Windows Programming - March 2008

pointers to strings
write a program to count numbers of "e" in the following array of pointers to strings: char*s ={"we will teach you hoe to....." "move a mountain'"...
[3 replies] Last: I hope this code helps you to understand techniques of c/c++. #inc... (by guruplus)
by davmt
Setting Visual Studio 2005
Hi, i just learned most of the basic stuff (up to pointers, classes, polymorphism etc.) in C++ and I need to use the windows sdk to craete a simple bluetooth ap...
[no replies]
rotation of a string
write a programe that will print out all the rotations of a string typed into it.for example the rotation of word space is (space , paces , acesp , cesp...
[no replies]
How do you get the address of a return variable
Compiler: Dev-c+ v4.9.9.2 Operating System: Windows Vista Hello, I am a novice c++/win32 programmer, and I am trying to change the background colo...
[2 replies] Last: For win32 api: WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC Notification A static control, or... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
File Destruction
can somebody help me out? i need to destroy files against microscopy. this means i need to physically overwrite the file 36 times. however, commanding to wri...
[2 replies] Last: thanx so much. this helps a freaking lot. didn't know sourceforge a... (by Tinkerbell)
Simple Sample Windows program
Eh, I've just moved to graphics from console. and i've been given a deadline... which sucks... Can someone write me a very simple sample program? Maybe so...
[4 replies] Last: hello, you can find here what u need, there are alot of tutorials wi... (by guruplus)
how to install
pls tell me how to install c++ from internet
[1 reply] : Do you mean, "where on the internet can I download a compiler?"? Ther... (by magicalblender)
At the end of my rope with C++ (that includes Visual C++! )
I am not sure if this is the place to ask this question. I have been working on learning C++ for about 2 years now. A year ago i got tired of it all , so i ma...
[5 replies] Last: Hi Im new to c++ I know you probably get tired of repeating yourself t... (by nikster2015)
Closing an Application when another is found.
i need someone to help me make a program to close and applicalcation, when another is found. Then i need it to the closing application to close when the main a...
[3 replies] Last: Are you talking about if someone tries to start another copy of your a... (by Duthomhas)
by Izrael
Interest ctrl+c problem
Hi everyone, I need to send ctrl+c command to another executable file, I mean I have program1.exe running in a DOS window, and I want to create a code to send c...
[5 replies] Last: For process termination/management in windows I actually recommend sys... (by analoganomaly)
What are the most common C++ tools these days
Hi, I haven't used C++ for some time now (not my desire, I have just done a string of Java contracts) so not only is my C++ a bit rusty but I have had little...
[3 replies] Last: I´m using eclipse o UBUNTU (FEUP LINUX EDITION) and visual C++ MICROS... (by tiagofeup)
by Alex B
Win32 Program Shows Oriental Characters
I am trying to learn how to use the Windows API, and I keep running into road blocks. Here is the simple code I am using: #include <windows.h> int WINAP...
[4 replies] Last: Hmm, for windows. the answer is no. With the L you are telling the co... (by Jeff HS)
How to create a database
how to create a database that means user have to insert the database name field name ,field type necessary constrain how to design this just any one give me th...
[2 replies] Last: A good start would be look for tutorials for databases... (by Jeff HS)
Copying files through USB devices
Hi, I am using CopyFileEx (OS Windows function) to copy local files. It is going fine. But when I try to copy files through USB devices, this procedure i...
[1 reply] : You can read line by line from a file then fputs it in the destination... (by croconile)
Problem with a command
Hello, Im having trouble with the WriteText command. I probably didnt state it well... edtConvertFrom.WriteText("You Edited The Box!"); I use wxDev-C++ ...
[no replies]
How to get list of codec installed on system via c program
Hi I am trying to display the list of audio and video codec installed on my system through c or c++ program. can any buddy help me on this topic.
[3 replies] Last: It's Usenet ! with Outlook Express or google groups or etc... (by george135)
program background captures keys
Is there a way to capture keys pressed, even when the C++ program is not the active form? I mean that the program is running but is in the background. So can a ...
[7 replies] Last: Here's something I rigged together using <windows.h>'s GetKeyState() f... (by magicalblender)
by skm
Using GCC on Windows
Hi, I am fairly new to this. I need to setup an MSVC environment to work and compile using the GCC tool chain. How do i setup MSVC to compile with GCC. I hav...
[3 replies] Last: Thnks for the suggestions, yes, was able to setup the environment vari... (by skm)
BMP to multi-page TIFF file conversion
Hellow everybody, just i want to convert BMP files to multi-page TIFF file, /** this is convert BMP to single page TIFF file*** CImage image; image.load(_...
[no replies]
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