Windows Programming - March 2011 (Page 4)

OpenGL ... Help here...
What kind of program should i use to compile and run this OpenGL standard program? /************************** * Includes * **************************...
[1 reply] : I recommend you to use Visual C++ 2010 Express. Also, you can find lo... (by raulkolk)
email automation
Hello....Myself kumar..Am doing a automation code where am testing few testcases one after the other and storing the result(whether the test is passed or failed...
[1 reply] : Yep, not possible. Not possible at all. You can't do it. No way. Never... (by ultifinitus)
by meesa
[C++] Give window adjustable border on one side? (And WS_BORDER makes window shorter?)
The title has the first question rather plain: How can I give a window an adjustable border, but only on the left side? I'm looking for something like in WMP wh...
[14 replies] Last: Not at all a problem. :) Many thanks. I guess I should also delete ... (by meesa)
new and delete
Is it bad practice to use new and delete? (the keywords of course)
[2 replies] Last: k thanks. (by thenewguy)
Hey all, I have prepared a GUI for chatting application using winsock2 concept. Connection with server is created using GUI. However, I am facing a little issu...
[11 replies] Last: Another solution would be to put all the comms stuff in a seperate U... (by guestgulkan)
by boson
GMP 5.0.1
hi there, is there anyone who has got some experiences with gmp 5.0.1 or other release and would be willing to answer my dumb question ? Thank you
[6 replies] Last: Probably. Most big num libs restrict you mainly on the amount of memor... (by hanst99)
GUI Issues
Hello all, I am new to windows programming. I have created a simple GUI using MFC AppWizard (exe). While working I need to put data in Edit box via SetDlgItemT...
[5 replies] Last: Hello I am working on a project such as multiple video playback Play a... (by ErickIDS)
2D physics in OpenGL (Visual C++ 2010)?
I've been studying C++ for quite a while now and I can assure you that I'm not even close to fully mastering it. However, I decided to learn something about Op...
[7 replies] Last: Sorry I didn't get to this yesterday. Glad you got it figured out! (by Disch)
by boson
4 bit container
Hello there gentelmen, here is my problem. I was wondering. char is 1 byte, short is 2, int is 4 bytes etc. I have a need to calculate with a lots of very larg...
[6 replies] Last: Thank you guys for you advice (by boson)
struct within namespace
Hi, I have a header file "common.h" where I have declared namespace A { namespace B { struct AB { AB(int i, int j) { a=i; b=j; } int...
[5 replies] Last: Yes , its plain cpp with output file as Test.exe (by mailkamlesh)
IDE problem
Okay I have looked for about 2 days now for a solution. Yet I cant find one. My IDE doesn't want to run after I compile my source code. I can run it via the com...
[4 replies] Last: Fair enough ;) It does break quite a bit. My statement was perhaps to... (by anonymous23323124)
Does any one or can any one help me with handling messages? (1,2)
Okay, my problem is likely some thing most Windows API users can handle....Or could figure out before me. If I may ask, how may I or might you give me tips o...
[22 replies] Last: @ kaije: Thought I'd outright tell you this, Spoon Licker has a certai... (by Computergeek01)
[Win32] about SetFocus
Compiler is MSVC++ express edition. No MFC and other helper lib-s for gui controls. I have created simple window with couple of child edit-boxes constrols wit...
[8 replies] Last: That's it. Thanks for your time. (by savavampir)
if (c:\\newguy\\cpp-dir EXIST)
How do I make an if statement that checks if a directory does exist? if (c:\\newguy exist (true)) { //code here }
[5 replies] Last: my favorite way in windows api is to call GetFileAttributes. e.g. ... (by kaije)
by aatwo
Help with windows 64bit crash
Hey guys. I am trying to compile a simple program on 64 bit Windows 7 and I have a crash problem. My app is crashing when ever I call a function, and acco...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks :) This worked nicely! Appreciate it! (by aatwo)
VS2008 simple theora encoder, using theoralib
Good day! I use theoralib and want understand how to create simple encoder.Now i do: 1) create frame (640x480 pixels 4:2:0) and init yuv_buffer variable: ...
[no replies]
by specy
Getting rid of unused Windows library code in DLL
I'm working on an application, and I want to make it as small as possible. There's no real need to do so, but I don't like big programs and I think programs sho...
[8 replies] Last: Isn't libcmt the mt version of libc, so you'd expect functions of the ... (by kbw)
by vlad61
SDL start
Hello, I finally got SDL Linked up and ready to go and am now disecting the code as much as i can from lazyfoo's site. So i was wondering. screen = SDL_SetVide...
[11 replies] Last: I'm not sure any more. I think hanst suggested that there isn't a pred... (by anonymous23323124)
by ajitm
USB Detection
Hi All, I have an application in and C++. I am listing all the USB devices connected to the system in the GUI which in C#. I am calling function in C+...
[4 replies] Last: Yes I found this solution earlier. But when I want to do this in C++ a... (by ajitm)
A little new to this.. Need help fixing this!
Yah so correct me if im wrong. I may not be able to explain this very well but I don't mean the .h itself I am talking about page changing when I run the .exe f...
[19 replies] Last: Yah thank you. You saved me alot of time blackcoder i'd give you a hug... (by Hidden307)
March 2011 Pages: 123456... 8
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