Windows Programming - March 2009

Detecting memory leak in complicating source code
Hello everyone, I'am trying to run a code which performs continuously min-cuts to a graph until it detects dense subgraphs. Unfortunately, it seems that the...
[4 replies] Last: use this function at the end of your code. secondly, if you read abou... (by writetonsharma)
ok first off, I'm totally new to windows programming and am looking to learn the windows api. everytime i see code which has things like winMain or something I ...
[3 replies] Last: Read MSDN, Petzold, Richter, Russinovich books and Win32 api group for... (by george135)
by tattva
[Win Api]Problem with list box
Hello I have some listbox with few elements. For example like this: ListBox: Name1 Name2 and now I want to get message from program when some eleme...
[1 reply] : this message will come in WM_COMMAND, see msdn for this. if this is t... (by writetonsharma)
createWindowEx problem
Hey, I'm a newbee to windows-programming in C++, and I just tried to create a window, which doesn't seem to work. Here is the code #include <windows.h> ...
[5 replies] Last: Oh yeah, the WndProc should pass on unused messages to the default... (by guestgulkan)
MFC linker error LNK1120???
I've got another problem with visual studio 05 and trying to program in MFC!! First problem is solved in the link below:
[1 reply] : You need to post the full error message, including all the unresolved ... (by kbw)
problem with .... const char [10]' to 'LPCTSTR
I have just started programming in MFC and was given a tutorial by my lecturer, unfortunately the very first very simple program is not working. My lecturer is...
[2 replies] Last: yeah that worked thanks very much though got another problem here: h... (by cstudent)
by Kray
Clipboard error
I'm trying to write a Windows editor using c/c++. Everything I've done so far works well. Except the clipboard! I can select and copy text to the clipboard and ...
[4 replies] Last: code looks fine.. not able to find anything wrong.. :( do you have an... (by writetonsharma)
outfile in VC++ 2005 Express Edition
I am using VC++ 2005 Express Edition. I am trying to write the values of three textboxes and a date time picker to a file. This is the problem area of the fil...
[7 replies] Last: i figured out how to convert the values to strings but I still get the... (by justinformed)
What's the problem
Private Sub Parametri() Dim ladoRs As ADODB.Recordset Dim lstrSql As String Set ladoRs = New ADODB.Recordset lstrSql = "SELECT * from ser...
[2 replies] Last: Double posting after being told that this is not a VB forum is worse a... (by RaptorX)
How to get the flags set during the creation of an imagelist ?
Hi! I use this code to create the image list: HIMAGELIST hImageList = ImageList_Create(16,16,ILC_MASK | ILC_COLOR32, 0, 1); Then, in the code, I get ...
[1 reply] : I'm not sure what you are trying to do. If you want the value of the ... (by Kray)
by Gaylle
please correct my source code
my answers are wrong. dont know what is wrong with the code though there are no build errors. #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace st...
[2 replies] Last: change \n to endl; you dont have to post your problem in each forum... (by writetonsharma)
HTMLEditor hosted in C++/ATL application
I am looking for an easy to use component to use in my dialog-based C++/ATL window application for providing an end-user with an interface for HTML Editor. Simi...
[no replies]
by Gregor
Overwriting some (WM_PAINT) of DefWindowProc()
Hello I want to create a graphic interface using opengl. When I try to handle WM_PAINT in my proc, it brings the processor to 100%. If I comment the WM_PAI...
[2 replies] Last: i havent written anything...kinda on halt... { if(active){{ }... (by Gregor)
Custom dropdown window
How do I create windows like combobox dropdown list or popup menu? I need one to implement autocompletion. I cannot use WS_CHILD, because child windows are co...
[2 replies] Last: create a dialog and fix a combo box in that.. create dialog with templ... (by writetonsharma)
Datatransfer multithreads
I would like to create a new thread with the MFC in Visual Studio, and transfer data of this created thread to my main projectprogram. I can create a new thread...
[no replies]
C++/CLI: make toolstripbuttons behave like radio buttons
I have been trying to build a toolstrip with ten buttons which act like radio buttons. In other words, when you click one toolstrip button, it is selected and w...
[1 reply] : For anyone interested later, the solution was to use dynamic casting: ... (by whizard)
beginner's questions about compiling on mac and windows
i have created a simple tictactoe game using xcode on the mac and copiled it, and it works fine. but when i compile the same thing on windows using c++ studio ...
[1 reply] : What errors do you have? (by Bazzy)
by rain
How to wait until window with given title is activated?
How to wait until window with given title is activated? I want my program wait until window with given title is activated. I need it because I have program...
[3 replies] Last: even if you dont have any class name for that window you can use NULL ... (by writetonsharma)
use createfile to write to ports?
trying to figure out how exactly i can write hex values (ex 0x3) to my computers lpt1 without using any 3rd party methods. so exclusively using the winapi, w...
[2 replies] Last: you are correct on both of your assumptions... sorry wrote it right be... (by gen1mx6)
How to Compile in windows?
hey everybody, I just started with C++, but i don't get lessons in it, i try to do a self study. I made a small C++ thing, dunno if it's good or if it works, ...
[2 replies] Last: ok, thnx!!! (by Thorgil)
March 2009 Pages: 123
  Archived months: [feb2009] [apr2009]

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