Windows Programming - May 2008 (Page 3)

pointer question (should be easy to ans)
OK background: I have a struct called client, and I have an array of them and a single instance of it separate from the array. So I have code like: CLIENT c...
[13 replies] Last: Grey: yea. 2003 is the start of the .NET era. If Universities over the... (by Zaita)
by Eralpb
Websites from C++
Hi I want to learn how to get the html code of a webpage through c++ without using mfc and with using winsock(obviously, isn't it?).Getting the pure html code i...
[3 replies] Last: Yes. This is simply changing the request you make. e.g GET / ... (by Zaita)
Quiz Help
I am making a c++ program that is a 6 question true or false quiz and my coding is this so far #include<iostream> #include<string> using namespace std; int...
[5 replies] Last: Hello Shadow Kurimeki, First off: Here is just an example starting ... (by candrews)
Hello im trying to create an ACARS system in C, i have a main window with a inset child window as the screen, and i have 10 standard push buttons 5 each side of...
[2 replies] Last: I have the buttons, standard BS_PUSHBUTTON, and the screen window will... (by Slipstream)
Accessing Random Memory :)
In theory, a program can only access it's own memory page, which is allocated by the OS, and so the OS will control memory access. I was thinking that it must ...
[1 reply] : Interprocess Communications? (by closed account z05DSL3A)
May 2008 Pages: 123
  Archived months: [apr2008] [jun2008]

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