by jumper007
OpenGL ... Help here...
[1 reply] : I recommend you to use Visual C++ 2010 Express. Also, you can find lo... (by raulkolk)
by kumarcr09
email automation
[1 reply] : Yep, not possible. Not possible at all. You can't do it. No way. Never... (by ultifinitus)
by meesa
[C++] Give window adjustable border on one side? (And WS_BORDER makes window shorter?)
[14 replies] Last: Not at all a problem. :) Many thanks. I guess I should also delete ... (by meesa)
by thenewguy
new and delete
[2 replies] Last: k thanks. (by thenewguy)
by abhiverma812
[11 replies] Last: Another solution would be to put all the comms stuff in a seperate U... (by guestgulkan)
by boson
GMP 5.0.1
[6 replies] Last: Probably. Most big num libs restrict you mainly on the amount of memor... (by hanst99)
by abhiverma812
GUI Issues
[5 replies] Last: Hello I am working on a project such as multiple video playback Play a... (by ErickIDS)
by Fiberopt
2D physics in OpenGL (Visual C++ 2010)?
[7 replies] Last: Sorry I didn't get to this yesterday. Glad you got it figured out! (by Disch)
by boson
4 bit container
[6 replies] Last: Thank you guys for you advice (by boson)
by mailkamlesh
struct within namespace
[5 replies] Last: Yes , its plain cpp with output file as Test.exe (by mailkamlesh)
by Melzanis
IDE problem
[4 replies] Last: Fair enough ;) It does break quite a bit. My statement was perhaps to... (by anonymous23323124)
by spoon licker
Does any one or can any one help me with handling messages? (1,2)
[22 replies] Last: @ kaije: Thought I'd outright tell you this, Spoon Licker has a certai... (by Computergeek01)
by savavampir
[Win32] about SetFocus
[8 replies] Last: That's it. Thanks for your time. (by savavampir)
by thenewguy
if (c:\\newguy\\cpp-dir EXIST)
[5 replies] Last: my favorite way in windows api is to call GetFileAttributes. e.g. ... (by kaije)
by aatwo
Help with windows 64bit crash
[2 replies] Last: Thanks :) This worked nicely! Appreciate it! (by aatwo)
VS2008 simple theora encoder, using theoralib |
[no replies]
by specy
Getting rid of unused Windows library code in DLL
[8 replies] Last: Isn't libcmt the mt version of libc, so you'd expect functions of the ... (by kbw)
by vlad61
SDL start
[11 replies] Last: I'm not sure any more. I think hanst suggested that there isn't a pred... (by anonymous23323124)
by ajitm
USB Detection
[4 replies] Last: Yes I found this solution earlier. But when I want to do this in C++ a... (by ajitm)
by Hidden307
A little new to this.. Need help fixing this!
[19 replies] Last: Yah thank you. You saved me alot of time blackcoder i'd give you a hug... (by Hidden307)