Windows Programming - May 2009 (Page 2)

Check if element exists in array
Does anyone know what the value is of an element that doesn't exist or how I can check if it exists or not? I've tried numerous conditional statements, the foll...
[1 reply] : You are trying to tell whether a c-style array index is in range? Or w... (by Hammurabi)
how to code a win32 program which is no-windows
i want to code a no-frame --> not windows uder interface program, how to do it? below is a dev-c++ default windows application code #include <windows.h> /...
[1 reply] : actually i want to copy a file when destination folder haven't the fil... (by chiwing)
by levone
no appropriate default constructor available
when im coding, i compile the app from time to time to check for errors rather then spend hours coding then find out the whole thing is trash. because of that ...
[2 replies] Last: argh... duh.. thanks can't believe i forgot something so simple.. than... (by levone)
unhandled exception on Visual C++ express edition
Hi, I have created a new project on Visual C++ 2008 express edition. When I add some files in this project, it compiles fine. But, when I run this application ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank's a lot. I was making project as CLR, now I have created a new p... (by pchahar)
How to create a SPLASH image using C++
I bet someone knows how, whats the programming to create a image splash before program launch?
[7 replies] Last: It depends on what you want a splash screen for. (by closed account S6k9GNh0)
by jrohde
Give focus to window automatically
Hello, This has become absolutely frustrating now... I have a simple win32 app where I create the main window, and a user-input window. Both are created ...
[3 replies] Last: how do you fetch messages for both the windows, as both has been regis... (by writetonsharma)
Call a button on form1 with form2
What I am tring to do is, I am using a windows form to access a database with access. That all works fine. What I am trying to do is use a button on form1 that ...
[no replies]
Determining if a window as been closed
I'm having trouble determining if a window has been closed (by the user pressing the "x" button) based on the window's handle. I *can* just try showing the wind...
[5 replies] Last: george135, you mean use a COM+ service to determine if a window is clo... (by kbw)
Problem with d3d9.h
Hi All I am learning to program Video Games using VC++. I have Visual Studio 2005 installed. Well I have downloaded the sourse codes to learn basic graphics in...
[2 replies] Last: You will also need to set up the VC++ includes directories adding the ... (by Bazzy)
Adding SNMP++ library to QT project
Hi all, please, help me with this task. I'm new to C++ and QT. I am making a Network Management Station written with QT. I need a SNMP implementation library...
[1 reply] : Or if anyone knows any other good library implementing SNMP, please, t... (by usercpp)
Using Multithreading to encrypt a file
My problem sounds like this: I have to create a program that encrypts a file by taking each byte and increment it. The problem is that the program should us...
[4 replies] Last: I use tbb library from Intel ... (by Denis)
How to load an PNG resource from my resource file (winapi)
I create an resource file with Visual C++, and add into this file an PNG image resource, but I can`t load this from my application, I search an function such as...
[8 replies] Last: I wonder if he considers the standard libraries of non-MS compilers as... (by helios)
I can't use dev-c to debug a dll
as i can't use VC++2008 compile my dll successfully i change to use dev-c the same file , dev-c can compile success, vs2008 can't.. but the question , ...
[1 reply] : Well, that's an odd sight. Kanji and backslashes in the same cmd.exe w... (by helios)
Databinding multiple rows to multiple textboxes
I have a form with several groups. Each group is identical in design and represents a different station. For each station there is a unique number for the item ...
[no replies]
update() not working
I'm using Visual Studio 2005 and I'm trying to update a database from a text box. I have scoured the internet and the only thing I've learned is that it should ...
[4 replies] Last: I still don't know what the issue was in the end. But I found a work a... (by ScubaS2)
by Tobias
Looking for a nice GUI
Hey all, i am looking for a GUI that doenst look as the nativ windows style. Here is an example what i mean: ...
[17 replies] Last: Just a few things about Qt: ยป Qt is a cross-platform application a... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
Displaying a score using TextOut()
Ok, I have taken a year of Computer Science at a University. However, we did not have time for graphics before we left for the summer. I am expiramenting on m...
[6 replies] Last: TCHAR is a macro, if UNICODE is defined TCHAR is a WCHAR, else it is a... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
How do I use winsock2.h?
Hi. My friend and I are making a chat program for our final in our computer programming class. The only problem is we don't know how to send the messages betwee...
[4 replies] Last: <-- is in german (by closed account S6k9GNh0)
by Joe123
Loading files in Windows
I'm using SDL, so if I'm not meant to be asking for help with that here let me know I'll post somewhere else. I'm not sure why this isn't working; it compile...
[4 replies] Last: Well, this is the first I've looked directly at your code. I'm conc... (by Duthomhas)
stuck on c++ program
Hi everyone im having trouble with writing this program. Any help will be appreciated! Write a simulation for a high-tech vending machine. After an initial s...
[no replies]
May 2009 Pages: 1234
  Archived months: [apr2009] [jun2009]

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