Windows Programming - June 2011 (Page 4)

Getting information from a Flash Player on Internet Explorer
Currently I'm playing this game that give out a random number. What I want to do is to get the numbers from the website browser and perhaps save it in to a data...
[2 replies] Last: I'm sorry but can you explain that Cracking it open process. I can pro... (by bigchen000)
RegQueryValueEx programcrash on 64-Bit
Hello, I'm trying to get a value from the registry on Windows 7 64-Bit, but if I'm using the Winapi function "RegQueryValueEx" the programm always crash. ...
[8 replies] Last: @OP: Do you know what you are trying to do? At first glance it looks l... (by Computergeek01)
non-mfc drag and drop
Hi, is there a way to implement the drag-n-drop feature in a non-mfc application using the native win32 API? Best regards, Yours3!f
[2 replies] Last: thanks :) (by Yours3lf)
A.P.I.'s or methods to manipulate WAV files.
Hi everyone, I've been searching the web for a while now to find an A.P.I. that will allow me to: -play a WAV file -record a WAV file -to choose an inpu...
[2 replies] Last: thanks for the information! It was very helpful. In case anyone else ... (by lnk2019)
Hi, Can we increase or add color to CS_DROPSHADOW?
[no replies]
Change The Border Color
Hi friends, I want to change the top border color of windows of different applications. For e.g. IE,Explorer,any browser.. Which function should i use for ...
[no replies]
Simple window class in a DLL is crashing
hi.. I am a beginner in windows programing using win API. I had created a very simple project that has a windows class with its needed constructor. This projec...
[7 replies] Last: Freddie.. I would like to thank you very much.. your last update had ... (by ahbazzi)
Selecting text
What I want to do may not be possible, but I'll ask anyway: The Syntax on richTextBox1->Select (int start, int length); What I am wanting to...
[3 replies] Last: This nothing seems to be working. (by thenewguy)
by Pilly
Need help with packets/sockets
Hello all, I'm currently trying to create a 'bot' that will work by connecting to a Flash game and sending and receiving packets. However, I'm a bit stuck as to...
[no replies]
Win32 Animation Control Help (1,2)
So I was reading this: I'm pretty sure I wrote all the code correctly, and yet my avi file doe...
[34 replies] Last: Got it. Thanks. My computer must be better than yours since I can g... (by Lamblion)
by HenryJ
Can wxButton have wxEVT_PAINT as its ID in wxWidgets
Hello, I am trying get this code to work: wxButton *Button = new wxButton(this,wxID_OK,wxT("Read Image"),wxPoint(200,20),wxDefaultSize); Can someone h...
[2 replies] Last: I am trying to link it up with the paint event handler useing this bit... (by HenryJ)
Integrate Text With Owner Draw
I have successfully created an owner draw (OD) list box according to MSDN's example here -- S...
[1 reply] : Okay, so nobody wants to get involved in this swamp, so I have this qu... (by Lamblion)
Persistent error "unresolved externals"
I am an experienced Java programmer and now I've been asked to do some C++ which has not been so bad in Linux. However, I have to move now to Visual Studio 2010...
[2 replies] Last: LNK2019 errors were the bane of my existence during the initial part... (by lnk2019)
Calculator program
Hello all.. I am very thankful for the support from you. Now i am working on a calculator program on win32. So I need to convert the value from int to WCH...
[1 reply] : You could you the function _itow_s(...) . For the documentation se... (by lnk2019)
by ajitm
Hi Friends Please help about function ReadFile.
Hi friends I am in big trouble. Please help me for following issue. I am trying to format the drive, for that I have written the program. I am formatting ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for your reply. Some how I am able to manage to read from the ... (by ajitm)
vector arrays go out of scope
Hi, I've run into a strange problem. I'm trying to process win32 messages and make my app act accordingly. I'm passing the messages in a loop with TranslateM...
[2 replies] Last: ok I finally could solve it, I had to restructure everything based on ... (by Yours3lf)
other options for system()
I read that system() was bad to use. Then what should I do if I want the person to hit a key to continue? (instead of: system("PAUSE") )...
[6 replies] Last: std::cin.sync() will flush the input stream. (by Computergeek01)
multiple threading
hi, I am new to multithreading in c++. i found a simple code on a site . i think i understood the essentials of multithreading after reading it but when i try ...
[2 replies] Last: This is a HORRIBLE example of how to use multi-threading. I know thi... (by Computergeek01)
Problem on Array Declarations
whats the problem of this declaration int getLength(char* str) { int i; for(i = 0; str != '\0'; i ++){} return i; } void concatenate(cha...
[11 replies] Last: Sorry, I wasn't paying close enough attention to the previous loop and... (by kbw)
EnumWindows problem
Hi, I'm trying to call EnumWindows inside a class with a static member function as the first parameter as seen below: class foo { public: static BOO...
[2 replies] Last: thanks :) (by Yours3lf)
June 2011 Pages: 123456... 8
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