Windows Programming - June 2011 (Page 2)

An advanced question
There is a thing that has been bugging me. Actually, there is a virus in my computer. Well I tried everything to get rid of it but it seems there is a parent pr...
[11 replies] Last: Hi System has it self tool for watching what files are created accesse... (by zdenekkrejci)
Get all values names in key
Hi! I've been searching for a day now and I would like to know how I can get all the values in a key from the registry. Here is some code: subkey = "SO...
[3 replies] Last: Awesome, dude, thanks :D (by GPing100)
Simple messagebox LNK ERROR
I just started learning windows programming and my first program wont link correctly. here is the error: fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals ...
[18 replies] Last: According to Disch, typing the "L" is not a good option with the Windo... (by anonymous23323124)
Win32 Window's Border color
Hi, how can I change window's (control) border color? Ohh and what's the deafult font in .NET? Thank you :).
[14 replies] Last: There's just one thing that bothers me, I'm sure that I didn't really ... (by Fresh123)
Can't write a .txt file
What's wrong with this code? void fWriteChar(int WriteChar) { //Writes Char Color file fstream WriteCharacter;"Char.txt"); i...
[5 replies] Last: I think it isn't possible to write to fstream files for some reason (a... (by GPing100)
Still Trying To Understand Pointers
Pretend I'm an amateur. Shouldn't be hard to do. Now, pretend I don't understand the following, which I don't. Then, remembering that we're pretending I'm an am...
[13 replies] Last: Thanks very much for that program, freddie1. I am going to compile and... (by Lamblion)
by h9uest
wParam and lParam
This question refers to the MSG structure. See below for the structure: typedef struct tagMSG...
[3 replies] Last: To sum up, they're usually hidden from a programmer who uses Win API.... (by modoran)
Open txt files one by one from directory
Hi everyone, I have a directory that have 100s of txt files. (Folder is Data_Sets_30) I want to open txt files one by one and get values and close the fil...
[2 replies] Last: thank you for your advice actually I searched a lot but I did not find... (by airerdem)
How to size an edit area from menu item message
Ok I am going to try to explain what I mean as best as I can. What I have is a popup menu "View" in the main menu of my notepad project. In the View popup i hav...
[1 reply] : Encapsulate the code in WM_SIZE into a separate function and just call... (by webJose)
Visual Studio 2010 profiler crashing?
Hey all, I know this probably isn't the ideal place to post this, but I was hoping maybe someone has experienced this error and knows how to deal with it. Ev...
[2 replies] Last: Those problems are just irritating. I used to have similar ones with v... (by h9uest)
by Brayan
How can I set object on the bottom of window...
Hi, I need to put an object on the bottom of window, but it always need to be on the bottom, when you resize window etc... I found this: clientWidth, clientHe...
[11 replies] Last: From the CSquareClass.cpp file: #include "stdafx.h" #include "CSquare... (by guestgulkan)
Why windows forms application is different under C++ and C#
Hello, everyone I'm new to this forum, after gaining lots of knowledge from it. Now I try to build a GUI for trading platform. I use visual C++, but the ...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you guys both. I think I'd better read through this site: http:/... (by nickdon2006)
Command line colors
Is there a way to change the color only a certain part of a sentence? so like an example is... My named is named Buddy. Is there a way to make the word 'Buddy...
[11 replies] Last: well isnt that what u showed here You can do that if you really w... (by Ikaron)
How to use pure interface based programming to implement a GUI library.
It is recommend to use pure interface based programming approach, and it use interface inherit only. I wonder to know whether is it a good way to implement any ...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks all of you, sorry for my native language I am not good at Engli... (by s51563946)
by ee2014
take a mathmatic expression from user..
Hi, I need a code , take from user an expression : ex: pow(x,(2*x+3)/pow(x+3,o.5))/log(x)+4*sin(x/5)+log10(x)+sqrt((x^2+5x)/(x+1)) ... and do the math...
[3 replies] Last: This would be pretty complex, as in a lot of little pieces working tog... (by Computergeek01)
by h9uest
Win32 unicode/multibyte character set compilation issue
Hi, there: Simple code as such: #include <windows.h> int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nShowCmd) ...
[5 replies] Last: @Disch: Got it. Again, thanks a lot. I think I can happily mark it as... (by h9uest)
playsound() error
iv tried adding sound about 20 different ways and non of them work. this is the code: #include <windows.h> #include <mmsystem.h> int main() { PlaySound(T...
[3 replies] Last: For Code::Blocks, go to Project/Build Options/Linker settings and add ... (by Athar)
Background Color (Dev C++)
I have a basic window with a menu thing (File, Edit, Options...) and I made it so when you press options there is a option to make the background green. I did t...
[4 replies] Last: if you just want to change only the background of your menu it's not n... (by bhattaroshan)
WM_KEYDOWN problem
hello friends, i have little problem with WM_KEYDOWN message: i created simple button which is done in WM_CREATE and WM_KEYDOWN portion is here: swit...
[no replies]
Catching letters and symbols
I'm trying to setup a function that will know when a user enters the wrong kind of input, then start that function over. In this function I'm asking the user fo...
[no replies]
June 2011 Pages: 1234... 8
  Archived months: [may2011] [jul2011]

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