Windows Programming - May 2009 (Page 3)

can a no entry point dll debug by VS2008
can a no entry point dll debug by VS 2008 no entry point = no main(), but it have dllmain() forgive me haven't perform before asking, as the dll have comp...
[4 replies] Last: i am using vc++ 2008 express, how to compile it in debug mode, i just... (by writetonsharma)
How can i get my program to display a count down timer while the program continues to run. if someone could help me that would be great. Thanks, MM
[2 replies] Last: Try this. const int NUM_MS = 1000; // Every second //... switc... (by Hammurabi)
Workings of MS STL list begin() and end() methods
I've been trying to create a simplified version of the list container for an example in "Accelerated C++", however I'm having a tough time wrapping my head arou...
[2 replies] Last: I see. So the sentinel node works like a terminal for the beginning a... (by jetimms)
Searching for a Text Editor Active X
We would like to insert an ActiveX control in the dialogs of our application that should work as a text editor. The text editor should allow us to: - Write d...
[4 replies] Last: One Winword is embedded in your dialog/form, you have total control on... (by george135)
Windows: PDF to Text converter
Hello Guys I have to extract information from multiple pdf files. For that I need to somehow first convert these pdf files to text files(using command line)....
[5 replies] Last: Thank you eker676. Thats exactly the kind I was looking for! :) (by luckycusp)
write game Disk Shooter
Hello everyone! I'm a newbie in c++ and i do not have much knowledge, i have to write a full source code of the game Disk Shooter, below is the content, please ...
[1 reply] : I'm afraid no one will do homework for you. If you wish, you can post ... (by closed account S6k9GNh0)
How to Execute openssl command from windows service
Hi, I have created a windows service in Visual studio 2005 C++, which will encrypt a file and send it to a server using socket. For this I am using OpenSS...
[3 replies] Last: I am trying to automate the data collection, from a windows server. t... (by vikaschndr)
Screen Refresh
My Program displays your score in the game. the only problem i have is that the score won't change unless the button moves over the score. If someone could help...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks that helped alot. Thanks, MM (by GrosseVogel)
TextOut vs TextDraw
I am trying to display text on my program. I have searched for about 12 hours total trying to figure out how to use one of them. If someone could help me that ...
[13 replies] Last: Ok Thanks to everyones help i got the text to work. guestgulkan Thanks... (by GrosseVogel)
Pong failure -_-
I've recently been introducing myself to the awful world of Win32 API. I figured Pong would be a reasonable first exercise. It's been going fairly well so far, ...
[3 replies] Last: MSDN is insane. Probably not the place to learn from. A good author fo... (by Hammurabi)
by xyz444
use file path from OpenFileDialog
I need some help. I'm using an OpenFileDialog to get the the path of files. I have the following lines: String^ filenname = System::IO::Path::GetFileName(o...
[1 reply] : You didn't null terminate the string. for( i=0;i<path->Length;i++)... (by Hammurabi)
I am trying to make a click game. it is supose to move the button every time you hit it. I cannot make the button move. if you guys could help me that would be ...
[13 replies] Last: I Got it. After your help i figured out how to use the MoveWindow fucn... (by GrosseVogel)
how to write A regedit use c++
how to write key in regedit use c++ first i need to create it , for exmaple MY_COMPUTER\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\COMMON\NEW COMMON HAVE NOT ...
[4 replies] Last: Both XP and Vista are available in 32bit and 64 bit variants. Regi... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
API of last edit time
what is the API of getting a file last edit time? thanks
[4 replies] Last: yes.. thats what i said.. i replied about stat.. and there i am aski... (by writetonsharma)
just starting
i have just started windows programming and i am trying to make menus and it wont show up when i compile and run it? its in DEV C++. does this happen often if y...
[9 replies] Last: :) that is the tutorial i am using!!! (by kyle11778)
Piping from command prompt (console)
Hello Everyone, I have a pretty good grasp of C++ beginning concepts and I am trying to go one step further. I have some code I am trying to write and I k...
[2 replies] Last: Assuming windows: #include <iostream> #include <windows.h> i... (by Hammurabi)
by jrohde
Paint controls over background image
Hello all, I have an application which displays a bitmap image in the main client area. Then I wish to display button controls (over the top of the backgro...
[2 replies] Last: Nevermind... Problem fixed. (by jrohde)
Where to go from here
Hello Everyone, I am having some trouble and to be honest I don’t know where to begin explaining. I have been working in IT for a number of years and I hav...
[1 reply] : Yeah, it sounds like your over-complicating things. Even though progra... (by gnewfenix)
Can't catch WM_DESTROY without DispatchMessage
How do you Catch the "WM_DESTROY" message from a user closing a window, without using DispatchMessage? It seems that if I just read the MSG.message feild, WM...
[2 replies] Last: From MSDN on WM_CLOSE: An application can prompt the user for co... (by Hammurabi)
How to learn OpenGL?
I'm planning to write apps using opengl, just to illustrate some demos. Is there any good resources about opengl in the web? I'm a newbie to it.
[2 replies] Last: opengl red book.. (by writetonsharma)
May 2009 Pages: 1234
  Archived months: [apr2009] [jun2009]

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