Windows Programming - May 2009 (Page 4)

by Null
How to resize console window?
How can I resize console window to make its size to 40x40 console chars and make console window unresizable? Thanks.
[1 reply] : Here you go. (I presume you are using Windows.) #include <iostream... (by Duthomhas)
license validation
hi, i need to validate the license based on the duration.if anybody having the idea how to do it please help me. thanks &regards suresh
[2 replies] Last: in my case problem is this sogtware is running in client side .if clie... (by sureshrtp)
140 Character C++ apps
I've been using twitter which lets you post what you are doing in 140 characters or less to all of your friends. One thing I have started doing recently is post...
[no replies]
Correct "Rand" expression?
Hi folks, kinda new to C++ and programming in general, so im figuring out the basics with the help of some exercises. On topic, is this expression for a ra...
[6 replies] Last: Remember to seed rand () with srand() just once (and only once, not mo... (by Daipop)
Upgrading a big project to VS 2008 (II)
We’re planning to upgrade a Visual C++ 6.0 solution with 1500 classes to Visual Studio 2008. All classes are written in unmanaged code. a) If we don’t us...
[1 reply] : lluismc, you'd find your answers faster if you just did some research. (by closed account S6k9GNh0)
Upgrading a big project to Visual Studio 8.0
We’re planning to upgrade a Visual C++ 6.0 project with 1500 classes to Visual Studio 8.0 a) Is it worth to upgrade our project from one compiler to the ot...
[8 replies] Last: Thanks writetonsharma, I'll be very thankful for your explanation! (by lluismc)
by Otto
Overlaying problems
Well, I've managed to create a working overlay that doesn't crash when resolution changes, but my problem is that I can't get it working with most of full-scree...
[no replies]
How to make more than one ActiveX-Control Visible
Hello! I´ve written an ActiveX-COntrol with Visual C++ 6 using the ATL. This ActiveX-Control is working, if I put it on a Visual Basic Form for Example. My ...
[2 replies] Last: Hello writetonsharma! Thanks for your reply. No the second one is n... (by WinterMute)
May 2009 Pages: 1234
  Archived months: [apr2009] [jun2009]

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