] Last: Not yet, does anyone know a way i can test this out over the internet ... (by export)
by cmccmc
How do you detect a users home directory?
How do you detect a users home directory in windows? By home directory I mean ("C:/Users/*This*RandomName*This*/
[4 replies] Last: duoas helped me on the other thread, thanks (by cmccmc)
"Windows application" disabled
My version of Visual C++ 2005 came with the template "Windows application" disabled. How can I enable that?
[2 replies] Last: Thx for the help Vexer. I'm using da2005 just to test a NxOgre proj... (by dokfiler)
How to add scrolling support to a program?
Hello everybody,, This is my first post in this forum, which I joined because I think that I will find my answer in it. My problem is I have a program workin...
[2 replies] Last: Petzold has a whole section on this in his book, fifth edition. In fac... (by Lamblion)
May 2010 Pages: 123... 6
  Archived months: [apr2010] [jun2010]

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