Windows Programming - March 2009 (Page 2)

winsock and TCP/IP: books
Hello, I'm relatively new to c++ and so far I've been learning stuff off online tutorials (c++ basics, basics of windows, a bit of directx 9 recently) - for fun...
[3 replies] Last: stevens book has everything related to network programming. so no othe... (by writetonsharma)
I'm trying to write a pretty useless program which appears to delete itself when run. I have a certain idea on how the structure of the program should be, but t...
[11 replies] Last: As kbw mentioned, MoveFileEx can be used to make a self-deleting execu... (by jdd)
by vivmen
usleep in windows ?
Hi all i have one program in linux , in which i use usleep function which takes microsecond value . however in windows there is sleep taking ...
[6 replies] Last: hmmm..i was not sure..thats why wrote google.. :P (by writetonsharma)
Array of character
I just want to ask. I have Val1="123ee" Val2="a2345" Val3="ad4555" Val4="76a" How i'm i going to assign: char_Val1 = '123ee' char_Val1 = 'a2345' ...
[5 replies] Last: Yes, thank you for reminding me. But that's just splitting hairs. I wa... (by LoLFactor)
Uniwell POS Dx915 Serial port communication
Hi, Anybody here who have done serial port communication to a POS machine specifically Uniwell Dx915 in C++? I'm having trouble with the command format....
[no replies]
Plugin fun
Ok, I am relatively new to C++, but not to General OOP, so I thought this would be a more appropriate place to post. First off, heres the sources: Pluginable a...
[1 reply] : I could further this with a question: as I will be using DLLs/SOs, I w... (by EntityReborn)
by maruf
searching file
1.If any folder name contains a dot(.) at the firsr(example: .gimp)what does that mean?For such case i have to use this code part: if(FindData.cFileName =...
[1 reply] : i believe on most OS's the starting period can indicate hidden folder/... (by Mal Reynolds)
by wktr
Read screen
Hi iam wondering if it's possible to use libraries such as OpenGL to read information from the screen, like a screen recorder (such as fraps)? i don't want to ...
[1 reply] : u can try using vdu memory functions for this, (by Kalvin)
Winsock2 problem
I noticed in this dll the function gethostbyname() is able to lag the program that calls it on various systems. I am looking for a solution to this problem. ...
[4 replies] Last: It lasts for 5 to 10 secs normally. On my other programs like World of... (by Gamer101)
A good GUI API
I've read theForger's tutorial on, but the WIN32 API is minimalist and you cannot use it to create widgets, buttons and such others. So, as a result...
[1 reply] : You do can use Win API to create buttons or all other controls eg: ... (by Bazzy)
compiling error
hi, i tried to compile a program, but i get this error: Linking... console.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __imp__IsClipboardFormatAvailable...
[2 replies] Last: You need to link to user32.lib. The stuff you're missing is in user32... (by kbw)
Problem with matrix transformation
Hello everyone , I write a program , but I dont know how to add a matrix transponation after readint it from a folder .. this is the program, but it doesnt hav...
[no replies]
by n1mda
Winsock file transfer
Hi! I'm working on a simple project - I want to transfer binary files using winsock. But I've reached a major problem. I've studied this and googled for a...
[1 reply] : I've noticed this: This file starts off at size: 122861 bytes S... (by guestgulkan)
Randomizing Database
I am very lost. I am not sure this a begginer question, or if I am posting in the proper place. Additional this is NOT a home work project, the example I use be...
[no replies]
Passing arguments to cmd
All, I need to know how do i pass arguments on cmd to a CPP program using int main(int argc, char * argv ) Please help me with anything, source code or j...
[3 replies] Last: argc == 3, but otherwise correct. (by kbw)
Wake On Lan
Hello, this C++ console application will simply just not work. The MacAdress is correct. It prints "Result: 102" ( wich is correct ). But it doesn't wake the...
[no replies]
by L J
Get text of selected item in listbox
I have source: LRESULT Vyber = SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, IDListBox, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0); LRESULT Len = SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, IDListBox, LB_GETTEXTLE...
[2 replies] Last: Yes!! Of course. Thank you very much!! So stupid failure and too many ... (by L J)
how to send command to serial ports in C++
Hi, I'm really new to C++. I'd like to know how to send command to serial ports. Im connecting to a uniwell POS machine and I dont know what commands I'll b...
[no replies]
[COM Interop] #import not working
Dear all, I'm trying to add new functionality to an existing project written in unmanaged C/C++, and the original developer didn't use Visual Studio. The new...
[no replies]
by Ozzy
How to send WM_QUIT to a process
Hi, im new to C++ and can make simple console applications and such. I would like to know how i can send a WM_QUIT to a process by specifying the process name. ...
[5 replies] Last: Sound's like a virus. (by closed account S6k9GNh0)
March 2009 Pages: 123
  Archived months: [feb2009] [apr2009]

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