Windows Programming - March 2010 (Page 2)

by daveD
Pocket PC Emulation
Hi, I am busy on a C++ mobile project at the moment. To test my changes I currently compile the program, copy it to the memory card, test it on the device...
[1 reply] : I've been coding Win CE about 10 years, and I don't use emulators much... (by freddie1)
by PradsN
Simple Combobox problem
I am trying to add a combo box in a dialog box. I am able to create the combo box but when I try to add some items, it won't add them. Here's the sample code: ...
[2 replies] Last: Anyone? (by PradsN)
by joshky
TextBox KeyPress event
I am using .net right now, I have a textbox with a keypress event that tests for the enter key and performs the appropriate action: private: System::Void inbox...
[no replies]
creating different sized button and using in program
Hi everyone, i am trying to make an application which uses different shaped buttons, can it be accomplished in visual c++, also if yes how to do the programming...
[1 reply] : hansrajlal, how much time have you spent on researching your problem? (by closed account S6k9GNh0)
by ryanma
C++ GUI Button Problem!!!
i want to check the button whether it is clicked. The idea i want to is that: if(button1 clicked) { } Please help!!! Moreover, how can i change ...
[10 replies] Last: Thank you very much!!! I'll try this!!! (by ryanma)
Floating point numbers in registry
I want to save some floating point parameters in the registry and retrieve them in my program. Question: How do I save floating point numbers in the registry...
[6 replies] Last: Resolved. I switched off UNICODE character set (VS2008 > Project Pr... (by tfcoder)
dirent.h again!
This part of the program I am writing is basically mimmicking the windows command prompt. But i'm having a little issue with the changing directory method i've ...
[no replies]
Reference as an out parameter from DLL
I have written a DLL in C++ and my C++ application is consuming it. Function "Convert" of the dll returns unsigned long and takes a "String" object reference as...
[no replies]
Beginning MFC Question
Hi All, I've just got my first mfc assignment for my C++ class and I'm having issues already. Perhaps someone can point me in the right direction? Using MS V...
[1 reply] : Use the Wizard to general a project, then go on from there. Don't att... (by kbw)
C++ with .exe
I was wondering about how I can apply what I have learned in C++ to make an .exe file. I really would appreciate any help you can give me. Thank You, HTML ...
[11 replies] Last: Thanks to you all... any tips to get me started on this? (by html Alex)
Shared Memory DLL problem
Hi I'm trying to use a vendor's specific DLL to communicate with a bioreader. I have multiple instances of the same application, each one to communicate with a...
[1 reply] : Changing the DLL filename will not necessarily change the shared memor... (by kbw)
WinAPI WriteFileEx Buffer Question
The WriteFileEx function in the WinAPI writes the given buffer to a file asynchronously, but I want to add data to that buffer if its still writing. Is there a ...
[3 replies] Last: You can still write asynchronously. It's not faster to write synchron... (by kbw)
by Wylbur
Statically Link DLL to CLR Console App?
Hi all; I am trying to create a managed CLR console app that is "self-contained", that can be run without having to install anything, and I've run into a ...
[no replies]
Read Items from listbox in C# .NET Form
I have an application developed from another developer who contains a listbox with some string items. I don't have the source code from c# application (i have o...
[no replies]
by caalip
How to open a dialog from a DLL
Hi all, I basically need a DLL to open a dialog. I am having trouble making it thread safe. The DLL maybe called concurrently, and each call opens a dialog...
[1 reply] : Use a Mutex? (by kbw)
strange setsockopt usage
Hey there, I found another strange thing in a code I have to take over. Guys used strange looking socket option set: SOCKET connectionSocket; .....
[3 replies] Last: You're correct. The code should be using IPPROTO_TCP. (by kbw)
[mingw] Simple application crashes
Hi there, Let the following code be a simple useless application: #include <iostream> extern "C" { #include "windows.h" #include "./ddk/hidsdi.h" #in...
[3 replies] Last: They are incompatible - that is to say they are different formats. The... (by guestgulkan)
by joshky
I am working on a program that opens a browser window and loads the appropriate URL when the user enters a URL in the text box. What is the easiest way to conv...
[3 replies] Last: ACK! omg no no no no no. Read this: (by Disch)
by joshky
ListBox Item Removal
I am trying to figure out how to Remove Items from a listbox, according to all the information I have found the following code should work, but nothing happens?...
[2 replies] Last: (by Incubbus)
Keymapping using LowLevelKeyboardProc
I am trying to map keys to different keys, for example turn Caps Lock into shift, or something like that. Right now for testing, I just want to be able to press...
[no replies]
March 2010 Pages: 12345
  Archived months: [feb2010] [apr2010]

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