Windows Programming - March 2011 (Page 7)

Another Where-to-begin question
I've done C programming in the distant past, and have also done some Windows programming in Fortran 95. But now I have a Visual C++ 6.0 compiler, and want to ba...
[2 replies] Last: Here's your VC6 (C++) Check Box program to get you started. You need ... (by freddie1)
by Obj3ct
WSA Error: 10045
Hello. I'm trying to make a server but I can't seem to get past the listening part. Here's my listen function. void SocketListen() { if(l...
[7 replies] Last: Check out Douglas Comer's examples here (by kbw)
Open Sesame
Hello fellow geeks. I have another question for you. Is there a way to open files through console applications? Something like: OpenFile("arandomsong.mp3"...
[3 replies] Last: Found the code :) If anyone is looking for the same thing, this wil... (by raulkolk)
Using Unicode
I'm trying to read, store, and output Unicode characters. Specifically █, ▓, ▒, and ░. I've googled some but haven't gotten anything to work. I am progr...
[6 replies] Last: @hanst99: You seem to be spreading a lot of false information about ... (by Disch)
by Petya
Run app without install permissions
Hello! App needs to be run even if there are no permissions for installing or writing on hard disc. So, is it possible to use ActiveX controls and dynamic libr...
[1 reply] : Is this an executable that you wrote? (by Computergeek01)
by Petya
Play SWF without flash player installed
Is it possible to play flash without flash-player installed? I heard that SWF file and flash player itself may be included into one EXE file.
[4 replies] Last: I don't know, but to what programmer47 said: No, that is false. You ca... (by hanst99)
Releasing keys
Hello. Does anyone knows how to detect whether the user has pressed the left mouse click and later released it? I don't need the GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LBUT...
[8 replies] Last: Awlright, thanks! (by raulkolk)
Winsock Programming
Dear all, I've been writing the client/server programs using winsock. However, I have a few fundamental questions regarding the IP addressing. I have 2 group...
[1 reply] : I have 2 groups of three computers on the subnets of "192.168.120.XXX... (by kbw)
Getting parameters from stored proc
Hey Guys Its the first time i am hooking up my application to a database. I basically want to execute one of the stored procs and use the parameters returned...
[4 replies] Last: Did you read the link? That explains how to map SQL types to C types. (by kbw)
C++ Win32 API - Using Windows 7 Buttons
Hello everyone, I've been programming in Win32 for around four or five months now and I've just noticed that the buttons look like crap, is there any way to use...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks it works :D (by some random dude)
How to click and drag a picturebox in a C++ form
I don't mean to complain, but I have gone to forums, but not this one, and received e-mails, and e-mail and e-mails of useless codes regarding the tittle to my ...
[no replies]
DrawText will not draw to window
I have tried numerous examples in both MDI and SDI forms to get the following function to output anything to a window. The draw function is called from the m...
[2 replies] Last: I solved my problem. void myDrawText(HWND hwnd){ // Start Font ... (by caliope)
Resource edit box not show content
Hi forum! In my program I make a dialogbox with an edit box for text input via the resource editor. It works fine, but when I attach it to a procedure functio...
[4 replies] Last: You were right about that guestgulkan. I did the following to fix m... (by Shatronics)
Sound in...
Hi! I have been studying Windows Programming with C++ for gameprogramming, and used DirectX. I want to be able to get sounds from the users with microphone....
[1 reply] : Search for DirectSound tutorials, that's the part of DirectX that's re... (by hanst99)
VS2010 strangest bug
Hello, first post on this forum! but the site helped me so much last 2 years, it's unbelivable lol I've been using Visual Studio 2010 since the first RC bu...
[3 replies] Last: gulkan is right, I've been looking at the standard library for quite a... (by MomemtumMori)
Easier study materials for c++ for beginners except the tutorial
Hello. I am new in c++ programming, can anyone help me where to get simplified version of c++ for beginners or any book. Please help me i want to pass this cour...
[5 replies] Last: Thank you so much for your support guys (by Mandla Dlamini)
by woohoo
wm_keydown on childwindow?
I can't find a tutorial on how to handle WM_KeyDown events for a child window (Edit Box) because for some reason other UI windows i created now have focus : (. ...
[2 replies] Last: Just as freddie said. Besides, normally for an edit box you would hand... (by hanst99)
Distance between 2 points
Hi, im having alot of trouble and i dont know why. Im trying to make a program in visual basic 2010 that i must write a function "double distance(Point p, Point...
[2 replies] Last: You need the members of Point, probably x and y. ^ is the bitwise XOR ... (by hanst99)
Windows, Question about the GDI, WM_LBUTTONDOWN message and DefWindowProc
I am currently learning how to work with the GDI. In my window procedure, I have this code: case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: x = LOWORD(lParam); y = HIWORD(lP...
[3 replies] Last: Likely Microsoft would describe that scenerio as 'undefined behavior'.... (by freddie1)
Converting parameters
Hi! Can anyone please tell me how can I make this code work? Basically it's just a program which creates a file. FILE * pFile; string filename; cout <<...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks a lot! It works. (by raulkolk)
March 2011 Pages: 1... 5678
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