by TheAmitKumar
The LoadImage() is not working
[4 replies] Last: The following should tell you what the error is: #include <strsafe.h... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
by TheAmitKumar
How to insert a Button inside a windows form ?
[4 replies] Last: Thanks blackCoder, I guess same will work for other controls als... (by TheAmitKumar)
by kennyJiang
[1 reply] : MT= M ulti T hreaded(ing) - used in release mode - no error checking... (by guestgulkan)
by WingYn
[9 replies] Last: Not saying that is the solution for the OP; just thought it was a good... (by Psychopete)
by kraigballa
How to Compile wxWidgets in Visual Studio 2010?
[1 reply] : You need 2 include path: [Your path to wxWidgtets]\include [Your path... (by coder777)
by v8n3t
Type of stream object to use?
[8 replies] Last: Computergeerk01, Thanks for the example but I can not use other softw... (by v8n3t)
by Bries Guy
Need Help Now. Need program working for tomorrow
[2 replies] Last: while(true) { srand(time(NULL)); ... } Place the srand cal... (by Branflakes91093)
by Psychopete
Help with Reading USB Pipe
[3 replies] Last: Saying which method to use is going to be dependent on how your device... (by Computergeek01)
by rjalaskan
Winsock Programming
[9 replies] Last: I created a new project, and added the previous source file, then put ... (by rjalaskan)
by boedy
[Linker Error] Unresolved external
[4 replies] Last: I seem to have figured out what the problem was. When I was creating t... (by boedy)
by trig
open an image
[1 reply] : Here is one of possible solutions: #include <Commdlg.h> ...//you ne... (by savavampir)
What are Memory Mapped FIles? |
[2 replies] Last: (by kbw)
by Lamblion
IE9 & C++ Dev
[7 replies] Last: I doubt you'll have any problems. It all depends what you're doing. ... (by kbw)
by happyjoker
[5 replies] Last: Try to be a little nicer here. my Quss? is : i need print all num... (by hanst99)
by gredesh
Looking for a Programmer for Video Game Server
[7 replies] Last: Whats the deal? (by Ndalut)
by Ramses12
Child button listening
[4 replies] Last: Yep. I'll try that. Thanks. (by Ramses12)
by NateSwany
Loop through checkboxes in MSVC++ 2010 Express
[5 replies] Last: (by hanst99)
by HenryJ
Do any one have the source codes for a Naughts & Crosses Game
[18 replies] Last: I found out how to get the program working now. There was aproblem bec... (by HenryJ)
by hanst99
Loading Windows TT fonts
[2 replies] Last: Of course I did. I already said I have those fonts, right? (by hanst99)
by fabio
COM question
[3 replies] Last: I have to correct myself... I finally got it in VExpress and will have... (by fabio)