Windows Programming - March 2011 (Page 3)

cl.exe and dll questions (dumpbin included)
Hi, so I created a dll using some code: MyClass.h #ifndef MYCLASS_H #define MYCLASS_H class __declspec(dllexport) MyClass { public: MyClass(); }; #endif ...
[3 replies] Last: Re-read my post completely Computergeek01. MyClass is the DLL code. Yo... (by mackabee)
by II15X
Basic Text Box Problem
Hello all, I've recently began my exploration into Windows Programming. I decided to make a, what I thought, fairly simple program. #pragma endregion...
[8 replies] Last: Thank you, so, very much. This has helped me greatly on the 'missing g... (by II15X)
by meesa
[C++] Change menu/HMENU value?
How can I change the menu/hmenu value of a window? I've tried SetMenu(hwnd, (HEMNU)NEW_ID), but that isn't working. Does anybody have any ideas? I've tried s...
[4 replies] Last: I was afraid that might be the answer. The main reason I'd want to do ... (by meesa)
Menu in WinApi
Hey, I'm just learning winapi programming and i'm having trouble with setting up the menu. The whole code compiles without warning but when i run the .exe file ...
[3 replies] Last: lol i couldnt believe that i actually didnt put a break at the end of ... (by pcultras)
by snc413
W32 program problem? Native' has exited with code 0
# include <iostream> # include <string> # include <iomanip> using namespace std; int main () { int accountNumber; char accountType; int savingFee; int...
[4 replies] Last: @ hanst99: Yeah, but when has that ever mattered to half the people ... (by Computergeek01)
unresolved external symbol in vc++
Heya! I'm having trouble in visual studio c++ 2008. I got 2 projects(in different solutions if that matters), 1 for my engine and 1 for my project. In my ...
[2 replies] Last: You normally don't add the .cpp files, unless you use templates. Norma... (by hanst99)
Win32 Accelerators not working when not focused
I have an accelerator set to ID_FILE_SAVE with "ctrl+s" which works fine but when I have an edit box selected and try to do "ctrl+s" nothing happens, there is n...
[no replies]
by meesa
[C++] Owner drawn listbox: Two items highlighted on first focus (And smooth scrolling)
The main question is this, I have some code for an owner drawn listbox, almost everything is good with it, but for the ODA_FOCUS, when I change the background a...
[8 replies] Last: Thanks a bunch. I'll be inspecting your code when I start mine. (by Lamblion)
Need help with string and vector
I made a string of States and under it a corresponding string of Capitals. I have it so it randomly pick a state and ask for capital or pick a capital and ask f...
[1 reply] : Why don't you use this in your for loop ? for( size_t N = 0; N < St... (by modoran)
Window Registration fails
Hello, I'm just learning windows programming and wanted to make a simple window with a top bar menu, but for some strange reason the registration of the window ...
[1 reply] : Make sure you fill in all the parameteres of WNDCLASSEX structure, you... (by kaije)
get content of window.
i got these codes... #include <windows.h> #include <iostream> using namespace std; BOOL CALLBACK EnumWindowsProc(HWND hWnd, LPARAM lParam) { DWORD dw...
[9 replies] Last: Just use WebBrowser interface (by george135)
Compress BMP.
Hello everybody. I'm having a little problem. My program creates BMP files, hundreds or thousands of them and how those files are huge I need to compress th...
[10 replies] Last: > That link doesn't lead anywhere. Of course it works, it's a Usen... (by george135)
Win32 Using System Font
Is there a way I can set all the fonts of all my windows/controls in my win32 program to use the default font of the system. Right now it just uses some thick b...
[2 replies] Last: (by WriteGreatCode)
MFC Handling Controls
I am having some difficulty understanding just how MFC works. I am trying to dynamically create controls on the fly but I'm not sure how to specify a function f...
[2 replies] Last: Not exactly what I was looking for but neat little way to do that, tha... (by closed account o1vk4iN6)
by mpgz
windows forms element?
Dear This is not a homework question and it is not in the tutorials. I wish to find an answer on this issue and I can't find it anywhere. How easy is it to g...
[7 replies] Last: I forgot the proportion of statistics that were made up on the spot. I... (by Albatross)
Alright, so I've been doing some async socket programming with select() and it's been working quite well. However it's only scalable up to 1024 clients, and I p...
[1 reply] : Well I asked over at StackOverflow, aand I was informed that the windo... (by ultifinitus)
[Question] Game Display Library
So I'm making my own version of Conway's Game of Life. I want to display the game ASCII style probably and I prefer using Console Application. But I'm planning ...
[5 replies] Last: I was tending towards SFML anyway. I was just concerned that it's less... (by anonymous23323124)
All Win32 API Programmers Please Read
First off, I want to say that I'm not asking for help on code at all. I just want Win32 API Programmer's opinions on something that is important to me (you will...
[8 replies] Last: Programming Windows 5th Edition Charles Petzold (by closed account z05DSL3A)
class's () placement
Which is correct, or considered the right way: class posters { public: //accessors-------------- int getPost(); void setP...
[9 replies] Last: Thanks this has been very helpful If I could +rep, I would! Thanks! (by thenewguy)
Hey, I'm thinking of writing a simple poker game where a human player plays against a single computer player and would like to know whether i would be able to d...
[1 reply] : You can do it with either, but if you want better visuals go with Open... (by raulkolk)
March 2011 Pages: 12345... 8
  Archived months: [feb2011] [apr2011]

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