Windows Programming - June 2011

by dev200
Win32 Applications... (1,2)
How To Build a Win32 Applications,when i do compile everything is ok,but when i do build got a errors :( why is that :(:(:(
[26 replies] Last: You do realize that I am just joking and that that code is not any val... (by Lamblion)
by dev200
Why is That ? Do Same Thing Like a Tutorial :(
Guys Why is That,i do same thing like a tutorial in this site - ??? and again i got a 2 errors in building...
[3 replies] Last: dev200 is also using VC6 (from his other post where he neglected to sa... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
by SeBeQ
global vars in DLL
Hi I have some code: #ifndef __MAIN_H__ #define __MAIN_H__ #include <windows.h> /* To use this exported function of dll, include this header * in...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks very much!! It's working!! (by SeBeQ)
Simple graphics display?
Hey all, I was just wondering what easiest way to approach this problem might be. I need to open a window, say 500 x 500 pixels large, with each pixel turnin...
[2 replies] Last: Well, your description can be fulfilled by a simple window 500 x 500 t... (by webJose)
HBRUSH problem
here is the code with the problem. winClass.hbrBackground = GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH); the equal sign says... Error: a value of type "HGDIOBJ" cannot be...
[6 replies] Last: I just needed the typecase and the menu. Someone else told me a while ... (by nano511)
How to handle message of multiple keys pressed
I know the title may be a little bit confusing but what i want to do is to make the program do something when the user presses for eg. alt + F4 how do i go abou...
[2 replies] Last: The best way is to use accelerators -- (by Lamblion)
Visual C++ Won't Start
When I started to create my first C++ visual program ever, when I opened the form1.h file from the solution explorer sidebar, I got a message that told me I had...
[3 replies] Last: The form1.h is just one of the program files that is created when you ... (by superblackman252)
2 small errors in my Second Win32 Project
Here are the errors 1>------ Rebuild All started: Project: Win32 Projects, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------ 1> WinMain.cpp 1>c:\users\david\documents\vi...
[4 replies] Last: Okay now the equal sign under winClass.hbrBackground = GetStockObjec... (by nano511)
Simple A/V Playback?
I was wondering how to code a simple executable that would incorporate a "play" button that would play a single video and then close. Any help?
[2 replies] Last: Preferably windows, however, linux is also an option as I run a dualbo... (by jstndrn)
by SpreX
friend ostream in template
Can somebody tell me why this doesn't work? #include <iostream> using namespace std; const int DefaultSize=10; class xBoundary {}; template <class T> c...
[2 replies] Last: Yes, It also worked when I deleted 24th line so then ostream function ... (by SpreX)
How to make multiple windows??
The excersise wants me to create three windows at the same time. How would i do this? Would i just copy and paste the code but replace WndProc with WndProc1, Wn...
[5 replies] Last: If you want to create multiple windows based on the same window proced... (by kaije)
Restoring Encrypted files from raw backup
Hi All, I am trying to restore encrypted files from raw backup of a volume. i am able to restore other files using MFT. In case of Encrypted file also i am a...
[no replies]
by vivmen
Using SQL Binary field
Hi all i want to read a file through iostream into buffer & put the file in to database the table is like below name varchar(50) data varbinary(MAX) ...
[no replies]
MessageBox Exercise help
The exercise is to make a piece of code make a message box come up asking if the user wants to exit if escape is pressed. Here is my code: case WM_KEYD...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks that did the trick ;) (by nano511)
A question about ADO programming
Is there any way of capturing the buffer of a entire row instead of it's individual fields while accessing the data contained in a RecordSet object after runnin...
[no replies]
New to windows programming.
Hi Everyone, I am totally new to C++, Windows programming. I am good at C++, Unix/Linux programming, however I am a novice when it comes to windows programmi...
[10 replies] Last: FYI, Windows via C/C++ 5th Edition by Jeffrey Richter is a good follo... (by Lamblion)
how to get server ip address of Dial-up connection established using rasdial c++
Hii All, i am able to establish the connection using rasdail command in c++ program. i am using system("rasdial.exe temp > output.txt"); --> temp is th...
[no replies]
AlphaBlend()! I am hating it.
If anyone is interested, I am struggling with AlphaBlend(). It is not respecting the SourceConstantAlpha value I am giving it. Full explanation here: http://...
[1 reply] : Ok. FINALLY! Integer division when I wanted floating point division. (by webJose)
Different size of labels on different PC
Hi guys, I did post my question on QTs forum but did not get answear. Im writing program by using QT library but in c++, for one guy to keep record of his cus...
[2 replies] Last: Hi thanks but I was saying that in QT forum no reply... So just lookin... (by zdenekkrejci)
Getting list of running processes
Hi all! I'm trying to get a list of running processes. below is my code. // Get the list of process identifiers. DWORD aProcesses , cbNeeded, cPr...
[5 replies] Last: lulul srry for bothering u guys i just had problems with unicode :(( (by Breadman)
June 2011 Pages: 123... 8
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