Windows Programming - March 2011 (Page 5)

DirectX Shader Problems
Hey all. I have a DirectX9 program that shows a spinning cube. The cube is lit but I want to shade it using a shader that I wrote in HLSL. I looked online on ho...
[no replies]
WSAStartup causes malloc() failure on Windows 7
On my Windows 7 platform, when I call WSAStartup(), a subsequent call to malloc() fails. Here is the entire test program: /*******************************...
[2 replies] Last: I'm only asking because I don't know your skill level but instead of a... (by Computergeek01)
How to draw an image to the window?
Some tips, please. I'm kind of good with Windows API but drawing to the screen is not fully understood yet....Some pointers would be nice. :/
[3 replies] Last: I read Module 3 already yesterday late and it didn't help much....It j... (by spoon licker)
Getting multiple rows from a stored procedure
Hi Guys I was just wondering if someone could help me out or point me in the right direction with my problem. I am using Visual Studio and connecting to a...
[no replies]
GUI Creation
Hey all, Please let me know how to learn GUI creation using MFC or any other method. I have made a chatting application using sockets on win32 console. I wan...
[10 replies] Last: ok. Let me tell you brief about how the code is written. I have creat... (by abhiverma812)
by Kiana
Reading format of MP3 files
So basically, you know how on iTunes and most music players, you can edit 'properties' of files such as artist, title, album, etc., right? Does anyone know w...
[9 replies] Last: COM it is just an interface, that's right. Almost all Microsoft produc... (by modoran)
Say whaat
Hey guys and girls, I was creating a program the other day and ran into a very weird problem. This is my code: #include <iostream> #include <string> u...
[4 replies] Last: Aah, gotcha. Thanks! (by raulkolk)
Dev C++ Error 1
I have this part of code: ifstream tfile(textfile); tfile >> word; where textfile is a filename I have asked the user earlier. The program outputs: ...
[5 replies] Last: ifstream is located in namespace std. do you have using namespace std... (by codist)
Numbers after decimal point
So lets say i try to divide 10 by 3 (10 / 3) and the answer should be 3.33333(3) how can i make the code to get me 4 numbers after decimal (3.3333)? and tell me...
[6 replies] Last: i made exactly as Stupebrett said, but used Float instead of double (by Hansikk)
Hello. Is there a way to count milliseconds, using console applications? So far, I've been using time_t. time_t seconds; int clocker; time_t seconds2;...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you. (by raulkolk)
New Installation of VS2008
I bought a new computer, Win 7 64 bit, and applied all updates. After installing VS2008, I not only had updates for VS2008, but now it tells me I need updates f...
[10 replies] Last: I've been told by a MS MSVP to allow all the updates, so I'll probably... (by Lamblion)
by codist
I got some code from a tutorial and in the WinProc function there is: switch (message) { case WM_CLOSE: PostQuitMessage(0); } Is it safe to remove...
[14 replies] Last: @hanst99 - If I put render() in the handler loop, it goes very slow, e... (by codist)
Reading SQL OUTPUT Parameter
Hello. I am having great difficulty in extracting the value from a SQL Server 2008 R2 Stored Procedure using Managed C++. In my database I have a procedure d...
[2 replies] Last: OK, thanks for the reply, but is there anywhere you or anyone else cou... (by BillMoo)
by v8n3t
System.dll - Clarification Question inside.
Hello all, I am trying to play around with the CLR which has all these nifty tools within the System class. My only problem is I cant seem to properly #in...
[1 reply] : You can't "include" a dll because #include is a preprocessor directive... (by hanst99)
Visual C++ instruction manual?
Is there such thing as a VC++ reference manual or online guide? I mean one that's purely dedicated to explain how to use the IDE, not a beginners guide to progr...
[7 replies] Last: Why you dont just download professional or ultimate edition from Micro... (by modoran)
Return value of WinMain()
Hi, i know the return value from WinMain should be the message wParam (msg.wParam). But my question is why? What is the point in us returning this? Thanks
[2 replies] Last: thanks (by TpOreilly)
by axev
Artificial Intelligence
AI & C++ problem 1. We are given a road map: 2D map 2-colors coloring: black & white black = road (the car is allowed to drive on) white = rest of the ma...
[3 replies] Last: The thing here is, that you can make the whole driving simulation thin... (by hanst99)
Is it possible to use CreateWindowEx using a .rc resource?
I're read everywhere but can't find the answer. I know that I can create resources to add in the executable file, using .rc files compiled in .res objects and ...
[1 reply] : A Dialog is created from a template. This template can be built in me... (by kbw)
by vipul
get xml text in character pointer format
Hi all, I am facing a problem in parsing a xml. The structure of xml is < root> <node> <child>abc </ child> <child>def< / child> </node> <node> <chi...
[no replies]
by Kiana
A question regarding resource (.rc) files
This might sound dumb but I seriously cannot find it on Google. Are resource files specific to Visual Studio?
[4 replies] Last: I use ResEdit to visually edit .rc files of VC++ Express projects not ... (by alePeppino)
March 2011 Pages: 1... 345678
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