Windows Programming - June 2011 (Page 7)

by meesa
[C++] Win32 letter spacing, letter width, and letter background?
The title pretty much says it all. I have a subclassed editbox, and for it I'm going to need to give each letter a bit of padding, actually, that's partially ho...
[13 replies] Last: I used SYSTEM_FIXED_FONT in the example above to simplify things. Whe... (by freddie1)
Picture Box Image setting Help
Hi I am trying to set an image on button click for a picture box. I can get it to work by typing the file location in the code. However I need to set the file ...
[2 replies] Last: The variable type is a string. (by ATMventure)
creating rectangles with array of structures.
Hi all, I have been struggling with a program and any help would be appreciated. I'm working with C++ in visual studios using the win32 api. I am trying to c...
[no replies]
by RGM
win-32 button response
Hello everyone, I am finding it hard to find how you make a button, created with 'CreateWindowEx()' in the 'WinMain()' function, to respond when clicked. For ex...
[4 replies] Last: Regarding the hInstance, you could always declare a global HINSTANCE ... (by Ramses12)
by Drue
File Path
I need a code to find the path of a file that the folder is in. Doesn't the __LINE__ give you the C:\Users\CPlusPlus\Desktop\CPlusPlusDemos\C++.cpp , b...
[6 replies] Last: There is a typo,should be 'shlwapi.h'. TCHAR is a macro that resolves... (by modoran)
Just trying to understand windows API :D
Hi, can you tell me if im right :) 1. As far as I know, by using the Windows API it allows us to use the operating systems functions in our programming, am i...
[14 replies] Last: Could you explain to me why this is done in two different files, why ... (by Zhuge)
by Kahiko
Encryption Decryption Review Needed
Hello i made 2 programs to encrypt a .txt called lol.txt in my C:\ and one that decrypts lol crypt.txt made by the encryptor. Wat i used to make the text non re...
[1 reply] : I probaly said some forbidden word's in the title... (by Kahiko)
Need help
i use embarcadero rad studio xe 2010 and for a button i have this code: void __fastcall TfrmCont_nou_elev::btnSalvare_modificari_elevClick(TObject *Sender)...
[10 replies] Last: not working next errors: 1) Cannot convert UnicodeString to wchar_t 2... (by ibancioiu)
by sknth
allegro error
hey everyone, i've just started programming allegro on the dev-cpp. have encountered a problem. the following compile log will show it: Compiler: Default com...
[3 replies] Last: And if anyone can guide how to attach graphics.h with dev wo... (by ChanGeZi)
Adding the necessary icon from CImageList in CTreeCtrl
Hello, I'm a beginner, do not judge strictly, there is a tree and there are icons, laden them in such a method CImageList m_img; m_img.Create( 16, 16, ILC_C...
[no replies]
by cotro
IO file operation with c++ functions instead of Win32 commands
I was reading this tutorial: // about doing a simple notepad like text editor. However in the part about "Reading and Writi...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the advice, I was able to open it now. But I would like to... (by cotro)
by Sabal
Point me in the right direction please
Hello, I am working out of the book "Beginning Game Programming, Third Edition" by Jonathan S. Harbour and I am stuck on one of the end of chapter exercises. ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you for your advice, and help, greatly appreciated - Sabal (by Sabal)
Low Level Languages
Would it be fair to say that of the languages that are really in use today, i.e., somewhat popular at least, that C/C++ is the lowest level language out there, ...
[no replies]
[C++] MFC FTP Uploader
Hi. I've currently been scripting a C++ dialog-based FTP Uploader (using MFC), in VS2010, following . Everyth...
[13 replies] Last: The upload part is now working perfectly fine, it uploads fine. Howev... (by Kelthar)
Is it possible to get the caller's PID from a COM Interface?
Hello, I was wondering if there is any way to retrieve the id of a process calling a method of a COM object from the code of such method. For instance, let's sa...
[1 reply] : If it's not inprocess, no. (by kbw)
Problem using Structures, Arrays, and Functions
Hello, I don't usually ask for help, but I'm in need of assistance. I'm working on a homework assignment that involves using a Structure to organize, input and...
[1 reply] : The nested switch in case '3' is missing its open/close braces. This:... (by kbw)
Please help a total newb
hi guys, just picked up a book called c++ for absolute beginners by mark lee like it so far...but im battling with some things. his examples are writte...
[12 replies] Last: again thanks man...starting tonight...with a few tutorials (by sigintninja)
by LoOpz
Should I replace Dev-C++?
Hello, I have read some articles about Dev-C++ IDE, and should I replace it with another compiler? If so, what other IDE's would you recommend me? I ha...
[4 replies] Last: No..Sadly you can't the reason being is that's the language. Just like... (by patrikcainan)
by GMXeon
Function Pointer Problem (In An Abstraction Class)
So long story short I'm creating yet another abstraction class for threading that's multi-platform. I'm creating the class to abstract away from the pthread of ...
[1 reply] : Wow I found the problem, did *args->func() instead of *args->func. A s... (by GMXeon)
Basic matrix declaration
Hi, I am planning to use C++ for some numerical computation and I am learning as I go along. I would appreciate some resources that can teach me: (i) how...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks kev82. (by dushyantkumar1)
June 2011 Pages: 1... 5678
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