Windows Programming - June 2011 (Page 5)

Conversion of LPWSTR TO long
During my session i have some doubt on the below code len1 = GetWindowTextLength(hwndEdit1) + 1; GetWindowText(temp1, text1, len); len2...
[6 replies] Last: Thank you all for your kind support I am a beginner so I am not using ... (by TonyZam)
by joshky
I have a windows forms ap that will be for indexing file collections. I am using the .net DirectorySearcher, which implements an UnauthorizedAccessException. ...
[no replies]
Reading the registry problem
Hello, I am trying to read strings from the registry and compare them to a list of words.I also want it to be done randomly, so this is something I want to keep...
[17 replies] Last: I don't actually think it matters but technically "RegOpenKeyEx()" ret... (by Computergeek01)
not executing cout
i am writing a game that involes computer players to run over a character and when they move off of it, the previous character is printed. // ghost #incl...
[1 reply] : Step through your program with a debugger, and see if it is reaching t... (by anonymous23323124)
GetProcAddress fails
Hi, I'm developing a non-mfc application that uses a dll file (which I made too). when I try to load the dll file LoadLibrary is successful (does not return NU...
[2 replies] Last: thank you Xander314, extern "C" solved the problem :) (by Yours3lf)
by Da2
Template Function Requirements ?
Yesterday I had an exam, the question was: What do template functions require (meaning , where T is a must) ? 1) template <class T> void func(T& t); 2) tem...
[2 replies] Last: Ofcourse it doesn't improve a lot, but that's the 'cheap' way to make ... (by Da2)
by HenryJ
How do you load an image in wxWidgets
Hello readers, I am learning how to load an image, here is the code: // Load an image wxImage image(wxT("image.bmp"), wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG); // Convert it to...
[1 reply] : iirc you have to call wxInitAllImageHandlers at the start of your prog... (by Disch)
drawing sine wave using moveto and lineto
I have my program working well so far. I am wondering if I should be using beginpaint() and endpaint() in my drawwave() function? I see many examples that use...
[no replies]
doubt in Block cipher encryption and decryption
hi my assignment is to make a block cipher encryption and decryption. And made the codings with mode ECB. It is encryption part works correctly for all blocks b...
[no replies]
Header files not compiling right?
Im using visual C++ to make a form application to shut off the computer at a specific time. i used the datetimepicker tool but im not able to compare and conver...
[7 replies] Last: ok....i fixed what was previously questioned, but i have ran into anot... (by SuperiorJT)
Making a color .txt file
I'm writing a program that at launch checks to see if a file exist. Inside the file will be what color items need to be what color: When color is originally ...
[3 replies] Last: I was thinking something like this (in C#, but I bet you can convert i... (by webJose)
AutoIT spammer
#include <ButtonConstants.au3> #include <EditConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #...
[1 reply] : on line 23 it should say $spamMessage = " " (by SOCIALISTICmeow)
Regarding Resources.
Hi , I was reading a tutorial on windows programming . I want to know how to add resources in visual studio 2010 . I am facing problems in doing it . Thanks...
[1 reply] : Without knowing more, I'll try to answer your question. First, if y... (by Lamblion)
Difference in Windows Cryptography Service between VC++ 6.0 and VS 2008
I have a class of encryption that was developed in Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0, and it is working properly. I migrated the code to Microsoft Visual Studio 2008, th...
[1 reply] : No idea. You should post @ MSDN: (by webJose)
How to Write to a Text File
[2 replies] Last: unfortunatly, my main interest these days is video editing. i may get ... (by SpartanX)
by indigo
unable to step into function
As description says it, i am unable to step into one particular function as i hit F11. Visual Studio just skips it. Both VS10 and VS6 behaves like that. Interes...
[5 replies] Last: Early versions of Visual Studio need the exact PDB that was built with... (by kbw)
Server Access
How do I, if possible, connect a group of people together through the internet with a program? I want to be able to do this without having to pay tons of money ...
[12 replies] Last: I also think that you cannot do that with your own computer. Eh? Yes... (by Athar)
How to convert unicode string to char?
How to convert unicode string to char?
[11 replies] Last: Thanks, i will try it later! (by ibancioiu)
MFC Programming
class CMainWindow { public: LRESULT CALLBACK MainWndProc(HWND hWindow, UINT nMessage, ...
[1 reply] : Declare MainWndProc static. (by kbw)
Socket Programming
can any one demonstrate a full function of client-server application that sends a "Hello World" string from the client side to the server side of the applicatio...
[5 replies] Last: i'll try.. thanks for the reply (by ealforque)
June 2011 Pages: 1... 345678
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