Windows Programming - March 2010

Trying to draw solid shapes in winapi
I am sure that I am missing something very simple. I am trying to draw a number of circles corresponding to nodes on a graph. Nothing is coming up. The drawin...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks - have remedied that. The problem, though, was something dif... (by exiledAussie)
by Null
How to force simple function naming in dll?
Hello, I'm writing a dll and there's one thing that bothers me. For example if I have function for dynamic linking __declspec(dllexport) void my_function(vo...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks! (by Null)
output to a printer
I was trying to send output to a printer. Here's what I've done: ofstream printer(); // I know I would need some kind of path here... printer << "Hello, ...
[4 replies] Last: (by Null)
"error C2064: term does not evaluate to a function taking 1 arguments"
Hello I just wrote this very simple program but i got the error "error C2064: term does not evaluate to a function taking 1 arguments", what in my program is w...
[1 reply] : problem is found!it must be x not x(i). (by gholamghar)
how to access the OnSelChange event of the combo outside the dialog
Hi, Can the OnSelChange() event of the combo box be accesses outside of the dialog class wihtout using the header file of the dialog class and if so please let ...
[1 reply] : The control sends a message to it's parent. If you're not the parent,... (by kbw)
by guyov
Sockets, select and multiple clients.
Hello, I am trying to implement the ALOHA protocol. What I am trying to do is create a CHANNEL and few CLIENTS. The CLIENTS are connecting to the channel and...
[1 reply] : Check out select(). (by kbw)
check this code pls
I am not able to access b in the for loop . char b = " initialize"; if(S==1) b = "SN 2 X 0.001\r MN 2 X 1\r"; else if( S==2) b = "SN 2...
[1 reply] : Don't post duplicate entries. (by kbw)
pipe writing and reading in windows
hi , in this code i am trying to write in the pipe and read from it but it s not working the child read only the first caracter can anyone tell me why : mai...
[4 replies] Last: You probably need InheritHandles set to TRUE . But you need to ref... (by kbw)
by clie12
for loop
Hi,I am in the process of void function that uses for loops to bring up values from array and compare them. I recognize that it will be possible to simplify my...
[no replies]
by Peach
ProcessHandle to hWND (probably over the windowname)
Hello out there. To get all Child-Controls (such as buttons) of a window form, I need to get the Window Handle of a process (without .NET). The Windowname...
[3 replies] Last: I need to get the Window Handle of a process Are you sure you're th... (by kbw)
Problem with my own programmed game
Well hello, I created myself a game. I runs alright with Debugger, but without debugger, it crashes immediately. I tried to find the error, with cout. Afte...
[1 reply] : You have memory corruption. Look for duplicate deletes (that is, delet... (by helios)
how to start program at login screen?
hello, what must i do to start a program at the login screen when the computer starts up?
[6 replies] Last: how do i start it as a service? (by theChameleon)
SystemParametersInfo() with SPI_SETDESKWALLPAPER
Hey, was wondering if anyone had any luck in implementing this function. Everytime I go to use a picture I seem to get just a black screen. Anyone have any tips...
[no replies]
Getting user input to display rectangles
Hi guys I need some help. I need to make a GUI application that takes a user input number and then draws that number of rectangles next to one another on the...
[4 replies] Last: HUH?? Page 4, "Programming Windows 95", Microsoft Press, Char... (by freddie1)
Borland C++ Windows Api
PLEASE HELP ME! hello,I'm Learning Windows Api.I used Borland C++ program.I want run file powerpoint(.pps) Borland C++ on the desktop but it must be any butto...
[no replies]
Renaming Files the Hard Way
I am trying to write a program that will rename files to an organizational standard. For example, MP3s will be renamed to "track number" SPACE "track title." My...
[4 replies] Last: cout << oldn << "\n\n" << newn << "\n" << endl; rename(oldn.... (by whitewolf)
windows.h linker problem
Im working with the book Begining DirectX9. Using Dev-Cpp here. I get this linker error: [Linker error] undefined reference to `initWindow(HINSTANCE__*)' ...
[2 replies] Last: O wow, all about those little details huh? I know its been a while but... (by LovestoCpp)
RichEditCtrl & unicode formatted text
Hi all, I got an application witha a RichEditCtrl, but it didn't support unicode texts. In my class (CMyRtfRichEditCtrl : public CRichEditCtrl), I used ...
[no replies]
Enumerate AD Groups of Logged on User
hi all, I'm trying to get a list of groups the currently logged on user is a member of. I've tried using GetTokenInformation to get the users SID, and then ...
[no replies]
Exploring Crash Dump Analysis for windows?
I am just looking for information about dump file created by windows on crash. Want to understand its working. Please share your knowledge about this topic, y...
[2 replies] Last: you can use the windbg application to analyse the crash dump file with... (by birajgauli)
March 2010 Pages: 123... 5
  Archived months: [feb2010] [apr2010]

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