Windows Programming - June 2011 (Page 8)

by ty98
sound (1,2)
I need to know how to use a sound with the windows program. Sutch as when you push a button it will play a sound. Without useing the Beep(,); command. do y...
[28 replies] Last: Absolutely. And if you're careful (read: don't use MS/Windows specific... (by anonymous23323124)
Include files
Hello, I'm using Visual c++ 2008. I keep having a problem trying to load custom header files. I just need a good normal random number generator, but all of t...
[3 replies] Last: That's the wrong way to do it. You're supposed to download the boost l... (by Moschops)
Visual C++ Port Scanner
So I am writing the simple CLI based port scanner and for the LOVE of goodness I cannot get it to work. Please any suggestions? When I run it always returns no ...
[1 reply] : I would recheck your code. Exactly what is the connect connecting to? (by kev82)
Trying to change a window title in a loop as it is create
Hi, I am trying to create 5 windows from the same class for a homework assignment. I put in a loop that will loop 5 times and create my 5 windows but I can not ...
[2 replies] Last: After looking at your code more closely, you need to do this... Ins... (by Lamblion)
MySQL++ MinGW - installation problem
Hello Everyone! This is my first post on this forum. I have a problem with installing MySQL++ on MinGW. I have followed by this instruction: http://www.cplusp...
[1 reply] : Do you have any include options in your make file? Are the paths to t... (by kooth)
by joshky
Raise click event on other program
OK, I want to work on a key mapper program to redefine keys for a game. So my question is: is there a way to raise events on another program? For example, in ...
[6 replies] Last: I will eventually, I still want to make it a full key-mapper, and it w... (by joshky)
How do I use this to open files. Below is my code, So far I haven't gotten far. But so perhaps some can help me. #pragma once namespace savefile { ...
[6 replies] Last: //Can't.... resist.... temptation! // // ... (by Lamblion)
Setup & Deploy
I'm still on my trial version of VS 2010. VC++ Express doesn't have a Setup & Deploy option. So I have two questions -- 1. Since I have the full VS 2008 v...
[7 replies] Last: I took a look at the website of NSIS but its last build is Dec 2009. I... (by Lamblion)
June 2011 Pages: 1... 678
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