Windows Programming - May 2009

by HHH
Trouble Calling a Function
Hi. I'm kinda new to C++ and I have this doubt and was wondering if anyone could help me. I've created a project using Dev-C++ and I'm having trouble using a...
[1 reply] : This belongs in the beginners section. And please use code tags (push ... (by Hammurabi)
what's the differnece between c++ function(fileseek) and api
as i open the api manual , i can't find fileseek --> i am just recover fileseek is not a api, and i search fileseek in google, it say that it is a c++ function~...
[3 replies] Last: Ah, now we're getting somewhere. Its in SysUtils . BDS comes ... (by Duthomhas)
can dll have a dos windows
what means for console?? can dll have a dos windows? -->int main(int argc, char *argv ) is it essential for dos windows program to have (int argc, char *...
[2 replies] Last: thanks for your reply i think i still have a long way to windows 32 p... (by chiwing)
Setting Mouse Position
"The calling process must have WINSTA_WRITEATTRIBUTES access to the window station." without this condition, the mouse position cannot be changed with SetMouseP...
[1 reply] : GENERIC_WRITE and GENERIC_ALL include the WINSTA_WRITEATTRIBUTES acces... (by jmc)
Disabling Window Resizing
How do I prevent the user from resizing the window? Does ignoring WM_SIZE do that or I need to change some settings?
[5 replies] Last: I found the problem! Thanks for your help! I used the style WS_OVERLAP... (by Tom Backton)
Visual C++: Can one object (DataGridView) have multiple names and work?!?
I have a DataGridView object that I initially named "dataGridView1" then I used "Find and replace" to try to rename it "dataGridViewMAIN", and I just noticed th...
[1 reply] : Either one is a reference or pointer to the other, or it's merely givi... (by helios)
First winAPI project
So, I'm a fairly advanced programmer. I've mastered Console apps, and I've learned a bit about the windows API. But I learn better by doing, more than I would j...
[2 replies] Last: No thats fine Thank you very much. as for the stl containers....he... (by Seraphimsan)
by Null
Linker error
Code: #include <windows.h> #include <ntdll.h> int main() { SHUTDOWN_ACTION sha; sha=ShutdownNoReboot; NtShutdownSystem(sha); } when i compile t...
[11 replies] Last: Thanks Grey Wolf, it worked! And shutdown time is just 1 secod :-) (by Null)
How to rename (refactor) a variable in Visual C++ Express?
Hi I'm new to programming in Visual C++ right now (after having worked with JAVA for a long time) and I'm having trouble figuring out how to simply rename a var...
[4 replies] Last: I couldn't figure out how to begin using "Refactor!" after i installed... (by twardzik)
Vfw32.dll and capGetDriverDescription
Hello, i've been trying to create a small snippet to list video drivers using AVICap class ( ...
[1 reply] : I just figured out the solution. I don't know why the Vfw32.dll could... (by hartuom)
Button in windows programming (1,2)
I'm writing a Windows program which contains some buttons (using C++ language) . The purpose of this program is that when I press a button, a sound will be on. ...
[20 replies] Last: Thanks a lot.This problem finally can be solved. (by eragonvn)
mouse and keyboard lock in c++ through win32
hello sir/madam, we are developing project on screen capturing and lock mouse and keyboard of client computer in JAVA. we are able to capture multiple client's...
[2 replies] Last: you want to call C++ in java.. that means you need to write a dll in c... (by writetonsharma)
SNMP BER number conversion
Hello, can anyone provide an algorithm converting a simple number bigger that 127 according to the BER rules ? For example, if I have a 200 number which I w...
[no replies]
need a certain dll
hello all, where can i download the snaperhelper.dll? i have the snaperhelper.h and .lib. thanks
[3 replies] Last: epic (by mrinsult2000)
Rebuild in VC
Hi, I'm building a solution consisting several projects in VC 9. If I cancel the build and then rebuild it, is it going to rebuild everything alredy built or...
[1 reply] : If you rebuild, it will start again and do a fresh build of everything... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
Interacting with other windows
Hi, can anyone tell me what I need to learn or what I need to search in order to right a program that can interact with other programs? For example, if one pr...
[6 replies] Last: actually what he is trying to do is typical of a QA guy.. these peopl... (by writetonsharma)
my main app window is not painting properly
I used CreateWindowEx to create the window with these constants: WS_EX_COMPOSITED, and (WS_POPUP|WS_SYSMENU|WS_MINIMIZEBOX) I registered the window class an...
[14 replies] Last: HOORAY!!! ok, so I made a completely new project, and started basic... (by Mal Reynolds)
by Null
A simple question
If i create a message box and it has 2 buttons (MB_OKCANCEL) how do i know which button was pressed?
[3 replies] Last: For documentation on MessageBox: (by Bazzy)
[QT] Print on a mainWindow a new QGridLayout
Hi to all, :-) I'm searching to resolve this problem with QT Creator 4.5.1: I have a class with a method "print" who refresh the automatic mainWindow of t...
[1 reply] : You should be able to check and see if mainLayout is equal to NULL and... (by closed account S6k9GNh0)
serial port communication
Hello everyone, i need help. I am new to serial port programming and C++ programming. I need to allow two PCs to communicate through serial port and they are co...
[no replies]
May 2009 Pages: 1234
  Archived months: [apr2009] [jun2009]

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