Windows Programming - March 2010 (Page 5)

Macro redefinition
When I run the project this error happen in log: 1>c:\documents and settings\user\meus documentos\visual studio 2008\projects\iradoogrep3\splash.cpp(23) : wa...
[4 replies] Last: The error was solved. I used that way kbw. #ifndef LWA_COLORKEY #d... (by dokfiler)
Not a member error
This error is appearing in the log: 1>c:\documents and settings\user\meus documentos\visual studio 2008\projects\iradoogrep3\inputmanager.cpp(91) : err...
[3 replies] Last: I was even going to suggest the problem was something like that... ... (by Disch)
Rebar Troubles
Hello All, I am having an issue adding a toolbar to the rebar control. I have looked all over MSDN and I have tried a couple of their examples. Could someone...
[no replies]
by leonel
How to use a static library inside my C++ code??
Hi everyone, I have an old program written in Basic (compiled using QBasic v4.5 or even PDS v7.1) which has some important procedures that I will need to use...
[4 replies] Last: Are the .libs too large or complicated to rewrite in C++? (by moorecm)
My Asteroids Program
So I made a little game in the console using the console game library (here's the link My problem is, the program ...
[3 replies] Last: So I made a little game in the console using the console game library... (by Incubbus)
by rudi
updating/repainting controls/child-windows
I have made this big application that behaves strange. I mean, all the controls i have doesnt get painted/updated at specific moments. these moments are: when i...
[8 replies] Last: Yep! I've lost a lot of time on that one myself Rudi! Until I finall... (by freddie1)
MFC Tutorials
I've found the MFC reference and everything, but I'm having problems with where to begin. I googled for MFC tutorials and found a couple things, but they wer...
[1 reply] : (by Null)
Problem with SQL Server 2008 install
Dear guys, I just start to learn ASP.NET and i wanted to install the SQL server 2008, but i can't. I tried a lot of stupid way, read very much about problems...
[no replies]
having trouble in selecting 1correct pictures for two time?
I am quite new to Microsoft Visual C++ and im still learning. I am designing a program to select a correct pictures out of 6pictures for 2 times. But I having t...
[1 reply] : dont post one topic multiple times... (by Incubbus)
debugging issue
I've copied this code from my book and i'm at a loss for figuring out what is wrong with it. Could someone help me and explain? Thanks /* Nick Vincent */...
[6 replies] Last: Sorry, I've finally figured out the issues i had, i had to change the ... (by Nvincent4708)
by mzd72
Hello please suggest me a good book for C++ win32 programming I know console programming and I want a good new(2007,2008) book for win32.
[5 replies] Last: I believe there are some recently published books on Windows Api codin... (by freddie1)
Problem with setting a member variable in a constructor
Hello everyone! I am having a two (was three) issues with my program. 2. Aside from the char initialization problem, when I try to declare a puzzle that ha...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks again firedraco! I apologize for being lazy on my behalf for no... (by matttheuCman)
March 2010 Pages: 1... 345
  Archived months: [feb2010] [apr2010]

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