by Claudia1969
[Error] expected unquailified-id before 'while'
[13 replies] Last: Try this @Claudia1969 I've sped it up by a factor of 60, or you are g... (by lastchance)
by ghopoz
recording c++ form with black screen
[9 replies] Last: hah yea I remember the first time something tried to block me from tak... (by jonnin)
by malibor
What are attributes used for in unit testing?
[no replies]
by Thelps
How to create Modeless Dialog Box without using .rc file or resource.h?
[3 replies] Last: CreateDialog is used to create a dialog from a resource template. The ... (by andywestken)
by malibor
Having separate volume control over multiple media sessions (Media Foundation)
[2 replies] Last: Thanks a lot, that indeed worked! even though the docs don't explicit... (by malibor)
by kingjames6
simon says
[3 replies] Last: It's not "simon says"; it's just "simon". (by dutch)
by gunman353
GetAsyncKeyState() after system("PAUSE")
[1 reply] : You can use _getch() in the conio.h library. It'll wait for user input... (by zapshe)