Windows Programming - March 2010 (Page 3)

migrating application from NT to Win2k3 Server
Hi there, I have a server application written (not by me) initially for Windows NT system. I got the code of this application as complete Borland C++ 5 ...
[5 replies] Last: It wouldn't hurt to use a recent Microsoft compiler. BC5 is 15 years ... (by kbw)
by loki09
Lotto Program *
Please Give Me Where to Start.. i Plan to make a program that goes like this... "Enter Your Name: then after you input your name *Enter 6 number from ...
[9 replies] Last: Hehe get excited! Nice work :). Glad to be of help... (by sammy34)
EnumWindow() and More
I'm trying to learn to use EnumWindows() and a whole chain of others to check if one of the open windows is of a certain program. I've built a test set up. Here...
[3 replies] Last: Also, just return false if the base name matches. This way you can bre... (by Kiana)
Cursor movement - COORD is not defined for some reason
I have included windows.h. I used the following code: COORD coord; coord.X = x; // your X cord coord.Y = y; //your Y cord SetConsoleCursorPosition(GetStdH...
[3 replies] Last: Because in a project, .c/.cpp files don't share includes. (by Kiana)
Trouble using ListView_SetExtendedListViewStyle
Hey all, having some trouble with the extended list view styles. My compiler says the function was not defined in this scope: error: `ListView_SetExtendedLi...
[no replies]
Hey, this isn't exactly an end of the world problem more a comfort issue. I've been using dirent.h recently and its been written for C as oppose for C++. So for...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks, I overlooked that structure and was just focusing on the DIR a... (by mcleano)
by rain
How to list windows into array?
How to list windows into array? I have no idea how to do it, could anyone point me direction?
[4 replies] Last: Like this? #include <windows.h> #define MAX_WINDOWS 1024 BOO... (by Kiana)
undef SendMessage /windows.h
Hey... I have an class A like the following #include <windows.h> class A { //... SendMessage(); }; the problem i encounter is the ...
[2 replies] Last: Because I want it to be named like this^^... I fixed it... it had n... (by Incubbus)
type casting
Hello guys,any help you can provide will be appreciated...... Assume the following variable definitions: int a = 5, b = 12; double x = 3.4, z = 9.1; ...
[7 replies] Last: cout<< "b/a"; well "b/a" is a string isn't it and that is what wi... (by guestgulkan)
by Zach
Unreasonable Error
Im not sure why it comes up with these errors...they dont seem reasonable for me. I am new so I may of skipped something. Can some one tell em why im getting th...
[5 replies] Last: gah? putting a new line after the else won't do anything. The only... (by Disch)
black red tree
hello how can i implement those methodes in black red tree public boolean validateAllLeavesAreBlack() { return false; } public boolean validateAllChi...
[3 replies] Last: This is a C++ so you probably won't get much help here. Go find a Jav... (by firedraco)
Using a DateTime in a Windows Console DLL
Hi All, I'm relatively new to C++ & Windows specific programming but quite an experienced programmer in various other languages. I'm trying to write a Win...
[2 replies] Last: Yea, I agree with kbw. Check out SYSTEMTIME. There shouldn't be any ... (by freddie1)
by NGen
When going to compile a DLL, I found errors not relating to what I edited, but instead related to the winnt.h file. Normally, I'd shrug it off and say I include...
[3 replies] Last: I'm using the DirectX 8 SDK for it, and the only directive I have defi... (by NGen)
by Timbo1
Filenames displayed in textbox
Hi there, I am trying to make a program that can select a file name and display it in a text box. I have managed to get the path to display in the text box bu...
[2 replies] Last: Here's an sdk style c program that does exactly what you want except t... (by freddie1)
by joshky
What Next
So I've been learning c++ for about a year now, and have been through several books. I'm comfortable with OOP, installing and using libraries, and using visual...
[1 reply] : I'd suggest you the boost libraries. They are much more useful than Di... (by Bazzy)
by Cminor
Linker Error
Getting a compilation error LINK:fatal error LNK1104:cannot open file "C:\Program.obj" I'm guessing I have the Linker setup wrong but that is only a guess. I...
[1 reply] : I put ""around the path and it cleaned up the Program.obj error. Now ... (by Cminor)
i need to connect to a webcam
i need to make a "firewall" for a webcam. basically i need to control who and what accesses the webcam. so before that i should know how to connect to a webcam....
[no replies]
VS gone mental
I'm using Visual Studio 2008 Express and up until about 2 minutes ago it worked fine. I'm including a header called psapi.h, and last night throughout this morn...
[2 replies] Last: Ooohhh. Actually, I had it included, but I rearranged my includes i... (by shadowayex)
Win32 - Chinese/Korean/?
I followed a tutorial to make a simple Win32 application. I followed the steps exactly except for 2 things, which I'll bold in the code I post. The reason they ...
[7 replies] Last: LPCWSTR is a long pointer to a constant wide string, always a wide str... (by kbw)
(Win32) Button ID problem?
the ID's only register whichever is first, it doesnt matter what the button's id (or textbox's) is, #include <windows.h> //namespace System::Windows::Forms; ...
[7 replies] Last: Guestgulgan is correct, i.e., you need to nest your IDs in a switch st... (by Lamblion)
March 2010 Pages: 12345
  Archived months: [feb2010] [apr2010]

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