Windows Programming - June 2011 (Page 6)

by Da2
Template Function Requirements ?
Yesterday I had an exam, the question was: What do template functions require (meaning , where T is a must) ? 1) template <class T> void func(T& t); 2) tem...
[no replies]
C++/CLI If (file->Exist)
I'm really having a hard time understand those Microsoft pages. They use weird ways of demonstrating examples (IMO). But if I have a file named: Hello.txt ...
[2 replies] Last: thank you! lol who would have thought that would be so simple??? I fou... (by thenewguy)
hi, i am a beginner at windows programming . i read the following sample code in one of the turtorials from net. I am using visual studio 2010, #include ...
[20 replies] Last: First off, we're talking almost at cross pupposes. I've benefitted a g... (by Lamblion)
Stand Alone .exe in Visual C++
Hi I have a finished Win32 aplication in visual C++ 2008, I would like to create an .exe that I can transfer onto any computer. I have used the Release function...
[14 replies] Last: Look for the file "vcredist.exe" and the .NET framework and include th... (by Lamblion)
New desktop plus Microsoft Remote Assistance
I know this may be a hard one for this forum, but I thought I should give it a shot (I'll post @ MSDN too just in case). I have this BHO that fills in websit...
[3 replies] Last: Ah, my mistake. That not one I use, sorry :( (by Computergeek01)
WPARAM of a message with a String
Hi everybody: I'm trying to send a message between two windows and the WPARAM should be the String, which is contained in a textbox of the senderwindow. I'm pr...
[3 replies] Last: In the form that needs to receive the string: public: property S... (by webJose)
by meesa
[C++] Win32 GDI+ Loading a PNG Resource
Using GDI+, I'm trying to create a brush with a PNG as the image that is loaded from the resources. If I label the PNG file in the resource file as a BITMAP, it...
[no replies]
What would I need to know to make a setup program?
I need a setup program that basically installs a program. What would I need to know in the window's environment to do that? I originally program small progra...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks I will look into both of those. (by brokenbot)
Pointer Versus Global
In the basic Windows programming examples from MS, such as the ones they tout for new users of VC++ Express, they always declare a global variable for the insta...
[17 replies] Last: I'm particularly curious about the "far" declaration. http://www.cplu... (by kbw)
I need a C++ Porter
Hello, I have created a Cross Platform Game Called " Block Crisis " I need someone who has a linux and/or Macintosh OS X Computer...
[6 replies] Last: I need someone who has a linux and/or Macintosh OS X Computer to comp... (by kbw)
Scrolling Invalidation
For usual scroll bar (SetScrollInfo, GetScrollInfo, ScrollWindow) functionality, after a scroll action, what portion of the client area is invalidated? In fu...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks. I didn't realize that ScrollWindow actually shifted everything... (by Deathly)
How to Create mp3 Player?
HI all \. i cant find anywhere how mp3 player plays the file. i hope you will help me. How works it? . how to write a simple mp3 Player? Thanks in advance!(adm...
[1 reply] : Second result, then follow the answer. (by webJose)
How to Make a Keygen in Visual C++
This tutorial is not meant to promote illegal stuff or whatever. BTW I made this tutorial because I could not find a tutorial for a random key chooser for c++, ...
[14 replies] Last: Of course, you could always steal activation keys of a game or somethi... (by SpartanX)
Control Creation
I am working on a project that wraps the windows API in C++ classes. It is very similar to MFC but im doing it purely as a learning exercise as I have explored ...
[4 replies] Last: I know what order round they are called @ the last comment. Freddie i... (by Jaso333)
Press any key to continue
with the popular cin.get() and the treacherous system("pause") you have to press enter to continue. But a while back I found a line that was cin.(something). ...
[1 reply] : There is nothing in the standard stream classes that does this. This w... (by closed account S6k9GNh0)
by meesa
[C++] Pure Win32 Semi transparent PNG?
Either research is failing me in this case, or I just don't want to accept the facts of how this works. Probably the second one. Is there a way in Win32 to use ...
[14 replies] Last: Me neither. :) I'm thinking I'm just going to make myself understand G... (by meesa)
Send and Receive Data Bigger than Buffer Size with MFC CAsyncSocket
Hello, I have a small client-server project that is meant to be a proof of concept to a larger project in the near future. It's about real time data aquisiti...
[4 replies] Last: Again, thank you for your reply kbw. I know that wasn't what you were... (by leovailati)
by vkash
find out bugs in this code
Friends it will take you 10 mins to answer but please try. ? What does 6th warning say? Tell me how it can be made better? There is a lot of stuff lines ...
[2 replies] Last: First of all thanks for answering you can see that there are three co... (by vkash)
What is the best way to do thread in c++?
[3 replies] Last: Use CreateThread() API function exported from kernel32.dll, Boost and ... (by modoran)
by indigo
Pointer question
Hello, do c++ pointers point to absolute address (RAM address) or relative to where the program starts in memory? And what's the difference between pointer beh...
[2 replies] Last: I'll just leave these here: Underlying Principles: http://en.wikip... (by Computergeek01)
June 2011 Pages: 1... 45678
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