Windows Programming - March 2010 (Page 4)

by Mee
Hello, I'm currently working on an mfc project where I call a number of commands via system. The problem with this is that it creates the black box which it ...
[7 replies] Last: Apparently it's still /c, it was just being odd the first time. Solved... (by Mee)
integer sorting in linear time and space :P
hi! this is a sorting algorithm I came up with the other day. it's for integer sorting but I suppose you could sort any set, all you have to do is write an or...
[5 replies] Last: oh no, i got the results while i was having supper; Perhaps i happened... (by PJYang2010)
by fjlj
postmessge for mouse click problem
i am currently using PostMessage to send some WM_MOUSEMOVE messages to a window and then i am sending WM_LBUTTONDOWN followed by WM_LBUTTONUP witch works just f...
[no replies]
Drawing rectangle after keyboard input
Hi I am relatively new at Win32 API programming but have done DOS based applications. I am trying to create a GUI application that when i push a button, it d...
[8 replies] Last: Making hdc global doesn't solve anything. You still have the same pro... (by Disch)
Im having trouble with this problem. I have to write a C++ program that reads in 10 numbers from the keyboard and then add them together. Then, finally print...
[2 replies] Last: I'll give you a hint: begin with #include <iostream> (by mackabee)
an error...
fatal error C1010: unexpected end of file while looking for precompiled header. Did you forget to add '#include "stdafx.h"' to your source? ive got that few ...
[2 replies] Last: thanks. i also had to edit a data type from HFONT to HGDIOBJ and it w... (by Radioactive)
How to use GetProcessMemoryInfo function
Hi all I want to use GetProcessMemoryInfo to get current memory used by my process..then which PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS (which it takes as argument and return...
[no replies]
How to find free physical memory
Hi all, I am using new operator to allocate the memory and I want to use maximum free memory for my program without deleting previously allocated memory. ...
[6 replies] Last: You man need to directly to the OS with VirtualAlloc. But before you ... (by kbw)
by Vigual
Can someone help me understand this code lparam is passed by reference in this case as (LPARAM)&DlghWnd) then there is this HWND *hw=(HWND*)lParam; *h...
[4 replies] Last: arguments((LPARAM)&a); is wrong. Your passing the location of int c ... (by closed account S6k9GNh0)
How do i use resources? do i just make a .rc file with some weird coding in it, and then a header with some other weird coding in it, and then load the resourc...
[2 replies] Last: Thats where im trying to learn win32, but i dont get it how to make re... (by Radioactive)
logger in visual c++
I want to design a logger which will log all the web pages/ip addresse/domains being accessed. I will mostly develop it in visual c++. please suggest me.
[3 replies] Last: or... if you can turn the idea of ip-addresses down... you could use h... (by Incubbus)
drag n drop file programmatically
I have created a personal application in c++ using wxwidgets and native win32 api.. It shows list of files in listbox. when user click a file and then click...
[1 reply] : does vlc-player support D'n'D natively?... (by Incubbus)
lnk 2028 and winusb
Hi I'm a hardware designer attempting to use Visual C++ 2008 for the first time. I have modified some example code from Microchip that uses the winusb dll. I c...
[4 replies] Last: That seems to have fixed that but my original problem remains. In the ... (by Rhinoman)
Problem installing Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 6.0 pro
Having Problem installing Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 6.0 pro on Windows XP It installs fine and opens fine. Put when I try to select a file from the file men...
[6 replies] Last: I found out the reason to my problem and it is kind of dumn, but here ... (by starview)
DeleteFile method seems not to work?
I am writing a small application to clean up the users computer (Temp Files, Internet History & Defrag) all in one. I have the UI implemented, however I have ru...
[4 replies] Last: I edited my code and everything worked like before. It seemed like it'... (by bushbaby2511)
Why isn't my If statement working?
Ok, so I'm making an asteroids game in C++ and I'm trying to make the ship shoot, but it's not really working. 1st when the game starts it automatically shoots...
[3 replies] Last: I'll take a stab in the dark here and say that key never equals KEY_S.... (by Disch)
by rain
How to make program that downloads file from internet?
How to make program that downloads file from internet over http by using windows dll files to do this?
[2 replies] Last: msdn power... (by Incubbus)
using fstream with 'binary' flag, same results as w/o 'binary' flag
Hello, I hope this is in the right section, anyhow i was trying to write a program that acts more of a database(using IPC and binary files to read/write tables/...
[4 replies] Last: Okay, I ran a test run for my stream writing class and it looks like ... (by Nullable)
Const Casting Not Working
Hi I have written the following program #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { const int a=10; int *p=const_cast<int *>(&a); *p=20; cou...
[2 replies] Last: ThanQ Bazzy (by suma046)
by jcylam
How can i simulate control+scroll for zoom in web browser
simulate the zoom shortcut in web browser by simulating the holding of control key and scroll action from mouse.
[no replies]
March 2010 Pages: 12345
  Archived months: [feb2010] [apr2010]

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